Vaccines using mRNA can protect farm animals against diseases traditional ones may not – and there are safeguards to ensure they won’t end up in your food Vaccines...
Quantum physics proposes a new way to study biology – and the results could revolutionize our understanding of how life works Looking at life at the atomic...
You shed DNA everywhere you go – trace samples in the water, sand and air are enough to identify who you are, raising ethical questions about privacy...
Thriving in the face of adversity: Resilient gorillas reveal clues about overcoming childhood misfortune A lot of bad things can happen to young mountain gorillas in...
What’s a Luddite? An expert on technology and society explains Some Luddites simply want to press ‘pause’ on the uninhibited march of technological progress. Stan Eales/iStock via...
Lessons from ‘Star Trek: Picard’ – a cybersecurity expert explains how a sci-fi series illuminates today’s threats Richard Forno, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Editor’s note: This...
Gene therapy helps combat some forms of blindness – and ongoing clinical trials are looking to extend these treatments to other diseases New gene therapies are helping...
Astronomers just saw a star eat a planet – an astrophysicist on the team explains the first-of–its-kind discovery New research shows that the destructive merging of...
I unintentionally created a biased AI algorithm 25 years ago – tech companies are still making the same mistake Facial recognition software misidentifies Black women more than...
Memories may be stored in the membranes of your neurons Changes in the synapses between neurons is responsible for learning and memory. KTSDESIGN/Science Photo Library via Getty...