Mississippi Today
SuperTalk radio was a powerful mouthpiece for welfare fraudsters — while raking in welfare funds itself
SuperTalk radio was a powerful mouthpiece for welfare fraudsters — while raking in welfare funds itself
The state of Mississippi was entering a new day in the fight against poverty.
At least that’s what conservative talk radio station SuperTalk would have you believe.
It was the summer of 2018, and radio host Paul Gallo was visiting with John Davis, then-director of the Mississippi Department of Human Services, and nonprofit founder Nancy New on site during a government summit at the Westin luxury hotel in downtown Jackson.
New and Davis were hyping their ill-conceived welfare delivery model, Families First for Mississippi, which resulted in the theft or misspending of nearly $100 million. The pair would later plead guilty to several felonies after perpetuating what officials have called the largest public fraud scheme in state history.
“Sometimes it just takes people like Nancy New and John Davis … to say, … ‘We’re going to take the lead on this,’” Gallo boasted.
“Please pay attention,” Gallo said at the same event, “because number one, this will change lives.”
SuperTalk consistently boosted the work of Families First to its statewide audience, broadcasting the organization’s original ribbon cutting, the opening of its generously renovated new center, events featuring free homemade ice cream, massive high school rallies, “exclusive” behind-the-scenes reports on its services, and the infamous Brett Favre radio ad that caused the athlete to be sued.
And for all its promotion over the years, SuperTalk received more than $630,000 in welfare funds.
The money came from MDHS, the welfare agency, which previously employed SuperTalk’s own CEO Kim Dillon and, at the time of the welfare scandal, her son.
With 26 radio stations in its operation, and 45 more to which it distributes the news, Supertalk’s traditionally conservative, older white audience is far from the population needing welfare services. But the media company, officially called TeleSouth Communications, founded and owned by Steve Davenport, had access to the innards of Mississippi’s political machine – and therefore taxpayer funds – because of the platform it gives GOP leaders to promote their agenda.
Now SuperTalk is at the center of two subpoenas and allegations of contract steering as lawyers in the state’s ongoing civil suit attempt to unravel the radio network’s larger role in Mississippi’s good ole boy club.
“Steve (Davenport) and I had drinks with the Gov (Phil Bryant) on Wed night,” Kim Dillon texted Davis in May of 2019, just one month before Davis was kicked out of office for suspected fraud. “He was very complimentary of you. We had the best time!”
At the Westin that day, leaders including then-Gov. Bryant declared that the state did not have to separate families in order to prevent neglect; that neglect was a product of poverty, and it could be eliminated by placing resources directly into the homes of needy families.
Gallo put it best: “Every single day across the state we have the justice court system tearing these kids away from the family, and if they just had one hand to reach out. And if that’s a possibility, why hasn’t somebody done this before? Because, I mean, it’s one of those things that could have saved a lot of families,” he said.
With a faraway stare and her mouth slightly open, Nancy New looked over to the camera, then down at her fidgeting hands.
“Instead of taking the kids out of the house, put them in the court system, and you have to deal with them,” Gallo continued, “and ultimately, if there’s a possibility of a foster family getting some financial help, what if that financial help went to the mom?”
Gallo was describing welfare.
Behind the scenes, though, Davis, New and others were diverting tens of millions of these dollars away from the needy – including, notoriously, $8 million to the pet projects of former NFL legend Brett Favre.
Favre himself received $1.1 million in welfare funds from Nancy New’s nonprofit to cut a radio ad at SuperTalk promoting Families First. The ad ran several times in the fall of 2018, according to an invoice obtained by Mississippi Today, nearly a year after he received his first payment. Favre has since returned the funds.SuperTalk itself was one of those welfare recipients cited in State Auditor Shad White’s explosive 2020 audit report. “Due to the unreasonable cost of the advertising,” the audit found, “… and the lack of any correlation to how the advertising benefited the programmatic nature of the TANF program, these costs are questioned.”
Kim Dillon, Gallo and Davenport declined or did not respond to interview requests from Mississippi Today. Davenport, a major Gov. Tate Reeves donor, did provide a canned written statement saying his company “fulfilled its contractual obligations.”
He did not address the characterization of SuperTalk as a campaign tool.
Of the $632,388 cited in the audit, most ($435,000) was paid during fiscal year 2019, the year Gov. Reeves ran for governor.
“It looks like they kicked their spending with TeleSouth into overdrive in FY 2019,” said Logan Reeves, a spokesperson for the auditor’s office. “… They (Families First) were advertising left and right, doing all kinds of stuff, as I think the audit makes clear.”
About half of the funds came from New’s nonprofit Mississippi Community Education Center and the other half came from Family Resource Center of North Mississippi, the other nonprofit helping to run Families First.
The two nonprofits paid significantly more than any state agency paid SuperTalk in those years.
While the auditor questioned the payments, these expenditures were not listed as a fraudulent or unallowable expense in a separate forensic audit MDHS commissioned and released in 2021. Because TeleSouth conducted the work it was hired to do, Logan Reeves said, the auditor’s office did not issue a demand for repayment to the network.
