Exposing plants to an unusual chemical early on may bolster their growth and help feed the world ‘Priming’ plants by exposing them to certain chemicals while they’re...
How animals get their skin patterns is a matter of physics – new research clarifying how could improve medical diagnostics and synthetic materials Color patterns seen in...
Want a healthier lawn? Instead of bagging fall leaves, take the lazy way out and get a more environmentally friendly yard Susan Barton, University of Delaware Autumn...
Engineered ‘living materials’ could help clean up water pollution one day Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have developed a new ‘living’ material. David Baillot/UC...
Your mental dictionary is part of what makes you unique − here’s how your brain stores and retrieves words Your brain processes letters, words, sounds, semantics and...
What’s your chronotype? Knowing whether you’re a night owl or an early bird could help you do better on tests and avoid scams Owl chronotypes function better...
It’s not just about facts: Democrats and Republicans have sharply different attitudes about removing misinformation from social media Your political leanings go a long way to determine...
Vampire viruses prey on other viruses to replicate themselves − and may hold the key to new antiviral therapies The satellite virus MiniFlayer (purple) infects cells by attaching...
Biden’s executive order puts civil rights in the middle of the AI regulation discussion Vice President Kamala Harris held a meeting with civil rights leaders and...
Biden administration executive order tackles AI risks, but lack of privacy laws limits reach The Biden administration rolled out an executive order on AI that contains a...