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‘The stepchildren:’ Community colleges struggle to fund buildings for growing workforce programs



BOONEVILLE — Northeast Mississippi Community College was running out of space, so after years of saving, it bought an empty furniture warehouse five minutes outside this small town.

The plan is to fill the 350,000 square feet with the college’s growing career-technical education programs, setting up everything from classrooms, labs and offices to conference space that could support economic development in the five rural counties that comprise the northeastern-most state lines of Mississippi.

“I can see it in my mind,” said Chris Murphy, the college’s vice president of finance, standing in the mostly empty warehouse on a recent Thursday.

Chris Murphy, NEMCC’s vice president of finance, discusses plans for an empty furniture warehouse the college hopes to turn into a hub for its career-technical programs on March 28, 2024. Credit: Molly Minta/Mississippi Today

Two years later, the warehouse is still mostly empty. In the cavernous space, there are ant hills next to cardboard boxes belonging to a tenant whose business helped the college pay off the building’s roughly $3 million note (the total cost was about $7 million). Outside, weeds poke through the cracked pavement.

Without help affording at least half of the estimated $15 million in renovations, the warehouse will stay that way, Murphy said.

Until then, the community college and its students will make do with the current career-technical facilities, housed in decades-old brick buildings on the main campus, where conditions are moldy, grimy, cluttered and water-damaged.

Though $15 million may not sound like much, it’s a big ask for the state’s historically neglected community college system. And NEMCC isn’t alone: Many community colleges across the state are struggling with unmet needs, especially on the infrastructure side, even though lawmakers have drawn from the state’s excess revenue to provide what may be more funding than ever before.

Not every college has benefited equally. Though all 15 schools have received routine funds for new buildings, repairs or renovations, some colleges have gotten additional appropriations for line-item projects while others, including NEMCC, have not.

Lawmakers acknowledged this disparity earlier this year and said they are working to fix it.

“I want to make sure that I keep the big boys happy, and they get their fair share, but just, also … we’ve got to do something for the smaller community colleges to keep them afloat,” said Rep. Donnie Scoggin, R-Ellisville, chair of the House Colleges and Universities Committee during an appropriations hearing earlier this year.

But it may not be enough to correct for years of paltry funding. Mississippi has historically used bonds to fund capital projects for state entities. In 2021, the most recent year lawmakers gave out bonds, the entire 15-college system received $35 million, according to the Mississippi Community College Board.

That’s about the highest amount ever received in bonds by the community college system. And yet, the eight universities got more than $86 million in bonds that year, despite educating more students.

A tenant helped NEMCC pay off its $3.2 million note on the furniture warehouse the college plans to turn into a career-technical center. Credit: Molly Minta/Mississippi Today

For community colleges tasked with shepherding the state’s ambitious workforce development programs, the meager funding means they’re educating students in facilities that are falling behind the conditions of private industry.

“The idea that working in a factory is dark, dangerous, dingy is not true,” said Greg James, NEMCC’s director of workforce systems. Students “need to see the environment they’re gonna be working in.”

“I don’t think I need new equipment anytime soon,” he added. “I need buildings to put it in.”

On the third floor of the William L. Waller Technical Center, in the culinary arts classroom, grease stains the ceiling tiles.

Dead ladybugs line the windows, which aren’t insulated. A wide refrigerator is broken; another fridge can’t get cold enough. A sink in the back galley is out of commission, the pipes rusting and broken. One time in recent years, water leaked through the floor onto computers in the office below.

Grease stains on the ceiling of NEMCC’s culinary arts lab on March 28, 2024. Credit: Molly Minta/Mississippi Today

Other career-tech classes are in brick buildings with flat roofs prone to leaking. In a classroom with dead cockroaches and chalkboards, air-compressor equipment is squished together in rows that don’t resemble a factory. In an industrial lab, a basin sink is covered in grime, and the door to the nearby tool room is metal.

“That looks like a prison to me,” said Nadara Cole, NEMCC’s vice president for workforce training and economic development. But, she joked, at least the leather-and-chrome chairs the college can’t afford to replace are back in style.