TeleSouth is not one of the vendors MDHS is targeting in its ongoing civil lawsuit to recoup the misspent money. MDHS initially filed its complaint in May, mostly targeting individuals and companies that were cited in the forensic audit, but it amended its complaint in early December to include several additional vendors.
The welfare department, an agency under the governor’s office, has not provided the public a full explanation for the standards they used to determine which of the dozens of vendors listed in the audits to target for repayment.
Some of the entities newly added as defendants to the lawsuit, such as Lobaki Inc., a Jackson-based virtual reality company, were added to the suit even though they completed the work for which they were hired. In Lobaki’s case, the attorneys argue that the company’s agreement with the nonprofits required them to follow MDHS grant policies and applicable state and federal law – which is why they’re allegedly on the hook for those misspent funds.
The contracts between the nonprofits and TeleSouth – which were not originally public records since they did not include a state agency – have still not been made public, nor has a breakdown of the purchases under the contract.
“SuperTalk entered into contracts with the Mississippi Community Education Center and the Family Resource Center of North Mississippi to provide advertising services,” SuperTalk general counsel Ashley Tullos Fortenberry said in a short statement to Mississippi Today for this story. “The services outlined in those contracts were performed and SuperTalk was qualified to provide the services—which were intended for a state-wide reach—as it operates 26 radio stations (consisting of both talk and music formats) that cover the state and a news network that distributes news and advertising to over 45 radio stations throughout the state.”
TeleSouth isn’t the only statewide radio network; both Mississippi Public Broadcasting and Mississippi Owned Radio (MOR) Network provide statewide radio coverage. MPB, a publicly funded agency, could even provide services to the state for free.
Within the larger political landscape of Mississippi, though, taking public funds and providing favorable coverage to political leaders and their ideas isn’t an unusual arrangement for SuperTalk.
SuperTalk’s parent company TeleSouth Communications has received at least $6.2 million in public funds from the state since 2009, according to Mississippi Today’s review of public expenditures, while giving politicians and agency heads ample airtime for braggadocious dialogues without the risk of facing pointed questions about the consequences of their policy decisions.
“Where they have built their little empire is access. If that’s who’s in charge, then that’s who they want to be next to,” said longtime politico and professor Marty Wiseman.“… I guess you would describe it as a transactional thing, you know, ‘You scratch our back, we’ll scratch yours.’”
SuperTalk bills itself as a news program, but “I don’t think the average person who listens every now and then realizes the pipeline that SuperTalk has into government,” Wiseman continued. “They just take it at face value that who they’re having on there is probably telling the truth.”
SuperTalk’s tie into government is possibly best illustrated through the Families First debacle.
SuperTalk CEO Kim Dillon’s son Logan Dillon, for example, worked as a lobbyist for MDHS during the scandal while his then-wife Alyssa Dillon worked for Families First.
A former Bryant staffer and accountant executive at SuperTalk, Lynne Myers, left the radio network to become MDHS’s communication director in 2018. Right before Davis left office, she sought his permission to extend the agency’s contract with SuperTalk. Her husband, Kevin Myers, and their daughter also worked for Families First.
SuperTalk’s former digital marketing director Dawn Dugle is the one who introduced Davis to fitness instructor Paul Lacoste, who then secured a $1.3 million contract with Families First – one of the first red flags during the start of the auditor’s investigation.
But SuperTalk’s connections went much higher than the welfare office.
In 2020, members of Bryant’s inner circle allegedly directed Austin Smith, Davis’ nephew who was overseeing a federal preschool grant for the state, to enter an expensive advertising contract with SuperTalk, Mississippi Today first reported.
Smith, who is facing civil charges over the $430,000 in welfare contracts he received, said he refused to contract with SuperTalk because the grant period for expending the funds had expired, he explained in a civil court filing. Expenditure records obtained by Mississippi Today do not reflect payments to SuperTalk under this grant, but Smith did appear on the radio program to promote the grant.
While Smith was employed by the Mississippi Community College Board, the state agency that administered the preschool grant, he was also working on a contract for Families First. Smith has not been charged criminally.
Bryant frequently gloated about Mississippi’s success in securing the $10 million grant.
“Just think, if you’re a single mom in the Delta trying to pay for child care and go to school, it’s nearly impossible,” SuperTalk quoted Gov. Bryant as saying. “This grant will help bridge that, and we will be able to find more young ladies that will be able to go to work, find a job, have a career and live the American dream right here in Mississippi.”
But Bryant was unaware, when asked during an interview with Mississippi Today in April, that the state only ended up spending 60% of the funds, mostly on equipment and materials for the centers, not on more vouchers for kids. About $190,000 of those funds went to New’s nonprofit. The state had to give $4 million back to the federal government. The grant didn’t result in any more kids in child care. The program was a flop.
“I could sit here and talk to you for a very long time about that grant in childhood and things that should have been done differently,” Smith told Mississippi Today in an exclusive interview in November. “... It did not accomplish what it needed to accomplish because before we ever got the grant, it was already spent. It was already decided where it was gonna go, who it was gonna go to, and what it was gonna go for.”
Smith alleges that after the grant ended, he was the only employee working on the grant to be fired.
