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Taxpayers spend 22% more per patient to support Medicare Advantage – the private alternative to Medicare that promised to cost less


on – Grace McCormack, Postdoctoral researcher of Health Policy and Economics, University of Southern California – 2024-11-26 07:38:00

Grace McCormack, University of Southern California and Erin Duffy, University of Southern California

Medicare Advantage – the commercial alternative to traditional Medicare – is drawing down federal health care funds, costing taxpayers an extra 22% per enrollee to the tune of US$83 billion a year.

Medicare Advantage, also known as Part C, was supposed to save the government money. The competition among private insurance companies, and with traditional Medicare, to manage patient care was meant to give insurance companies an incentive to find efficiencies. Instead, the program’s payment rules overpay insurance companies on the taxpayer’s dime.

We are health care policy experts who study Medicare, including how the structure of the Medicare payment system is, in the case of Medicare Advantage, working against taxpayers.

Medicare beneficiaries choose an insurance plan when they turn 65. Younger people can also become eligible for Medicare due to chronic conditions or disabilities. Beneficiaries have a variety of options, including the traditional Medicare program administered by the U.S. government, Medigap supplements to that program administered by private companies, and all-in-one Medicare Advantage plans administered by private companies.

Commercial Medicare Advantage plans are increasingly popular – over half of Medicare beneficiaries are enrolled in them, and this share continues to grow. People are attracted to these plans for their extra benefits and out-of-pocket spending limits. But due to a loophole in most states, enrolling in or switching to Medicare Advantage is effectively a one-way street. The Senate Finance Committee has also found that some plans have used deceptive, aggressive and potentially harmful sales and marketing tactics to increase enrollment.

Baked into the plan

Researchers have found that the overpayment to Medicare Advantage companies, which has grown over time, was, intentionally or not, baked into the Medicare Advantage payment system. Medicare Advantage plans are paid more for enrolling people who seem sicker, because these people typically use more care and so would be more expensive to cover in traditional Medicare.

However, differences in how people’s illnesses are recorded by Medicare Advantage plans causes enrollees to seem sicker and costlier on paper than they are in real life. This issue, alongside other adjustments to payments, leads to overpayment with taxpayer dollars to insurance companies.

Some of this extra money is spent to lower cost sharing, lower prescription drug premiums and increase supplemental benefits like vision and dental care. Though Medicare Advantage enrollees may like these benefits, funding them this way is expensive. For every extra dollar that taxpayers pay to Medicare Advantage companies, only roughly 50 to 60 cents goes to beneficiaries in the form of lower premiums or extra benefits.

As Medicare Advantage becomes increasingly expensive, the Medicare program continues to face funding challenges.

In our view, in order for Medicare to survive long term, Medicare Advantage reform is needed. The way the government pays the private insurers who administer Medicare Advantage plans, which may seem like a black box, is key to why the government overpays Medicare Advantage plans relative to traditional Medicare.

Paying Medicare Advantage

Private plans have been a part of the Medicare system since 1966 and have been paid through several different systems. They garnered only a very small share of enrollment until 2006.

The current Medicare Advantage payment system, implemented in 2006 and heavily reformed by the Affordable Care Act in 2010, had two policy goals. It was designed to encourage private plans to offer the same or better coverage than traditional Medicare at equal or lesser cost. And, to make sure beneficiaries would have multiple Medicare Advantage plans to choose from, the system was also designed to be profitable enough for insurers to entice them to offer multiple plans throughout the country.

To accomplish this, Medicare established benchmark estimates for each county. This benchmark calculation begins with an estimate of what the government-administered traditional Medicare plan would spend on the average county resident. This value is adjusted based on several factors, including enrollee location and plan quality ratings, to give each plan its own benchmark.

Medicare Advantage plans then submit bids, or estimates, of what they expect their plans to spend on the average county enrollee. If a plan’s spending estimate is above the benchmark, enrollees pay the difference as a Part C premium.

Most plans’ spending estimates are below the benchmark, however, meaning they project that the plans will provide coverage that is equivalent to traditional Medicare at a lower cost than the benchmark. These plans don’t charge patients a Part C premium. Instead, they receive a portion of the difference between their spending estimate and the benchmark as a rebate that they are supposed to pass on to their enrollees as extras, like reductions in cost-sharing, lower prescription drug premiums and supplemental benefits.