Cole is getting ready to retire. She’s worked at NEMCC since the early 1990s, and in that time, the college has been unable to build any new career-tech facilities. The existing buildings, which she said were all constructed during an older push for vocational programs in the 1960s, are almost as old as she is.

A grimy sink in one of NEMCC’s industrial lab. Credit: Molly Minta/Mississippi Today

All the community colleges struggle with funding. With roughly 90,000 students, the community colleges educate more students than Mississippi’s public universities, but they are expected to do so with lower tuition and less state appropriations. 

This imbalance, Cole and others say, is directly reflected in the way the community colleges look which, in turn, affects recruitment. Students who tour NEMCC sometimes come from high schools that are in better shape, she said.

“It’s subliminally telling them, ‘you’re the stepchildren,’” Cole said.

“That is the image we sometimes feel we are projecting because we don’t look as nice,” she added.

The 15 community colleges received $396 million in operational support and capital funding last year, compared to the more than $1.1 billion appropriation for the eight universities, a figure that doesn’t include state financial aid.

It’s not a recent phenomenon: From 1989 to 2021, the community colleges have received one-third the bond funds the universities have, according to figures compiled by MCCB. This means capital projects at the colleges move slower, because they must wait years to accumulate enough bonds, all while the cost of construction increases with inflation.

Kell Smith, the MCCB director, said he doesn’t know why lawmakers don’t appropriate an equitable amount of bonds to the colleges, except possibly because state laws require counties within a community college district to provide additional tax revenue for the “enlargement, improvement and repair” of the campuses.

“I hate to say that’s the way it’s always been,” Smith said.

People are growing more skeptical about the value of higher education. More rural residents are graduating from high school, but people in those communities remain less likely than their suburban and urban peers to continue their education. This 10-part series from the Rural News Network, made possible with support from Ascendium, explores how institutions and students are meeting their educational needs and the demands of today’s rural workforce.

For rural colleges like NEMCC that don’t have the tax base of a Tupelo or DeSoto County, this means they don’t have significant funding alternatives when state appropriations are low. NEMCC is located in Prentiss County, where nearly 17% of its population of less than 25,000 lives below the poverty line.

NEMCC gets about $4 million a year from millage from its five counties, Murphy said.

The formula that lawmakers use for routine appropriations for repairs and renovations also poses another funding ceiling for rural colleges. Last year, lawmakers appropriated $50 million such funds based on a formula that is one-half evenly split among the colleges and one-half full-time equivalent enrollment, meaning colleges got more money if they had more students.

With about 2,500 students, NEMCC isn’t the smallest colleges in Mississippi, but it can’t compete with ones that draw enrollment from the state’s metro areas.

Mattox points out a part of the wall that is peeling near NEMCC’s culinary arts program. Credit: Molly Minta/Mississipp[ Today

Jason Mattox, the associate vice president for career and technical education, said NEMCC receives federal funds for career-tech programs, but the amount is too small to address all the equipment issues in any given year. The money is also shared with the college’s health science programs.

Without newer facilities, the stigma associated with career-tech education will continue to kneecap the programs, Mattox said.

“It’s dirty, it’s greasy, it’s what we call the ol’ vo-techs,” Mattox said. “In reality, we’re not that way at all. We’re training students for highly technical, high-demand jobs, and we need facilities that replicate what students should see when they get out into the working industry.”

The difference is noticeable, said Cole Thacker, a 24-year-old culinary arts triple major who worked in restaurants before enrolling at NEMCC.

Rusted pipes and a vacuum sit under a sink that has been unusable for years in NEMCC’s culinary arts lab on March 28, 2024. Credit: Molly Minta/Mississippi Today

The kitchen is so small, he’s burned himself trying to prevent hot pans from touching other students. Because there are not enough stand mixers, he’s had to wait for his turn hours after class to finish assignments. The fridges have ruined his classmates’ projects, making it harder to learn advanced techniques like mirror glazing.

Thacker views this program as an investment in his future; he hopes to work at Disney World after he graduates in 2026. Going directly into the restaurant industry could only take him so far, he said.

“I tried to climb my way up, and I found out you can only climb so high without knowing … fundamental stuff that usually isn’t discussed in the professional environment,” he said.

What’s new stands out even more in NEMCC’s outdated precision manufacturing and machining technology lab.