“Among the PDGB5 Grant employees retained were Austin Smith’s secretary, the niece of SuperTalk’s prominent host, Paul Gallo,” reads Smith’s civil court filing.
Generally, Smith feels that in the course of the welfare case, “there's only a certain number of people that's been handpicked and targeted.”
“There's so many more people involved in this,” he added.
Smith’s attorney Jim Waide has subpoenaed TeleSouth for several items, including any communication regarding receiving payment for providing interviews to Smith, New, Davis, Favre, Bryant, White and others.
The attorney MDHS originally hired to craft the civil suit, former U.S. Attorney Brad Pigott, also subpoenaed TeleSouth back in July, but within days of that filing, Gov. Reeves’ office chose to fire Pigott. The legal team that took over the case, from the firm Jones Walker, appears to have abandoned that subpoena.
Waide similarly subpoenaed Gov. Bryant for any of his communications related to paying TeleSouth for advertising while he was governor, as well as communication with Davenport specifically. Bryant confirmed in a following motion that he possesses communication about paying TeleSouth, but he objected to turning it over, citing executive privilege. Hinds County Circuit Court Judge Faye Peterson isn’t expected to rule on whether Bryant must comply with the subpoena for several weeks.

While Gallo used his show to elevate the anti-poverty programs he said would “change lives,” Mississippi was actually turning away most poor applicants for the cash assistance, formally called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF.
Only about 4,000 families were receiving the benefit, a monthly check of, at the time, no more than $170 for a family of three.
When pressed in April about the lack of resources reaching families during his administration, Bryant told Mississippi Today, “I did not know that was not happening. John reported to me one time that a number of people had dropped off, and I said, ‘Tell me why.’ And he told me that they had not reapplied.”
The low approval rate was publicly known and reported on by news outlets as early as 2017 – but not on SuperTalk’s website.
“... (W)hat if that financial help went to the mom?” Gallo asked the welfare officials.
Ignoring the progressive logic in the host’s rhetorical question, Davis responded with a winding answer about his boss Gov. Bryant’s desire to create a “holistic collaborative approach” to delivering social services in the challenging environment of “siloed” government bureaucracies.
Few impoverished families were actually helped by the services Families First advertised, sometimes at lavish events with sophisticated commercials and an abundance of branded swag.
But Supertalk helped prop up the facade.
“I’ll tell you, the governor never stops. I think he’s up from daylight ‘til way after dark making things happen for Mississippi,” radio host JT Williamson said during a 2018 interview with New and then-first lady Deborah Bryant at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum, where a Families First “Healthy Teens Rally” was taking place.
The rallies, which happened a few times a year in different areas across the state, were a cornerstone of the Families First for Mississippi initiative and reportedly spearheaded by Gov. Bryant.
“We’re trying to encourage them to make healthy choices – mentally, physically and every other way,” Deborah Bryant told SuperTalk, “so that they can handle the hard knocks when they come that they don’t have any choice over, to stay away from drugs, to have children in a timely manner and not when, you know, just have them, just because it just, ‘oops by the way,’ you know? These children deserve better lives than that.”
The conference brought thousands of high school students together to hear lectures that bordered on self-promotion from sports celebrities like retired WWE wrestler Ted DiBiase Jr. – who received $3 million in welfare funds – and former running back Marcus Dupree. Both athletes appeared on SuperTalk during this time to promote the welfare programs. DiBiase and Dupree are targets in the welfare agency’s ongoing lawsuit that attempts to claw back the funds.
“In talking about the governor … like this thing right here, to put back into these kids,” Williamson said as the crowd of teens roared in the background. “And we all know that this is the future of Mississippi, and when you see the future is here, and we see these young people that are here today that are listening right now to Ted DiBiase Jr., who are taking all this in, and soaking in all this information, and to understand this is where it starts. And this is where we have to go back and fix things, with education and employment opportunities and different things to keep people from going down the wrong path.”
Mississippi lawmakers, including under Bryant’s leadership as lieutenant governor from 2008-2012, have underfunded public schools almost every year since they created the funding formula in 1997 to determine how much money schools need to provide adequate education to Mississippi children. Mississippi also typically maintains the lowest workforce participation rate in the nation and the lowest median earnings.
Emma Briant, an author and British researcher at the George Washington University School of Media and Public Affairs specializing in propaganda and political communication, likened Mississippi’s relationship with SuperTalk to the tactics of Cambridge Analytica, a British data-mining firm accused of manipulating multiple elections across the globe. Briant was the expert called to testify in Fair Vote Project’s lawsuit in Hinds County against architects of the Brexit movement, who attempted to launch a data firm in Mississippi.
“Using state resources or government resources to essentially, by proxy, finance your own political advertisement and reputational enhancement is something you see in a weak democracy,” said Emma Briant, “It’s the sort of thing that we saw in some of Cambridge Analytica’s campaigns in Africa, and it’s not the sort of thing you would wish to be happening in the U.S. in 2022.”
Davenport, who introduced Bryant at his election night party in 2007, donated a total of $10,800 to Bryant from 2007-2015, according to FollowTheMoney.org. He donated a couple grand to current Gov. Tate Reeves in his previous campaigns, but a few months before the 2019 gubernatorial election, Davenport and his wife each gave Tate Reeves $15,000.