Finally, in a process known as risk adjustment, Medicare payments to Medicare Advantage health plans are adjusted based on the health of their enrollees. The plans are paid more for enrollees who seem sicker.

Two sets of stacked boxes sit below a vertical bar labeled Risk-Adjusted Benchmark. A vertical line bisecting the boxes is labelled what Medicare would actually spend on an enrollee in traditional Medicare

The government pays Medicare Advantage plans based on Medicare’s cost estimates for a given county. The benchmark is an estimate from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services of what it would cost to cover an average county enrollee in traditional Medicare, plus adjustments including quartile payments and quality bonuses. The risk-adjusted benchmark also takes into consideration an enrollee’s health.

Samantha Randall at USC, CC BY-ND

Theory versus reality

In theory, this payment system should save the Medicare system money because the risk-adjusted benchmark that Medicare estimates for each plan should run, on average, equal to what Medicare would actually spend on a plan’s enrollees if they had enrolled in traditional Medicare instead.

In reality, the risk-adjusted benchmark estimates are far above traditional Medicare costs. This causes Medicare – really, taxpayers – to spend more for each person who is enrolled in Medicare Advantage than if that person had enrolled in traditional Medicare.

Why are payment estimates so high? There are two main culprits: benchmark modifications designed to encourage Medicare Advantage plan availability, and risk adjustments that overestimate how sick Medicare Advantage enrollees are.

Two sets of stacked boxes with dotted arrows on the left side of each labeled Medicare Advantage Plan Bid sit below vertical bars labeled Benchmark and Risk-Adjusted Benchmark.

High risk-adjusted benchmarks lead to overpayments from the government to the private companies that administer Medicare Advantage plans.

Samantha Randall at USC, CC BY-ND

Benchmark modifications

Since the current Medicare Advantage payment system started in 2006, policymaker modifications have made Medicare’s benchmark estimates less tied to what the plan spends on each enrollee.

In 2012, as part of the Affordable Care Act, Medicare Advantage benchmark estimates received another layer: “quartile adjustments.” These made the benchmark estimates, and therefore payments to Medicare Advantage companies, higher in areas with low traditional Medicare spending and lower in areas with high traditional Medicare spending. This benchmark adjustment was meant to encourage more equitable access to Medicare Advantage options.

In that same year, Medicare Advantage plans started receiving “quality bonus payments” with plans that have higher “star ratings” based on quality factors such as enrollee health outcomes and care for chronic conditions receiving higher bonuses.

However, research shows that ratings have not necessarily improved quality and may have exacerbated racial inequality.

Even before fully taking into account risk adjustment, recent estimates peg the benchmarks, on average, as 8% higher than average traditional Medicare spending. This means that a Medicare Advantage plan’s spending estimate could be below the benchmark and the plan would still get paid more for its enrollees than it would have cost the government to cover those same enrollees in traditional Medicare.

Overestimating enrollee sickness

The second major source of overpayment is health risk adjustment, which tends to overestimate how sick Medicare Advantage enrollees are.

Each year, Medicare studies traditional Medicare diagnoses, such as diabetes, depression and arthritis, to understand which have higher treatment costs. Medicare uses this information to adjust its payments for Medicare Advantage plans. Payments are lowered for plans with lower predicted costs based on diagnoses and raised for plans with higher predicted costs. This process is known as risk adjustment.

But there is a critical bias baked into risk adjustment. Medicare Advantage companies know that they’re paid more if their enrollees seem more sick, so they diligently make sure each enrollee has as many diagnoses recorded as possible.

This can include legal activities like reviewing enrollee charts to ensure that diagnoses are recorded accurately. It can also occasionally entail outright fraud, where charts are “upcoded” to include diagnoses that patients don’t actually have.

In traditional Medicare, most providers – the exception being Accountable Care Organizations – are not paid more for recording diagnoses. This difference means that the same beneficiary is likely to have fewer recorded diagnoses if they are enrolled in traditional Medicare rather than a private insurer’s Medicare Advantage plan. Policy experts refer to this phenomenon as a difference in “coding intensity” between Medicare Advantage and traditional Medicare.

Human figure with arrows to two boxes. Left box has two plus symbols labelled  recorded diagnoses and one dollar sign. Right box has five symbols and three dollar signs.