Toward the back of the shop are gray-and-white automated machines. They’re brand new — not to mention expensive, costing a total of $816,000. They can be used to cut material into a range of shapes to be used in the manufacturing process for anything from car parts to surgical implants. This skill set is so desirable that NEMCC’s programs have helped attract major defense contractors and international companies like Toyota to the area.

NEMCCs new precision manufacturing machines sit a few feet away from a wall with visible water damage. Credit: Molly Minta/Mississipp[ Today

“The sky’s the limit,” said Jonathan Shaw, an instructor in the program.

It’s also something Shaw thinks about more than he should have to. When it rains, the ceiling leaks. The location of the five machines, Shaw said, was strategic. Still, the machines are just a few feet from a wall that he said contains a “splashing risk.”

The morning a Mississippi Today reporter visited the lab, Shaw had to vacuum up water that pooled on the floor. It’s what he signed up for when he decided to become a teacher, taking a $40,000 pay cut because he wanted to pass on the skills he’d learned to others.

Jonathan Shaw, a precision manufacturing instructor, shows photos he’s taken of water pooling on the lab floor on March 28, 2024. Credit: Molly Minta/Mississippi Today

When it comes to requesting state funds for capital improvements, the community colleges are often on their own, according to interviews with state and local college officials. Unlike the state’s public universities, which are under the umbrella of the Institutions of Higher Learning, the community colleges operate more autonomously, with individual governing boards. MCCB supports the college’s requests but isn’t involved in crafting them.

Mississippi’s workforce development office, called Accelerate MS, is a source of funding for programs and equipment — they helped NEMCC get the new machines. While brick-and-mortar projects aren’t Accelerate’s main focus, the office has acted as a pass-through for construction projects that lawmakers funded with federal pandemic money, said Courtney Taylor, its new director.

Last year, those funds went to community colleges, Taylor said, and the year before that, $20 million went to the private William Carey University for a new primary care institute.

“Building buildings is very different than building people,” she said.

Smith said he doesn’t know the scope of deferred maintenance at the colleges, and that the Department of Finance and Administration Bureau of Buildings would have that information. The colleges do provide a 5-year capital plan to MCCB, Smith added, that shows $131 million in repair-and-renovation needs for the upcoming fiscal year.

Tiles peeling in NEMCC’s precision manufacturing lab on March 28, 2024. Credit: Molly Minta/Mississipp[ Today

What can end up happening is the colleges, like other public entities, receive funds based on how powerful their local delegation is.

“Our legislators, they do what they say, but we’re one little corner of the whole state,” Cole said.

At the same time, Cole said she isn’t blaming lawmakers for NEMCC’s needs.

“There’s just not enough funds to do everything we need to do,” she said. “We’re a poor state. I get it. We can’t depend on just the state, although that is where a lot of it is going to come from.”

That mentality also leads state agencies like MCCB to craft budget requests based on what they believe lawmakers will fund. According to a 2007 law, community colleges are supposed to receive “mid-level funding,” an amount in-between the budgets of K-12 and IHL. But lawmakers have never done that, so MCCB stopped asking for it on behalf of the colleges.

“What the statute required us to request was such a high amount that we knew this is not reasonable, this is something we can expect to get,” Smith said.

There’s also a lack of transparency in how funding decisions are made. Though Smith regularly talks with “budget writers” — lawmakers on the appropriations committees — he couldn’t tell Mississippi Today how they decide what to fund other than the state has finite resources.

And two college presidents whose schools have not received as much state support as others declined to talk with Mississippi Today for this story. The presidents of Copiah-Lincoln Community College and East Central Community College said they did not have time for an interview.

At Mississippi Delta Community College, the law enforcement training academy is struggling with mold and a roof that’s falling in, lawmakers learned during the House appropriations committee earlier this year. Tyrone Jackson, the president, said he wouldn’t talk with Mississippi Today for this article because the colleges advocate with one voice during the session.

But the college’s don’t receive state funding as one.

Water damage on the ceiling in Brian Warren’s classroom on March 28, 2024. Credit: Molly Minta/Mississippi Today

In NEMCC’s industrial maintenance classroom, instructor Brian Warren demonstrated how to cut dice while trying not to sweat. The air compressor in the decades-old building’s AC blew out that morning.