“I told him (Bryant) he needed to help Tate with his commercials,” Dillon texted Davis in May of 2019.
TeleSouth has contributed at least $3,000 to Bryant from 2011-2015, according to FollowTheMoney.org, and $6,000 to Tate Reeves from 2004-2011.
TeleSouth has received advertising work from Mississippi Department of Human Services for many years, and even caught heat from PEER, the legislative watchdog committee, during the 2000s for raking in hundreds of thousands under sole-source, no-bid contracts.
Criticisms about using public funds to prop up a political apparatus are nothing new.
"Supertalk and Paul Gallo and JT & Dave and all that pounded me into the ground every single day during the lieutenant governor elections,” former Democratic Rep. Jamie Franks of Mooreville told the Jackson Free Press in 2008. “They've basically used these advertising dollars to make TeleSouth Communications a tool of Gov. Haley Barbour and the Republican Party.”
The relationship continued into Gov. Bryant’s administration.
The welfare agency continued to contract with the radio network, such as in 2016 to advertise things like iPay, the program that allows fathers to pay child support online, or in 2018 to tell people how to apply for the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. The contracts at this time went through a Request for Proposal, or RFP process, according to records obtained by Mississippi Today.
MDHS directly paid TeleSouth almost $780,000 from 2009 to 2019, with amounts varying greatly from year to year, according to Mississippi Today’s review of public expenditures on the state’s Transparency website. While the spending mostly declined over the decade, it did spike to $141,290 in 2016, John Davis’ first year as director.
A Mississippi Today review of MDHS expenditures labeled under the TANF Work Program shows the department did not use welfare money to pay for its TeleSouth contracts, except for $15,262 in 2018. This payment has not been analyzed in any audit.
The Division of Medicaid – the agency that provides health insurance to very poor Mississippians, including many pregnant people, and often fails to get the word out about their services – has also spent at least $380,000 over the years advertising with SuperTalk.
"I would assume that if you're out here advertising for Medicaid benefits or for mothers of dependent children, the audience of SuperTalk — which usually advocates for cutting Medicaid — is probably not the place you should be advertising," Franks told the JFP.
It seems to have taken a scandal for this long-running trend to end. The Mississippi Department of Human Services, which experienced a vast leadership turnover after the arrests in 2020, has not paid the radio network since the arrests. Medicaid’s last payments to SuperTalk were in 2018.
When asked why MDHS ended its advertising with SuperTalk, the agency plainly said in a statement that “MDHS is committed to utilizing taxpayer funds in matters guided by and in compliance with all federal and state policies … MDHS takes seriously the stewardship of the message and resources entrusted to the agency by the taxpayer.”
The agency also said its current strategy is to focus on “earned media,” a term that refers to promotion it can acquire for free, such as traditional news articles or social media mentions.
The Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services recently contracted with SuperTalk to run ads about prom safety. Though, Gallo once admitted on his show, “I do understand that we don’t have a large audience of 13- to 18-year-olds in talk radio and that’s a shame and that’s their loss.”
The state agencies that have paid SuperTalk the most since 2009 are Mississippi Department of Transportation ($2.3 million), Mississippi Department of Public Safety ($1 million) and Mississippi Department of Human Services ($780,000).
Public service announcements are one thing, but in some cases, public agencies are actually paying for the talk radio interviews themselves. That was true in the case of a package SuperTalk put together in 2020 with the Mississippi Community College Board, which included three interviews with Gallo as part of the contract. In broadcasting, these promotional deals are called “remotes” because the radio hosts visit the paying client on site, but in the case of SuperTalk, it’s not always clear the station is getting paid for the coverage.
Ironically, the community college board is located inside the same complex as Mississippi Public Broadcasting.
Bob Sawyer, a financial advisor in Gulfport and former chairman of Mississippi Public Broadcasting’s board, has long lamented that the advertising TeleSouth has provided could be done for free at the publicly funded station.
Sawyer said state leadership only had one issue. “The only thing they had issues with is they felt like it (MPB) was a little too liberal,” he said.
State agency payments to Supertalk have steadily declined since the 2000’s, from $831,637 in 2009 to $609,473 in 2016 to $228,722 in 2022. This does not account for money SuperTalk receives through state contracts with other ad agencies that buy placements at the network.
These figures also do not include the public funds SuperTalk may receive through other passthroughs, such as it did through Families First.
The private nonprofit structure of Families First, plus a breakdown of internal controls at the welfare agency, meant that much of the public TANF money they spent, including at SuperTalk, was not public record until the auditor included it in his audit report.
“The funneling of this kind of money that was taxpayer funded for welfare, for helping the most marginalized and vulnerable people,” Briant said, “the fact that that was being funneled into a political campaign that was all about image management and branding and trying to sell these elected officials to their own audience, not to the people who most need this welfare is just very blatantly a disgusting misuse of resources to fuel political propaganda.”
Compared to other vendors providing advertising services to the state from 2015 to 2022, according to Mississippi Today’s analysis of public expenditures, Supertalk is the fifth highest paid, behind Maris West & Baker ($24.3 million), Mann Agency ($4.1 million), Godwin Advertising Agency ($4.1 million) and Frontier Strategies ($3.5 million) – owned by Bryant’s close ally Josh Gregory.