The same person is likely to be documented with more illnesses if they enroll in Medicare Advantage rather than traditional Medicare – and cost taxpayers more money.

Samantha Randall at USC, CC BY-ND

In addition, Medicare Advantage plans often try to recruit beneficiaries whose health care costs will be lower than their diagnoses would predict, such as someone with a very mild form of arthritis. This is known as “favorable selection.”

The differences in coding and favorable selection make beneficiaries look sicker when they enroll in Medicare Advantage instead of traditional Medicare. This makes cost estimates higher than they should be. Research shows that this mismatch – and resulting overpayment – is likely only going to get worse as Medicare Advantage grows.

Where the money goes

Some of the excess payments to Medicare Advantage are returned to enrollees through extra benefits, funded by rebates. Extra benefits include cost-sharing reductions for medical care and prescription drugs, lower Part B and D premiums, and extra “supplemental benefits” like hearing aids and dental care that traditional Medicare doesn’t cover.

Medicare Advantage enrollees may enjoy these benefits, which could be considered a reward for enrolling in Medicare Advantage, which, unlike traditional Medicare, has prior authorization requirements and limited provider networks.

However, according to some policy experts, the current means of funding these extra benefits is unnecessarily expensive and inequitable.

It also makes it difficult for traditional Medicare to compete with Medicare Advantage.

Traditional Medicare, which tends to cost the Medicare program less per enrollee, is only allowed to provide the standard Medicare benefits package. If its enrollees want dental coverage or hearing aids, they have to purchase these separately, alongside a Part D plan for prescription drugs and a Medigap plan to lower their deductibles and co-payments.

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Medicare Advantage plans offer extras, but at a high cost to the Medicare system – and taxpayers. Only 50-60 cents of a dollar spent is returned to enrollees as decreased costs or increased benefits.

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

The system sets up Medicare Advantage plans to not only be overpaid but also be increasingly popular, all on the taxpayers’ dime. Plans heavily advertise to prospective enrollees who, once enrolled in Medicare Advantage, will likely have difficulty switching into traditional Medicare, even if they decide the extra benefits are not worth the prior authorization hassles and the limited provider networks. In contrast, traditional Medicare typically does not engage in as much direct advertising. The federal government only accounts for 7% of Medicare-related ads.

At the same time, some people who need more health care and are having trouble getting it through their Medicare Advantage plan – and are able to switch back to traditional Medicare – are doing so, according to an investigation by The Wall Street Journal. This leaves taxpayers to pick up care for these patients just as their needs rise.

Where do we go from here?

Many researchers have proposed ways to reduce excess government spending on Medicare Advantage, including expanding risk adjustment audits, reducing or eliminating quality bonus payments or using more data to improve benchmark estimates of enrollee costs. Others have proposed even more fundamental reforms to the Medicare Advantage payment system, including changing the basis of plan payments so that Medicare Advantage plans will compete more with each other.

Reducing payments to plans may have to be traded off with reductions in plan benefits, though projections suggest the reductions would be modest.

There is a long-running debate over what type of coverage should be required under both traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage. Recently, policy experts have advocated for introducing an out-of-pocket maximum to traditional Medicare. There have also been multiple unsuccessful efforts to make dental, vision, and hearing services part of the standard Medicare benefits package.

Although all older people require regular dental care and many of them require hearing aids, providing these benefits to everyone enrolled in traditional Medicare would not be cheap. One approach to providing these important benefits without significantly raising costs is to make these benefits means-tested. This would allow people with lower incomes to purchase them at a lower price than higher-income people. However, means-testing in Medicare can be controversial.

There is also debate over how much Medicare Advantage plans should be allowed to vary. The average Medicare beneficiary has over 40 Medicare Advantage plans to choose from, making it overwhelming to compare plans. For instance, right now, the average person eligible for Medicare would have to sift through the fine print of dozens of different plans to compare important factors, such as out-of-pocket maximums for medical care, coverage for dental cleanings, cost-sharing for inpatient stays, and provider networks.

Although millions of people are in suboptimal plans, 70% of people don’t even compare plans, let alone switch plans, during the annual enrollment period at the end of the year, likely because the process of comparing plans and switching is difficult, especially for older Americans.

MedPAC, a congressional advising committee, suggests that limiting variation in certain important benefits, like out-of-pocket maximums and dental, vision and hearing benefits, could help the plan selection process work better, while still allowing for flexibility in other benefits. The challenge is figuring out how to standardize without unduly reducing consumers’ options.