What really gets to Warren — who, like Shaw, took a roughly $40,000 pay cut for this job — is the lack of space.

One day, he hopes he will finally have a shop large enough to teach students how to work with a manufacturing robot, donated by a nearby Toyota supplier, that has been sitting wrapped in plastic for four years because he doesn’t have enough space to safely use it.

A robot that was donated to NEMCC has been sitting unused in Brian Warren’s classroom for four years because there is not enough space to safely train students on it. Credit: Molly Minta/Mississippi Today

Local business and economic development leaders who make up NEMCC’s workforce council met in a classroom last week, sitting in classroom desks next to mannequins prone on stretchers. An arcade-game-like simulator to teach truck driving sat in the corner.

James, the workforce systems director, asked the council for feedback on what NEMCC could be doing to help local employers find qualified workers. If NEMCC can secure funding, the council would likely meet in the renovated furniture warehouse, in a grander space befitting the group’s ambitions.

Greg James, NEMCC’s workforce systems director, leads a workforce council meeting on March 28, 2024. Credit: Molly Minta/Mississipp[ Today

“Are we working on something you think is a waste of time?” James asked the group.

One person suggested NEMCC should offer a lineman class. Several people said they wanted to see NEMCC teach common sense skills, from a work ethic to how to read a clock and use a tape measure. Leon Hays, the executive director of the Prentiss County Development Association, added that “getting a diploma doesn’t give you life skills.”

Rusty Berryhill, the president of a furniture company in Union County and a past chairman of the Mississippi Manufacturers Association, said NEMCC should consider creating a distribution list for employers of recent graduates, an idea that generated a lot of interest.

Then Forrest Bryan, an ecosystem coordinator from Accelerate MS, invited members of the council to a roundtable discussion with industry, not lawmakers or nonprofits, about funding opportunities.

NEMCC’s workforce council meets into a classroom next to mannequins and a truck driving simulator on March 28, 2024. Credit: Molly Minta/Mississippi Today

“If we’re not listening to industry, we’re not listening to the people who really matter, okay?” Bryan said. “Politicians really don’t matter. I mean, obviously they matter, but they have their place over there. So the industry leaders and the industry needs are what we are wanting to address at this particular discussion.”

“Somebody should shout, ‘Amen!’” Taylor, NEMCC’s finance person, said, tapping Mattox on the shoulder.

The council’s next stop after the meeting was to tour a brand new robotics lab the college did up itself with painted floors and new lighting.

Before checking out the new classroom, Berryhill paid NEMCC a compliment, saying the college was working hard to be beneficial to local industry. He recently hired one NEMCC graduate at his small company, where he employs less than 125 people, and is employing another NEMCC student part-time.

But are lawmakers appropriating enough to help the college sustain its programs?

The workforce council toured a classroom that NEMCC recently transformed with paint and new lights on March 28, 2024. Credit: Molly Minta/Mississippi Today

“I’m not answering that,” Berryhill responded. He later said he felt like it wasn’t his place to comment on funding matters, because he doesn’t want lawmakers to feel criticized for appropriating too little or make them think they are giving too much, adding “it’s a no-win situation on my part to answer that question.”

Murphy said he thinks lawmakers support Mississippi’s community colleges — they just need to know how. By purchasing the furniture warehouse, NEMCC made a commitment to help citizens in its five-county region, an area where the free-trade agreements of the 1990s led the economy to suffer.

“We need the Legislature behind us,” Murphy said. “I think they are, especially on the workforce equipment and program side. But we need help on the capital side as well.”

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Proposed legislation aims to protect Mississippi River fisheries


on – Elise Plunk, Louisiana Illuminator – 2025-03-06 15:45:00

Proposed legislation aims to protect Mississippi River fisheries

A new congressional bill aims to improve fisheries and environmental quality in the Mississippi River basin with a federally funded commission.

“This is a bill that’s way past its due,” said U.S. Rep. Troy Carter Sr. D-Louisiana, who is co-sponsoring the Mississippi River Basin Fishery Commission Act of 2025 with U.S. Rep. Mike Ezell R-Mississippi. It was introduced Feb. 24 in the House Committee on Natural Resources. 