But the $2.2 million TeleSouth received in that same time period dwarfed what the state paid other radio broadcasters, some of which have broader audiences, such as iHeart Media ($110,000), New South Radio or MIX 98.7 ($111,000), The Radio People or Y101 ($3,000), or even American Family Association ($31,000).
The state also paid nearly $700,000 to Snapshot Publishing, the ad firm owned by Gov. Reeves’ sister-in-law Leigh Reeves.
!function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",(function(e){if(void 0!==e.data["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.querySelectorAll("iframe");for(var a in e.data["datawrapper-height"])for(var r=0;r !function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",(function(e){if(void 0!==e.data["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.querySelectorAll("iframe");for(var a in e.data["datawrapper-height"])for(var r=0;r Several agencies continue to pay SuperTalk in the current fiscal year, including the Board of Contractors ($20,000), Department of Rehabilitation Services ($10,500) and the Mississippi Development Authority ($12,500). SuperTalk is not a cheerleader for every state agency, though. In mid-2019, the network interviewed State Superintendent of Education Carey Wright, blasting the Mississippi Department of Education for not being able to calculate how many teachers would receive a proposed pay raise. “Her interview on Gallo was a train wreck. She blamed it on their computer system,” Dillon remarked to Davis, referring to Wright. “... Gallo compared her to Hillary.” Wright, who was appointed by the department’s board, not the governor, often found herself in the crosshairs of Republican politicians. And the Mississippi Department of Education hadn’t paid SuperTalk since 2009. Texts gathered so far in the welfare case make SuperTalk seem like the water cooler for Mississippi’s most powerful. And like many government programs, Families First was infected by gossip, backstabbing and politics. In the last months leading up to Davis’ ousting, the welfare program was consumed by infighting between the two nonprofits selected to run the program. Bryant allegedly directed Davis to cut funding to the nonprofit in the northern part of the state, Family Resource Center of North Mississippi, Mississippi Today first reported, because its director Christi Webb supported Democratic candidate Jim Hood for governor. “Kim just called and said to hold firm,” Davis texted a colleague in March of 2019. “Also had a lot to say about Christi and what the Gov said when he was in to talk to Gallo. CRAZY WORLD.” This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.
Mississippi Today
Fatalities reported in UMMC helicopter crash

An AirCare helicopter from the University of Mississippi Medical Center crashed near the Natchez Trace Parkway this afternoon.
A Madison County official confirmed to WLBT that there were fatalities. They were quoted saying, “We are on the scene of a medical helicopter crash in a heavily wooded area south of the Natchez Trace and north of Pipeline Road. There are fatalities. We are now awaiting the arrival from the FAA. Any other information should come from them.”
At the time of publication, authorities have not revealed how many fatalities or identified them. In an email, Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs Dr. LouAnn Woodward stated, “Two UMMC employee crew members and a Med-Trans pilot were on board. There was no patient aboard.”
The helicopter crashed in a heavily wooded area near the Natchez Trace Parkway and Highway 43. Madison County Sheriff’s Office, Gluckstadt Fire Department and several other first responders are at the scene.
UMMC’s flight program, AirCare, includes helicopters based in Jackson, Meridian, Columbus and Greenwood. The helicopters are used to transport patients to and from UMMC and other hospitals.
This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.
Mississippi Today
‘Not COVID. It’s Trump’: Lawmakers prepare for tumultuous Trumpenomics by … upending state tax structure

In an exchange on the floor of the Mississippi Senate last week, lawmakers debated the economic uncertainty coming from the Trump administration’s burgeoning trade war and helter-skelter policy decisions.
“You never know what’s going to happen with — you know, what we’re going through with increases in cost for things, whether it’s guardrails or bolts or whatever,” said Transportation Chairman Chuck Younger, a Republican from Columbus. He was outlining a bill that would increase the amount of money MDOT could add to a road contract without rebidding from $100,000 to $250,000. This, he said, would prevent highway projects facing long delays from potential huge increases in cost of materials.
“But we’re not in COVID any more, we shouldn’t have those supply chain problems,” said Sen. Angela Hill, R-Picayune, questioning the need for the measure.
“No, we’re not (in) COVID. It’s Trump, and we’re going through all these tax things (tariffs) that are going through for other countries,” Younger said. “… It’s fixing to happen.”
Mississippi is a poor state with a fragile economy. There’s an old adage that we’re usually “first in and last out” of a national recession, and another that, “What other states call a recession, we call Tuesday.”
Some of Trump’s threatened or enacted policies, tariffs and slashing of federal spending appear tailor-made to hammer Mississippi’s economy.
But staring down the barrel of potential economic chaos or calamity, Mississippi lawmakers are not drastically cutting spending, hoarding tax dollars or even proceeding with caution. Their main focus this legislative session is a total overhaul of the state’s tax structure including massive tax cuts combined with fairly massive tax increases — an unprecedented economic experiment betting that the state’s fortunes will rise and cover the spread.