The Medicare Advantage program enrolls over half of Medicare beneficiaries. However, the $83-billion-per-year overpayment of plans, which amounts to more than 8% of Medicare’s total budget, is unsustainable. We believe the Medicare Advantage payment system needs a broad reform that aligns insurers’ incentives with the needs of Medicare beneficiaries and American taxpayers.

This article is part of an occasional series examining the U.S. Medicare system.

Past articles in the series:

Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage: sales pitches are often from biased sources, the choices can be overwhelming and impartial help is not equally available to allThe Conversation

Grace McCormack, Postdoctoral researcher of Health Policy and Economics, University of Southern California and Erin Duffy, Research Scientist and Director of Research Training in Health Policy and Economics, University of Southern California

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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Vitamin deficiency may be why you’re so tired – a nutritional neuroscientist explains how to kickstart your energy by getting essential nutrients in a well-rounded diet, along with more sleep and exercise


on – Lina Begdache, Associate Professor of Health and Wellness Studies, Binghamton University, State University of New York – 2025-01-07 07:32:00

It’s not necessarily overwork that is exhausting you.
Daniel de la Hoz/Moment via Getty Images

Lina Begdache, Binghamton University, State University of New York

Feeling drained and lethargic is common: A 2022 national survey found that 13.5% of U.S. adults said they felt “very tired” or “exhausted” most days or every day over a three-month period.

Women ages 18 to 44 had the highest rate of fatigue – just over 20%.

Being tired is linked to something deeper than just overwork or a sign of the times. I’m a registered dietitian and nutritional neuroscientist. My research, along with the work of others in the field, shows that your diet and lifestyle choices may contribute to your struggles. These two factors are closely interconnected and could be the key to understanding what’s holding you back.

In particular, not getting enough of three essential nutrients – vitamin D, vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids – is linked to low energy levels.

Vitamin D

More than 40% of adult Americans are deficient in vitamin D. Low levels are linked to fatigue, bone pain, muscle weakness, mood disorders and cognitive decline.

Foods high in vitamin D include fatty fish like salmon, sardines, freshwater rainbow trout, fortified dairy products and egg yolks. Among the sources for vegetarians and vegans are fortified plant-based milks and cereals and some kinds of mushrooms.

The U.S. government’s recommended daily amount of vitamin D is 400 international units, or IU, for infants up to 12 months, 600 IU for people ages 1 to 70 and 800 IU for people over 70. Just over 5 ounces (150 grams) of sockeye salmon fillet has about 800 IU of vitamin D. If you are low in a vitamin, your doctor may prescribe you a higher dose than the recommended daily amount to elevate your blood levels to normal.

Shrimp, organ meats, milk, eggs and fortified nutritional yeast are foods high in vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12

About 20% of Americans have inadequate vitamin B12 levels, which can impair energy production and lead to anemia, resulting in fatigue.

Low levels of B12 are notably higher in older people, pregnant and lactating women, people with gastrointestinal disorders like inflammatory bowel disease, those who take certain medications like proton-pump inhibitors, and people with alcohol use disorder.

Because vitamin B12 is primarily found in meat, fish, dairy and eggs, vegetarians and vegans should consider taking a vitamin B12 supplement. The recommended daily amount for anyone ages 4 and older is 2.4 micrograms, about what’s found in 3 ounces of tuna or Atlantic salmon. Pregnant and breastfeeding women require slightly more.

Taking B12 supplements can be as effective as getting the vitamin from food – and taking the supplement with food may enhance its absorption.

That said, here’s a note on supplements in general: While they can be beneficial, they shouldn’t replace whole foods.

Not only are supplements less strictly regulated by the Food and Drug Administration compared to prescription and over-the-counter drugs, making their potency uncertain, but real food also provides a complex array of nutrients that work in a synergistic way. Many supplements on the market boast multiple servings of vegetables, but nothing beats the actual food.

A display of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including salmon, avocado and a variety of nuts and seeds.
Along with salmon and sardines, the many vegan sources for omega-3 fatty acids include pecans, almonds and pumpkin seeds.
fcafotodigital/E+ via Getty Images

Omega-3 fatty acids

About 87% of adults ages 40 to 59, and about 80% of those 60 and older, don’t get enough omega-3 fatty acids to meet dietary recommendations. Neither do many pregnant women.

Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for brain health, and a deficiency can lead to higher anxiety and depression levels and impaired cognitive function. Taken together, these deficiencies can add to fatigue.

The best sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fatty fish, but if you’re strictly vegan, flaxseeds, chia seeds and walnuts can be great alternatives. However, it’s worth noting the omega-3s in fish are absorbed better in the body than plant sources – and that determines how efficiently the body can use the omega-3.

Also, whole flaxseed has a tough outer shell, which makes it more difficult to digest and absorb its nutrients. But ground flaxseed has been broken down, making the omega-3s and other nutrients more available for absorption.

The role of alcohol

Although alcohol may provide a sense of relaxation in the moment, it actually contributes to fatigue after the buzz wears off. Alcohol is a toxin; it forces your body to prioritize its metabolism over that of nutrients, which means the body reduces the use of carbohydrates and fat for energy.

Alcohol also reduces the absorption of B vitamins, which consequently affects energy production. The bottom line: If you drink alcohol, ultimately you will feel tired.

Lifestyle factors

Diet isn’t everything. Sunlight, exercise, better sleep and stress management are all critical factors for reducing fatigue.

Your body can make vitamin D from sunlight, and you don’t need a lot. A few minutes up to a half hour of sun exposure can help most people get what they need. The amount of time can vary depending on where you live, how much clothing you wear and what time of year you get the exposure. You’ll reach your vitamin D daily quota much faster on a sunny day during the summer than a cloudy day in winter.

And it may sound counterintuitive, but the more you exercise, the more energy you will produce; working out doesn’t drain you. Instead, it boosts energy, along with mood, by improving blood flow and helping to release endorphins, which are hormones produced by the body to relieve pain or stress.

Without exercise, the human body becomes less efficient at producing energy, which leads to lethargy. Coupled with erratic blood sugar levels – often caused by diets high in refined sugars and low in nutrients – these energy dips and spikes can leave you feeling irritable and drained.

Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week through activities like brisk walking, cycling, swimming and strength training.

Poor sleep makes things even worse. Not getting enough rest disrupts the body’s natural recovery processes and will leave you with diminished energy and focus.

So you should try to get seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night. For some people this is not easy; creating a calming bedtime routine helps, and limiting screen time is key.

Avoid phones, computers and other screens for at least 30 to 60 minutes before bed. The blue light emitted from screens can interfere with your body’s production of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep. Conversely, activities like reading, meditation or gentle stretching help signal to your body that it’s time to sleep.

In short, there are things you can do about your fatigue. Smart choices help optimize mood, energy levels and overall health, and reduce the surges of sluggishness you feel throughout the day.

Make no mistake: Your diet and lifestyle can make all the difference between being alert or wiped out.The Conversation

Lina Begdache, Associate Professor of Health and Wellness Studies, Binghamton University, State University of New York

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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Planning for spring’s garden? Bees like variety and don’t care about your neighbors’ yards


on – Laura Russo, Assistant Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee – 2025-01-07 07:22:00

If you plant it, they will come.
Zbych/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Laura Russo, University of Tennessee

In order to reproduce, most flowering plants rely on animals to move their pollen. In turn, pollinators rely on flowers for food, including both nectar and pollen. If you’re a gardener, you might want to support this partnership by planting flowers. But if you live in an area without a lot of green space, you might wonder whether it’s worth the effort.

I study bees and other pollinators. My new research shows that bees, in particular, don’t really care about the landscape surrounding flower gardens. They seem to zero in on the particular types of flowers they like, no matter what else is around.

To design a garden that supports the greatest number and diversity of pollinators, don’t worry about what your neighbors are doing or not doing. Just focus on planting different kinds of flowers – and lots of them.

Comparing different landscapes

To test whether bees are more plentiful in natural areas, my team and I planted identical gardens – roughly 10 feet by 6½ feet (3 x 2 meters) – in five different landscapes around eastern Tennessee that ranged from cattle pastures and organic farms to a botanical garden and an arboretum. All five gardens were planted in March of 2019 and contained 18 species of native perennials from the mint, sunflower and pea families.