The goal is to fund grants for habitat restoration, fisheries research and the mitigation of invasive species. 

It aims to support the growth of the fishing industry throughout the basin, as well as reinforce partnerships between local, state and federal agencies involved in the management of the river and its tributaries. The commission would be federally funded, and draw down on federal dollars to support restoration projects and fisheries management. 

“The Mississippi, a mighty, mighty estuary, is not only a major tool for moving commerce back and forth, but it’s also a place where people make a living, fishing on the river,” Carter said. “This bill endeavors to make sure that we are protecting that asset.”

While commercial fishing has declined in recent decades, and updated research is necessary to establish the exact value of recreational, commercial and subsistence fishing in the Mississippi River, one study valued it as a billion dollar industry.

“The Mississippi River Basin is not just a geographical feature — it’s the backbone of our economy, a provider of jobs, and a sanctuary for our nation’s anglers and wildlife,” Ezell said in a news release. “This commission will ensure we’re taking a proactive approach to conservation, management, and sustainability, securing this resource for generations to come. Healthy fisheries mean a stronger economy and better opportunities for those who depend on the river for their livelihoods. This is about securing our natural resources while supporting hardworking families.” 

The river has long faced challenges, such as industrial and agricultural pollution, habitat destruction and prolific spread of invasive species. Part of the difficulty in addressing these problems comes from the sheer size of the basin, with its geography covering over a third of the continental United States. 

“For decades, states have struggled to find dedicated resources to adequately manage large river species that cross many state, federal, and tribal jurisdictions,” Ben Batten, deputy director of Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and chair of the Mississippi Interstate Cooperative Resource Association, said in a press release. 

Large river species, such as invasive carp, are a problem the new commission would address, building on the work of the interstate cooperative, a multistate, multi-agency organization formed in 1991 that has focused on reducing invasives. The four varieties of carp originating from Asia – silver carp, black carp, grass carp and bighead carp – have spread at alarming rates and harm existing fisheries. 

Communication amongst the numerous jurisdictions in the basin —  states, cities, towns and tribal entities — can be difficult. Collaborative groups encourage more cohesive policy between basin states, such as the Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative and the Upper Mississippi River Basin Association, and there have been efforts to pass a river compact. 

The United States and Canada share a partnership through the Great Lakes Fishery Commission. The Mississippi River Basin Fishery Commission would be part of the Department of the Interior, and include other agencies, like the U.S. Geological Survey, Fish and Wildlife Service and Army Corps of Engineers. 

Due in large part to a lack of standardized testing, and often limited resources, health experts and government agencies often offer conflicting advice as to whether fish from the Mississippi River are safe to eat. Fish advisories warning against consumption of fish in one area may not exist in neighboring states, varying from one side of the river to the other. 

The bill authors request $1 million to launch the commission in 2026, then $30 million each year for the following three years

While many fish the Mississippi River for sport rather than to eat, some rely on the river as a source of food

General health advice for eating fish caught from the Mississippi does exist, such as throwing back the biggest and fattiest fish, washing them before fileting, and broiling or grilling the catch to avoid certain pollutants. 

Halle Parker and Mississippi Today contributed to this story. This story is a product of the Mississippi River Basin Ag & Water Desk, an independent reporting network based at the University of Missouri in partnership with Report for America, with major funding from the Walton Family Foundation.

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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The 19th Explains: What parents need to know about the measles vaccine


on – Barbara Rodriguez, The 19th – 2025-03-06 15:00:00

The 19th Explains: What parents need to know about the measles vaccine

This story was originally reported by Barbara Rodriguez of The 19th. Meet Barbara and read more of their reporting on gender, politics and policy.

A measles outbreak involving more than 150 infected people in Texas has put a spotlight on the role of vaccines in treating preventable diseases — especially as childhood vaccination rates have declined for several years. A school-aged child who was not vaccinated and had no known underlying conditions died from the outbreak, according to Texas health officials.

Parents and caregivers, in particular mothers, make important health decisions for their families.  Though it can impact people of different ages, measles is considered a childhood disease and unvaccinated children under 5 years old are among those who are most at risk for severe illness. Here’s what parents need to know about measles and vaccines.