Mississippi, under one plan, would become the first state ever to eliminate an existing individual income tax, which accounts for nearly one-third of the revenue that funds state government. Increases in sales and gasoline taxes would shift the tax burden to use or consumption taxes — a move some point out would be regressive, hitting poor people, of which Mississippi has many, hardest.
What could go wrong?
For starters, Mississippi is perennially among the most federally dependent states, with more than 40% of its annual budget coming from federal dollars and the state receiving nearly a 3-to-1 return for every dollar in federal taxes it pays. The trillions of dollars in cuts to federal spending Trump and Elon Musk are promising with the Department of Government Efficiency could easily cripple Mississippi’s economy.
Agriculture is, depending on how you measure, Mississippi’s No. 1 industry. Trump’s proposed trade war with other countries and other policies could hit Mississippi farmers hard. Already, China has announced retaliatory tariffs on soybeans, chicken and other products Mississippi grows. In a smaller scale trade war in his first term, Mississippi farmers lost nearly $270 million in profits from soybeans and cotton from Chinese tariffs and fallout. U.S. taxpayers later had to bail farmers out from that smaller-scale trade war in Trump’s first term.
Mississippi might not have the direct exposure to tariffs as some states, but it is the 22nd largest exporter of agriculture products and 31st of other goods. In 2024, Mississippi exports totaled $13.7 billion, and they make up about 10% of the state’s GDP. Canada is perennially the state’s top trading partner, with Mexico also usually in the top three, and Mississippi also exports chicken and soybeans to China. Reductions in exports or other fallout from Trump’s promised trade wars with Canada, Mexico and China could be devastating for the Magnolia State.
The list goes on for potential impact of Washington’s moves on Mississippi.
Mississippi has long been in the automobile manufacturing business, with large Nissan and Toyota plants. Experts are warning Trump tariffs on Mexico and Canada could almost instantly cause North American auto production to drop by a third, cause massive layoffs and even closure of plants.
Mississippi leaders have recently celebrated several large economic development wins, including the state landing a massive aluminum rolling mill in Columbus. Mississippi taxpayers invested $247 million in state incentives to land a $2.5 billion investment from Steel Dynamics. The company’s goal is to provide more aluminum and steel for auto manufacturing, and the Columbus site will work along with satellite recycling centers in the U.S. and Mexico. While some speculate Steel Dynamics might benefit in the long run from Trump tariffs on Chinese steel, tariffs coming and going from Mexico and upheaval in the auto industry could impact one of Mississippi’s biggest economic development wins.
Another recent economic development coup for Mississippi is the Amplify Cell Technologies plant. The $2 billion to $3 billion joint venture including Daimler Trucks and China-based EVE Energy, helped by $482 million in state tax incentives, plans to produce electric vehicle batteries by 2027. Such projects were a result of Biden-era subsidies and rules promoting a switch to electric vehicles. Trump has vowed to roll back these subsidies and rules.
Mississippi has also celebrated Amazon’s commitment to spend an estimated $16 billion over 10 years to build two huge Amazon Web Services data centers in Madison County. It’s hailed as “the single largest capital investment in Mississippi history.” Mississippi taxpayers have provided $278 million in incentives and hundreds of millions in tax breaks and exemptions for the centers.
AWS is a subsidiary of Amazon, and some say AWS could help insulate it from tariffs to and from China. But the mother company is a retailer with massive exposure on about 25% of the goods it sells. And spikes in construction and materials costs on a $16 billion project are not to be taken lightly.
The AWS centers also hinge on a $2 billion to $3 billion deal with Entergy for the power company to up its game to feed the massive power needs. Renewable energy — of which Amazon is a big proponent — is a major part of that plan for powering the AWS centers. Besides that, Mississippi has seen major development in solar and wind production. Around 40 solar farms have been approved for construction and operation in Mississippi.
But the Trump administration has vowed to reverse course from the Biden administration’s policies and spending on renewable energy. This includes an executive order to suspend spending from the Inflation Reduction and Infrastructure acts, and the Trump EPA is fighting about $20 billion Biden allocated to clean energy.
Energy production and costs, at least in the short term, are in limbo like everything else with the new administration’s maneuvers.
So, apparently, is expansion of broadband internet, which Mississippi leaders have heralded as a game changer for a poor, rural state on the magnitude of electrification in the 1920s and ’30s. On his first day in office, Trump put funding for broadband expansion, including Mississippi’s $1.2 billion plan, in question with an executive order.
Trump has warned that Americans may feel “a little pain” from his economic and spending policies in the short term. But Mississippi is positioned to potentially feel great pain with an economy less diversified than others and the state struggling with generational poverty.
But Mississippi lawmakers and Gov. Tate Reeves appear nonplussed by this. They are forging ahead with one of the biggest economic experiments in history, betting that revenue largely from sources Trump is vowing to stifle will continue to grow.
Reeves has recently on social media said, “Mississippi’s economy is on fire!” There’s a potential, with looming trade wars, other D.C. policy and a state tax experiment, for that to take on a new meaning.
This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.
Mississippi Today
Are House leaders rubber stamping some bills without apparent committee support? Legislative recap
Are House leaders rubber stamping some bills without apparent committee support? Legislative recap
“Noooo!” the vast majority of House State Affairs Committee members shouted for voice votes on two controversial bills aimed at overhauling the state employee retirement system last week.
