Rankin County residents could face a huge tax bill for current and future litigation involving the Rankin County “Goon Squad,” which tortured two handcuffed Black men...
Kadiyah Nunn was one of several employees sent to work from home by her job’s management in 2019 when COVID-19 hit Mississippi. Dependent on her satellite...
The Cleveland boys watched their first high school football games of the season last week and head full throttle into college football this coming weekend. At...
Police in two Pine Belt towns have found no evidence to back up a claim made Monday by Republican Gov. Tate Reeves’ campaign that members of...
Gov. Tate Reeves, who has continued to staunchly oppose expanding Medicaid in Mississippi, appears to have attended a meeting in May about “Medicaid policies,” according to...
Acclaimed author Walter Isaacson and distinguished historian Dr. Eddie Glaude joined Deep South Today supporters in June to share their thoughts on the dangerous divisions in...
www.youtube.com – WTVA 9 News – 2023-08-29 09:52:22 SUMMARY: The local news outlet that exposed a public corruption scandal in Mississippi has filed its legal defense...
Democrat Shuwaski Young’s abrupt Sunday announcement that he plans to drop out of the race for secretary of state for health reasons coincided with the Mississippi...
Brandon Presley, the Democratic nominee for governor, alleged that when his political opponent Gov. Tate Reeves fired the attorney working to recoup misspent welfare dollars, it...
Two Mississippi House incumbents will be fighting for their political lives in Tuesday’s primary runoff elections, and four other legislative seats across the state will have...