What is measles? How serious is it?

Measles is a highly contagious airborne disease that spreads when an infected person breathes, coughs or sneezes. If you do not have immune protection from measles and you come into contact with a person who has been infected — or even if you enter a room where an infected person was in the previous two hours — it is highly likely you will get infected.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, symptoms for measles include:

  • fever
  • cough
  • runny nose
  • red, watery eyes
  • a skin rash

Measles can make people very sick: 1 in 20 people get pneumonia; 1 to 3 in 1,000 people get brain swelling (encephalitis); and 1 in 1,000 people die. Children who are infected with measles typically stay home from school. And since symptoms can emerge over several weeks, parents could be out of work for a prolonged period of time to care for their child and keep them in isolation.

The recent death of a child who was infected with measles in Texas is the first measles death in the United States in a decade and the first measles death involving a child since 2003.

Boxes and vials of the Measles, Mumps, Rubella Virus Vaccine at a vaccine clinic put on by Lubbock Public Health Department.
Routine childhood vaccination provides 97 percent protection from measles through the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine.
(Jan Sonnenmair/Getty Images)

How do you prevent measles?

Vaccination is the key to measles prevention. Routine childhood vaccination provides 97 percent protection from measles through the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Following the childhood vaccination schedule, which is reviewed by multiple medical organizations, helps prevent hospitalization, long-term injuries and death.

Because the disease is so contagious, community protection from measles requires at least 95 percent immunity to prevent outbreaks.

How often do measles outbreaks happen in the United States?

The widespread use of vaccines has meant that measles has not been common in the United States — so much so that it was declared eliminated from the country in 2000.

That has changed as parents increasingly decline to vaccinate their children, with emerging instances of measles outbreaks, which involve three or more cases. In 2019, there was an uptick in measles cases, with a major outbreak reported in New York. In 2023, there were four outbreaks. In 2024, there were 16 outbreaks. Three months into 2025, there have been three outbreaks reported.

Measles still regularly occurs in many parts of the world, said Dr. Lori Handy, associate director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. There has always been a risk that an unvaccinated child in the United States could be infected with measles from an international traveler who enters the United States. But the risk is greater now amid lower vaccination rates in kindergarten-age children.

“As a parent, it’s important to update that framework — that this is no longer the rare, ‘international traveler brings measles back home to a highly vaccinated country.’ This is now people within our own country have measles, and we have an under-vaccinated population, and so we are likely to see more spread in more regions,” she said.

I am vaccinating my child according to the childhood vaccination schedule. How worried should I be about outbreaks?

It depends on the age of your child and whether they are old enough to get the MMR vaccine. The first dose is administered between 12 and 15 months old and is 93 percent effective against measles. The second dose, which is administered between 4 and 6 years old, can add an additional 4 percent of immunity.

If you and your family are fully vaccinated, you can go about your routine activities, according to Handy. If you are vaccinated but you have a young child who is not old enough to receive an MMR shot, you should make sure that the people around the child are vaccinated. People transmit measles to other people only when they are showing symptoms of the viral infection.

“A fully vaccinated parent has a very, very low risk of getting infected with the measles

virus, and therefore should not be a risk to their infant,” Dr. John Swartzberg, clinical professor emeritus at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health, said in an email.

It is important to be aware of outbreaks in your region. Handy said if you live in an outbreak area, be very cautious about bringing a young child who is not yet vaccinated to crowds — or avoid it if at all possible. If you find out your child has been exposed, immediately call their pediatrician to learn about post-exposure care that can be taken to prevent infection.

At a community level, ensure your friends and family are aware of outbreaks and the importance of vaccination to protect themselves, their children and their community.

A parent reads a book about immunizations with their child at a vaccine clinic.
A parent reads a book about immunizations with their child at a vaccine clinic hosted by the Lubbock Public Health Department in Lubbock, Texas.
(Jan Sonnenmair/Getty Images)

Can my child receive an MMR shot early?

Some children who are traveling abroad can get an MMR shot as early as six months old, but it could still require two doses later. Parents should consult their pediatrician.