Despite what sounded like no more than one or two of the 11 members present saying “Yes,” Committee Chairman Hank Zuber, R-Ocean Springs, ruled each time that the yeses had it. The bills were moved forward. He ignored pleas from several members, including his committee Vice Chairman Robert Johnson, D-Natchez, calling for real vote counts.
A similar “vote” transpired in the House Education Committee recently, with members’ pleas to Chairman Rob Roberson, R-Starkville, for a real vote count being ignored on a hot-potato bill and a voice vote sounding uncertain.
This has drawn criticism from some lawmakers and advocates and renewed questions of whether committee hearings and votes are just to rubber stamp what legislation the GOP leadership has decided it wants to move forward.
In recent years, particularly in the House, publicly held committee hearings and votes have become pro forma. Real decisions appear to be hashed out, and straw polled, in closed door Republican Caucus meetings.
And given the GOP holds a supermajority, it’s akin to the House holding secret sessions and votes on legislation.
Also recently, in a lawsuit brought by the Mississippi Free Press over the closed-door caucus meetings, a Hinds County judge ruled the Legislature is not subject to the state’s open meetings law — that the Legislature imposes on other state and local government bodies.
These are ill omens for the public and press and their right to witness what their elected lawmakers are doing, including how they spend billions of tax dollars. It also concentrates legislative power to a very small handful of folks, and it strips rank-and-file lawmakers of input or even the ability to speak out on issues.
Vice Chairman Johnson, who’s also House minority leader, said he believes House rules require chairmen to allow a roll-call or counted vote when requested. But House Speaker Jason White, Zuber and others have argued that’s not the case.
House rules are unclear or conflicting. One passage says the House shall allow “division” or a counted vote if 1/5 of members demand it. Another says committees will follow the rules for the full House, but then goes on to make that sound optional.
Johnson, along with opponents of the PERS changes in the two bills, which included some of the universities’ lobby, were angry and cried foul after the non-vote votes.
“Most committee chairmen have always abided by, if one person wants a roll call, they do it,” Johnson said. “There were only 11 members in the room, and you heard it, several called for a roll call. This is the second time this session this has happened.
“Now you can’t even vote in committee,” Johnson said. “We have not formally addressed this with the speaker yet, but I think we will. We just can’t operate that way.”
Oddly, the two PERS bills that caused the dustup both died — without a vote — after they were forwarded to another committee. Apparently a tentative deal the leadership had on the measures fell through, so the chairman of the second committee let them die with a deadline without calling them up.
Quote of the Week
“I want my sweet potato. Everybody got one but me. Somebody stole mine. I want it back.” — Rep. Willie Bailey, D-Greenville, in a committee meeting last week before a vote on a measure to make the sweet potato the official state vegetable. Before an earlier House vote weeks ago, sweet potatoes were placed on lawmakers’ desks.
In Brief
Clark laid in state at Capitol
Robert Clark, elected in 1967 as Mississippi’s first Black lawmaker in the modern era and who rose to the second-highest leadership role in the state House of Representatives, laid in state at the Mississippi Capitol on Sunday.

Hundreds came to the Capitol to pay tribute to Clark who was a lifelong advocate for public education and Black representation in state and local government. As chairman of the House Education Committee, he played an instrumental role in the transformational Education Reform act of 1982 that saw the establishment of public Kindergarten statewide.
House Speaker Jason White, who is also from Clark’s native Holmes County, told House members last week that Clark was “a trailblazer and icon for sure”who had always been gracious to him. The House and Senate last week held a moment of silence in his honor. — Taylor Vance
Paid family leave bills survive
Two bills to create paid family leave for state employees survived a crucial deadline in the Legislature.
Both bills would give state employees who are primary caregivers six weeks of paid leave – although the original House version offered eight weeks for primary caregivers and two weeks for secondary caregivers.
If either bill is signed into law, it would apply to employees working for state government agencies but would not include public school teachers. – Sophia Paffenroth
DEI restrictions to be ironed out in conference
Senate and House lawmakers aim to negotiate in conference a final proposal to eliminate diversity, equity and inclusion programs from the state’s public schools.
One sticking point between the chambers is whether to keep legislation aimed at the state’s universities and colleges, as the Senate bill does, or to include K-12 schools, as the House bill does.
The Senate Universities and Colleges Committee this week inserted language from the Senate DEI ban into the House bill, while the House let the Senate bill die. The move sets up negotiations down the road in a conference committee.
The measures passed by each chamber differ in who they would impact, what activities they would regulate and how they aim to reshape the inner workings of the state’s education system. The Senate bill also would create a task force to look for inefficiencies in the state’s higher education system. The House bill contains a provision that would force all public schools to teach and promote that there are two genders. It also threatens to withhold state funds based on complaints that anyone could lodge. – Michael Goldberg
Medicaid expansion vehicle alive; passage unlikely
One bill that could act as the vehicle for Medicaid expansion is alive in the Legislature, though lawmakers have made it clear that expansion is unlikely to come up this year with a sea change to Medicaid funding expected to take place under the new Trump administration.