A young woman holding a hand held vacuum with a modified nozzle leans over a flowering plant in the midst of a larger flower garden.
Sampling bugs in one of the test gardens.
Laura Russo, CC BY-SA

Over the course of the flowering season, we surveyed pollinators by collecting the insects that landed on the flowers, so we could count and identify them. The sampling took place in a carefully standardized way. Each week we sampled every flowering plant in every garden, in every landscape, for five minutes each. We used a modified, hand-held vacuum we called the “Bug Vac” and repeated this sampling every week that flowers were in bloom for three years.

We wanted to test whether the area immediately surrounding the gardens – the floral neighborhood – made a difference in pollinator abundance, diversity and identity. So we also surveyed the area around the gardens, in a radius of about 160 feet (roughly 50 meters).

To our surprise, we found the surrounding terrain had very little influence on the abundance, diversity and composition of the pollinators coming to our test gardens. Instead, they were mostly determined by the number and type of flowers. Otherwise, pollinators were remarkably similar at all sites. A sunflower in a cattle pasture had, by and large, the same number and types of visitors as a sunflower in a botanical garden.

Menu planning for pollinators

We used native perennial plants in our study because there’s evidence they provide the best nutrition for flower-visiting insects. We chose from three plant families because each offers different nourishment.

Plants in the mint family (Lamiaceae), for example, provide a lot of sugary nectar and have easily accessible flowers that attract a wide variety of insects. I’d recommend including plants from the mint family if you want to provide a large and diverse group of insects energy for flight. If you live in Tennessee, some examples are mountain mint, wood mint and Cumberland rosemary. You can easily search for perennial plants native to your area.

A bee with bluish eyes and long antennae perches on a fushia colored flower. It is covered in tiny grains of pollen.
A long-horned bee and an ironweed plant helping each other out.
Ryan Sepsy

While some pollinators enjoy nectar, others get all their fat and protein from eating just the pollen itself. Flowers from the sunflower family (Asteraceae), including asters and coreopsis, offer large quantities of both pollen and nectar and also have very accessible flowers. Plants from this family are good for a range of pollinators, including many specialist bees, such as the blue-eyed, long-horned bee (Melissodes denticulatus), which feasts primarily on ironweed (Vernonia fasciculata), also a member of the sunflower family.

If you want to offer flowers that have the highest protein content to nourish the next generation of strong pollinators, consider plants from the pea family (Fabaceae), such as dwarf indigo, false indigo and bush clover. Some of the plants in this family do not even offer nectar as a reward. Instead, they provide high protein pollen that’s accessible only to the most effective pollinators. If you include plants from the pea family in your garden, you may observe fewer visitors, but they will be receiving pollen with high protein levels.

Selecting a few native perennials from each of these three families, all widely available in garden centers, is a good place to start. Just as a diversity of food is important for human health, a mixture of flower types offers pollinators a varied and healthy diet. Interestingly, the diversity of human diets is directly linked to pollinators, because most of the color and variety in human diets comes from plants pollinated by insects.

Plant it and they will come

Maybe you’ve heard that insects worldwide are declining in number and variety. This issue is of particular concern for humans, who rely on insects and other animals to pollinate food crops. Pollinators are indeed facing many threats, from habitat loss to pesticide exposure.

Thankfully, gardeners can provide an incredible service to these valuable animals just by planting more flowers. As our research shows, small patches of garden can help boost pollinators – even when the surrounding landscape has few resources for them. The one constant in all our research is that insects love flowers. The more flowers and the more types of flowers, the more pollinators Earth will have.The Conversation

Laura Russo, Assistant Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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Microbes can colonize space, produce drugs and create energy − researchers are simulating their inner workings to harness how


on – Blaise Manga Enuh, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Microbial Genomics and Systems Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison – 2025-01-06 07:19:00

Genome-scale metabolic models capture the complex chemical reactions that allow cells to function.
Yuri Arcurs/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Blaise Manga Enuh, University of Wisconsin-Madison

After so many years learning how microbes work, researchers are now digitally recreating their inner workings to tackle challenges ranging from climate change to space colonization.

In my work as a computational biologist, I research ways to get microbes to produce more useful chemicals, such as fuels and bioplastics, that can be used in the energy, agricultural or pharmaceutical industries. Traditionally, researchers have to conduct several trial-and-error experiments on petri dishes in order to determine the optimal conditions microbes need to produce high amounts of chemicals.