Handy added that there can be unusual circumstances; she gave the example of a parent with an 11-month-old traveling into a state or region with an outbreak for a social event like a wedding. That child is on the cusp of being old enough to receive the first dose of the MMR vaccine and may be able to get the shot early even though they’re not traveling abroad.

“That’s kind of the one-on-one conversation families will have to have with their care provider,” she said.

Swartzberg said that the most important thing a parent can do is make sure everyone who lives in or visits their home is vaccinated against measles.

“If someone is ill with a respiratory infection in the household, they should wear an N95

mask and stay away from the infant,” he added.

Children who have received their first MMR shot can receive the second as early as 28 days after the first dose, which may be the best option for people who live in or travel to outbreak areas or are traveling internationally. Handy said a second MMR dose helps individuals who may not have responded to the first dose. About 7 out of 100 people do not become immune after one dose; the second dose brings this down to 3 out of 100.

Handy again recommends that parents talk to their pediatricians about the best course of action. 

“Related to the immunization schedule, I think the most practical information that people should have is that the way it’s designed right now is to give your child the best protection at the earliest time we can safely give vaccines. And with that in mind, deviation from that should be the exception,” she said.

I’m an adult but I’m not sure about my vaccination status. How can I check if I’ve had the measles vaccine?

If you were born before 1957, you have immunity due to the natural spread occurring then. If you were born after 1957 and have access to your records, check these. Most individuals vaccinated after that time will be protected except for a group of people who received a certain type of vaccine prior to 1968. If you do not have access to your records, you can ask your doctor to check your immunity through bloodwork to see if you need a dose of the vaccine.

The MMR vaccine gives long-lasting protection. No booster is needed, including for parents of young children, said Dr. William Schaffner of Vanderbilt University.

“The vaccine is extraordinarily effective,” he said.

I’m pregnant. What should I know about measles? 

To date, most adults have received the MMR vaccine. A person who did not get the vaccine during childhood should make a plan to get it before they become pregnant by at least a month. If they do not, they should wait until after their pregnancy because the MMR vaccine is a live virus vaccine.

A tray of the MMR vaccine is seen at a vaccine clinic.
Children get the first MMR dose at 12-15 months (93% effective) and the second at 4-6 years, boosting immunity to 97%.
(Jan Sonnenmair/Getty Images)

Amid the declining rates of childhood vaccination and the measles outbreak, how should I discuss this topic with my family, friends and community if I’m not sure about their vaccination status?

Handy said that while she hopes parents and others make decisions about vaccination based on the science and one-on-one conversations with their health care providers, she knows people can be convinced to get vaccines because of their social groups. She encourages parents to have honest conversations with fellow parents.

“Help people realize, ‘This is important to me. This is what I do,’” she said. “A lot of people have a lot of questions, and they kind of want to understand what’s socially normal here.”

Handy said parents can also direct fellow parents to medical professionals.

“Recommend they talk with their health care provider to figure out, ‘Where’d you get that information? And how is that helping or potentially harming your child?’” she said. “Because your health care provider is keeping up on all of the science behind vaccines and kind of can help with myths or questions.”

Schaffner also encouraged open conversations between parents, particularly those having play dates. His biggest concern is in outbreak regions for now.

“You’re entitled to ask those other moms or dads, for that matter: ‘If your Susie wants to play with my Johnny, is your Susie vaccinated?’” he said.

Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a history of anti-vaccine activism that came up during his Senate confirmation hearings What has he said about the outbreak?

Kennedy’s political ascension as a one-time presidential candidate and now as the head of the federal health department comes from a platform of promising to “Make America Healthy Again” through policy that purports to address children’s health issues. The messaging has resonated with some parents, while others are skeptical given Kennedy’s lack of formal medical and science training and years of anti-vaccine activism.

During his first public remarks on the Texas outbreak, Kennedy said measles outbreaks are “not unusual” — a description that drew criticism from some health experts because the number of cases related to this outbreak is particularly high. Kennedy also did not mention vaccination.

A few days later, Kennedy posted an op-ed where he more clearly acknowledged the severity of the outbreak and the need for vaccination.

“Parents play a pivotal role in safeguarding their children’s health. All parents should consult with their healthcare providers to understand their options to get the MMR vaccine. The decision to vaccinate is a personal one. Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.”