Senate Bill 2386 is a “dummy bill,” meaning it brings forth the necessary code sections to expand Medicaid eligibility, but includes no details on the policy. – Sophia Paffenroth
Lawmakers trying to revive PBM measure
A bill pushed by pharmacists that would have strengthened regulation of pharmacy benefit managers died on Tuesday in the House, but Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee members have proposed adding its language to a similar House bill with a strike-all amendment.
Pharmacists prefer the Senate’s language because it would tighten appeal procedures, ensure pharmacy benefit managers promptly pay certain claims, and mandate that affiliate pharmacies are not paid more for dispensing drugs than other pharmacies. – Gwen Dilworth
Nurse scope of practice legislation dies
Legislation that would have allowed advanced practice nurses and certified registered nurse anesthetists with a certain amount of training to practice without a collaborative agreement with a physician died on Tuesday.
After strong lobbying against the bill from the Mississippi State Medical Association and other physicians, House Bill 849 died in the Senate Public Health committee on Tuesday. – Kate Royals
Postpartum depression screening bill dies
A bill authored by Sen. Nicole Boyd, R-Oxford, that would require health care providers screen mothers for postpartum depression and prohibit insurance companies from implementing step therapy protocol for FDA-approved postpartum depression drugs also died on deadline day.
House Accountability, Efficiency and Transparency Chair Kevin Ford, R-Vicksburg, did not bring up SB 2874 in his committee. – Kate Royals
Senate trying to revive CON reform
A bill that would have reformed the state’s certificate of need law died, but the Senate Public Health and Welfare committee proposed that some of the bill’s language be added as a strike-all amendment to HB569.
The prevailing proposal would raise the capital expenditure limits for health care facilities and order the Mississippi State Department of Health to study the exemption of small hospitals from being required to acquire a “certificate of need” from the state to open dialysis and geriatric psychiatric units.
It would also require the department to study the feasibility of requiring acute adult psychiatric units to treat a certain percentage of uninsured patients and exempt the University of Mississippi Medical Center from certificate of need requirements in a certain area in Jackson. – Gwen Dilworth
By the Numbers
The number of bills alive in the Legislature after last week’s committee passage deadline, according to Mississippi Statewatch legislative tracking service. Normally, at this point in a legislative session, there would be hundreds more alive. Senate committees last week killed 85 bills the House had passed, and House committees killed 105 bills the Senate had passed. There were 3,216 bills introduced this session.
Full Legislative Coverage
New Mississippi legislative maps head to court for approval despite DeSoto lawmakers’ objections
Voters from 15 Mississippi legislative districts will decide special elections this November, if a federal court approves two redistricting maps that lawmakers approved on Wednesday. Read the story.
Lawmakers honor longtime journalist Emily Wagster Pettus
The Mississippi Legislature on Thursday honored longtime, award-winning journalist Emily Wagster Pettus for her decades of legislative news coverage. Read the story.
PERS overhaul sputters: Securing the future, or giving new state employees ‘worst of both worlds’?
Proponents say failing to make major changes now endangers current employee and retiree benefits and taxpayers down the road. Opponents say drastically reducing benefits for future state employees will make it impossible to recruit, and especially retain, teachers, police and others in relatively low-paying government jobs. Read the story.
Senate says ‘school choice’ transfer bill is dead as House tries last ditch effort to save it
A bill that would make it easier for K-12 students to transfer to other public schools outside their home districts will die in the Mississippi Senate, the chamber’s leaders said as a Tuesday night deadline loomed. Read the story.
House chairman pushes for absentee ballot expansion instead of early voting
Elections Committee Chairman Noah Sanford has successfully pushed some House members to scrap a Senate proposal to establish early voting in Mississippi and expand the state’s absentee voting program instead. Read the story.
Trailblazing Mississippi lawmaker Robert Clark dies
Robert Clark, the first Black person elected to the Mississippi Legislature in the modern era, has died at age 96. Read the story.
Mississippi lawmakers keep mobile sports betting alive, but it faces roadblock in the Senate
A panel of House lawmakers kept alive the effort to legalize mobile sports betting in Mississippi, but the bill does not appear to have enough support in the Senate to pass. Read the story.
House absentee voting plan might still require voters to lie
The worst-kept secret about Mississippi’s elections is that any voter can vote by absentee each cycle if they are willing to lie. Read the story.
Key lawmaker reverses course, passes bill to give poor women earlier prenatal care
A bill to help poor women access prenatal care passed a committee deadline at the eleventh hour after a committee chairman said he wouldn’t bring it up for a vote. Read the story.
Legislation to license midwives dies in the Senate after making historic headway
A bill to license and regulate professional midwifery died on the calendar without a vote after Public Health Chair Hob Bryan, D-Amory, did not bring it up in committee before the deadline Tuesday night. Read the story.
Podcast: Mississippi Legislature enters homestretch, still facing uncertainty from Trump admin maneuvers
Mississippi Today’s politics team outlines some challenges lawmakers face in the final month of their session from uncertainty of the affects Trump administration moves will have on the state level. They also discuss what lived and died with last week’s deadline for committee passage. Listen to the podcast.
This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.
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