Instead, I am able to simulate these experiments all from behind a computer screen through digital blueprints that replicate the inside of microbes. Called genome-scale metabolic models, or GEMs, these virtual labs significantly reduce the time and cost required to figure out what researchers need to do to get what they’re looking for. With GEMs, researchers cannot only explore the complex network of metabolic pathways that allow living organisms to function, but also tweak, test and predict how microbes would behave in different environments, including on other planets.

As GEM technology continues to evolve, I believe these models will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of biotechnology, medicine and space exploration.

What are genome-scale metabolic models?

Genome-scale metabolic models are digital maps of all the known chemical reactions that occur in cells – that is, the cell’s metabolism. These reactions are crucial for converting food into energy, building cellular structures and detoxifying harmful substances.

To create a GEM, I begin by analyzing an organism’s genome, which contains the genetic instructions cells use to produce proteins. A type of protein coded in the genome called enzymes are the workhorses of metabolism – they facilitate the conversion of nutrients into energy and building blocks for cells.

By linking the genes that encode enzymes to the chemical reactions they help make happen, I can build a comprehensive model that maps out the connections between genes, reactions and metabolites.

Once I build a GEM, I use some advanced computational simulations to make it work like a live cell or microbe would. One of the most common algorithms researchers use to do these simulations is called a flux balance analysis. This mathematical algorithm analyzes available data about metabolism, then makes predictions on how different chemical reactions and metabolites would act under specific conditions.

This makes GEMs particularly useful for understanding how organisms respond to genetic changes and environmental stresses. For example, I can use this method to predict how an organism will react when a specific gene is knocked out. I could also use it to predict how it might adapt to the presence of different chemicals in its environment or a lack of food.

Solving energy and climate challenges

Most of the chemicals used in agriculture, pharmaceuticals and fuels are obtained from fossil fuels. However, fossil fuels are a limited resource and significantly contribute to climate change.

Instead of extracting energy from fossil fuels, my team at the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center of the University of Wisconsin-Madison focuses on developing sustainable biofuels and bioproducts from plant waste. This includes cornstalk after the ears are harvested, nonedible plants such as grass, and algae. We study which crop wastes can be used for bioenergy, how to use microbes to convert them into energy, and ways to sustainably manage the land on which those crops are grown.

I am building a genome-scale metabolic model for Novosphingobium aromaticivorans, a species of bacteria that can convert very complex chemicals in plant waste to chemicals that are valuable to people, such as those used to make bioplastics, pharmaceuticals and fuels. With a clearer understanding of this conversion process, I can improve the model to more accurately simulate the conditions needed to synthesize greater amounts of these chemicals.

Researchers can then replicate these conditions in real life to generate materials that are cheaper and more accessible than those made from fossil fuels.

Bioinformatics analyzes biological data to answer questions about living organisms.

Extreme microbes and space colonization

There are microbes on Earth that can survive in extremely harsh environments. For example, Chromohalobacter canadensis can live in extremely salty conditions. Similarly, Alicyclobacillus tolerans can thrive in very acidic environments.

Since other planets typically have similarly harsh climates, these microbes may not only be able to thrive and reproduce on these planets but could potentially change the environment so humans can live there as well.

Combining GEMs with machine learning, I saw that C. canadensis and A. tolerans can undergo chemical changes that help them survive in extreme conditions. They have special proteins in their cell walls that work with enzymes to balance the chemicals in their internal environment with the chemicals in their external environment.

With GEMs, scientists can simulate the environments of other planets to study how microbes survive without necessarily needing to go to those planets themselves.

The future of GEMs

Every day, researchers are generating large amounts of data about microbial metabolism. As GEM technology advances, it opens the door to exciting new possibilities in medicine, energy, space and other areas.

Synthetic biologists can use GEMs to design entirely new organisms or metabolic pathways from scratch. This field could advance biomanufacturing by enabling the creation of organisms that efficiently produce new materials, drugs or even food.

Whole human body GEMs can also serve as an atlas for the metabolics of complex diseases. They can help map how the chemical environment of the body changes with obesity or diabetes.

Whether it’s producing biofuels or engineering new organisms, GEMs provide a powerful tool for both basic research and industrial applications. As computational biology and GEMs advance, these technologies will continue to transform how scientists understand and manipulate the metabolisms of living organisms.The Conversation

Blaise Manga Enuh, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Microbial Genomics and Systems Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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