There is a lot of information being shared online about vaccines. Where can I get factual information?

Handy recommended that parents review information available on the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, which provides information on vaccine science, including its safety. She also noted the American Academy of Pediatrics has guides on vaccination, as does the American Academy of Family Physicians.
“Parents can look to those sites and see, where are those organizations potentially diverging from some other messaging in MAHA?” she said. “We really should be looking to those who have spent decades, if not centuries, protecting children and rely on that information.”

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Mississippi Today

Latest Mississippi inmate to flee prison is another repeat escapee


on – Mina Corpuz – 2025-03-06 14:34:00

Weeks after the escape of two men from separate Mississippi prisons, the search continues for a 71-year-old man convicted of capital murder who escaped the Mississippi State Penitentiary earlier in the week. 

Nevin Whetstone, who is serving life for the 1983 murder of Loretta Darlene Steele in Lee County, was last seen Tuesday, prison officials said. 

This is not the first time he has escaped incarceration. Whetstone received a one-year sentence for escaping from the Sunflower County Jail. He also tried to escape Parchman in 1988 with another man by climbing a fence behind a reception unit, according to the Associated Press. 

A spokesperson for the Mississippi Department of Corrections declined to comment Wednesday about details of how Whetstone escaped, how prison staff discovered his absence and whether a lack of staffing was a contributing factor. 

Staffing has been a problem at Parchman and across the state’s prisons for years. The agency’s 2023 annual report, the most recent published online, lists 275 filled security positions at Parchman, but 430 positions are authorized. That resulted in an inmate to staff ratio of 8.6. 

Whetstone has been in prison since 1984 after pleading guilty. Because he was sentenced before July 1994, his life sentence is parole eligible. 

In 2023, he was denied parole and given five years before he can be considered again, in 2028, according to an advocate who has worked with him. To date, Whetstone has been denied parole at least eight times. An MDOC spokesperson did not confirm whether Whetstone is parole eligible. 

Whetstone has been housed in Unit 31, Parchman’s medical unit, according to prison records. The advocate added that he has used a walker, which an MDOC spokesperson declined to comment about. 

Whetstone’s escape comes months after at least two prison escapes in December.  

On Christmas Eve, Drew Johnson escaped the South Mississippi Correctional Facility and was found a day later in Greene County. The 33-year-old is serving a life sentence for murder, and after the escape he was moved to Walnut Grove Correctional Facility. 

Gregory Trigg, sentenced to 61 years on nine counts including armed robbery, kidnapping and burglary committed in the Jackson metro area, escaped Parchman Dec. 9 and was found days later in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The 46-year-old was returned to prison and moved to Walnut Grove. 

This year, a bill has been proposed to require local law enforcement and the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation to be immediately notified about any prison or jail escape and once the person is apprehended. The legislation awaits a vote by the Senate. 

In the past decade, there have been at least 50 people in MDOC prisons and assigned to community work and restitution centers who have escaped, with a majority returned to custody afterward. About half of those escapes have been since 2020. 

Whetstone is among those who have escaped Mississippi prisons more than once. 

Trigg, who escaped last year, previously escaped from the Scott County Jail in 2017 while he was being held there on a court order, according to a MDOC news release from the time. 

Former Parchman inmate Ryan Young, who fled from court in Meridian in December 2023, was arrested five days later in Texas. 

He previously escaped the prison in 2017 with James Sanders. Young was found in Mound Bayou and Sanders was arrested in Arkansas. Not long after their return to prison, Sanders was moved to East Mississippi Correctional Facility, and Young went to Walnut Grove. 

Michael Wilson, who is serving a life sentence for nine charges including two murders, escaped SMCI in 2018 and was found a day later on the Coast. Years later in 2022, he escaped the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility and was found in Harrison County. His convictions are in Harrison and Jackson counties. 

“While understaffing has not been directly attributed to the July 5 escape, it could be a contributing factor that ultimately affects public safety,” MDOC said in a July 2018 statement following Wilson’s escape. 

“The department is committed to finding ways to address the understaffing problem, but until the wages, the necessary security positions are restored, and working conditions of the correctional officers improve, the state correctional system will continue to be at a disadvantage in carrying out its public safety mission.” 

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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