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Studies show that not expanding Medicaid is killing Mississippians



Study after study details how expanding Medicaid will create jobs, grow the state economy and provide a boost to Mississippi’s beleaguered hospitals.

The issue of expanding Medicaid will be hotly debated in this year’s gubernatorial election. Incumbent Republican Gov. Tate Reeves adamantly opposes Medicaid expansion, while Democratic challenger Brandon Presley is an ardent supporter. It seems at times the issue is viewed solely in terms of politics — whether supporting or opposing Medicaid expansion can help a candidate win elections.

What often is lost in the conversation, though, is the true intent of Medicaid expansion: to improve health and save lives. And there are studies that indicate expanding Medicaid does save lives.

States were allowed to start expanding Medicaid to provide health care coverage to primarily the working poor in 2014. A November 2019 study by the national nonprofit Center for Budget and Policy Priorities attributed the premature deaths of 540 Mississippians between the ages of 55 to 64 to the state’s refusal to expand Medicaid. The same study said that 19,000 lives had been saved in the states that had expanded Medicaid.

At the time that study was conducted, 16 states had not expanded Medicaid. Today, Mississippi is one of just 10 states refusing to expand Medicaid.

“Over a four-year period, the lives of 540 older people were lost because Mississippi did not expand Medicaid to low-income adults,” the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities study said.

Yes, the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities is viewed as a progressive but respected group. Several other groups, though, have reached the same conclusion — that expanding Medicaid saves lives.

A 2021 study by the Kaiser Family Foundation said, “Studies find that expansion was associated with significant declines in mortality related to certain specific conditions, in some instances limited to certain subgroups. These findings include decreased mortality associated with different types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and liver disease.”

The KFF report also said, “A 2020 national study found that expansion was associated with a significant 3.6% decrease in all-cause mortality, the majority of which was accounted for by a significant 1.93% decrease in health care amenable mortality. Another study found that expansion was associated with reductions in health care amenable mortality and in mortality not due to drug overdose.”

“Health care amenable mortality” is a fancy way of saying deaths that should not have occurred if adequate and timely health care was available.

If a person with high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol receives adequate preventative medical care, he or she is less likely to have a life-threatening stroke or heart attack. Presumably, a person with Medicaid would be more likely to seek out such medical care.

Similar arguments can be made about a host of diseases including cancer, diabetes and others.

The study by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities focused on those aged 55 to 64 – those who, in general terms, are nearing retirement. Those are the people most likely to be impacted by certain diseases and whose lives can be prolonged with proper medical care to combat high blood pressure or other potentially life-threatening conditions.

“Research shows that Medicaid expansion increased the share of low-income adults using medications to control chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes,” the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities study found. “The new study finds particularly clear evidence of a drop in mortality from conditions like these, which are amenable to medication and other treatment.”

Common sense also would conclude that if people are getting those treatments they can work longer and pay taxes.

Mississippi is consistently last or next to last among the 50 states in what economists say is the important category of the labor force participation rate that measures the number of people pre-retirement age who are working. According to the latest numbers, Mississippi’s labor force participation rate of 54.8% is next to last, leading only West Virginia. That labor force participation rate is a drag on the state economy, experts say. The national average is 62.2%.

The issue is exacerbated in Mississippi due to the fact the state also has one of the highest percentage of people who are disabled and most likely not working. It is hard for a person who has had a stroke that left him or her with a physical impairment to do certain jobs.

Of course, in Mississippi, that person who had been working but is now disabled most likely would not have sought out preventative medical care because he or she could not afford it. They certainly didn’t have coverage from Medicaid, which has not been expanded to provide coverage to primarily the working poor.

Because of that lack of medical treatment, those people are more apt to die — according, at least, to many of these studies.

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Mississippi Today

Public health report card highlights high preventable death rates in Mississippi


on – Gwen Dilworth – 2025-01-28 12:47:00

Mississippi earned low marks for preventable deaths related to heart disease, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes, and high marks for declining opioid overdose deaths and school-aged vaccination rates on its public health report card for 2024. 

The state has moved to being ranked 49th in the country – up from 54th last year – in America’s Health Rankings, which were released Tuesday, said State Health Officer Dr. Daniel Edney at a press conference at the State Capitol in Jackson. 

“The number is not what’s important, it’s the lives that have been saved that this number represents,” he said. 

The annual report, which reviews the state’s health indicators and highlights areas of progress and those in need of improvement, is produced by the Mississippi Department of Health and the Mississippi State Medical Association. 

Mississippi has high rates of preventable deaths from heart disease, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes. The report estimates that over 195,000 years of life were lost before age 75 in Mississippi due to preventable deaths in 2024. 

Mississippi has long led the country in child vaccination rates, but slipped to third in 2024 following a federal ruling that decreed parents can opt out of vaccinating their children for school due to religious beliefs. 

There has been a “modest improvement” in maternal and infant mortality rates in the state, though Mississippi is ranked 45th and 50th, respectively, in those categories. Edney called the state’s high infant mortality rates “absolutely unacceptable.” 

Daniel Edney speaks to the media about the Mississippi State Department of Health’s 2024 Public Health Report Card at the Capitol in Jackson, Miss., on Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025. The report highlights key health indicators, showcasing progress and identifying areas needing improvement across Mississippi. Credit: Eric Shelton/Mississippi Today

There has been a reduction in opioid related overdose deaths in the state for the past two years, Edney reported, and the state had the 14th lowest opioid overdose rate in the nation in 2023. HIV and tuberculosis rates have also declined. 

Dr. Jennifer Bryan, the president of the Mississippi State Medical Association, said the report is “a call to action for physicians, lawmakers, and community leaders to work together to reduce preventable deaths and invest in long-term health solutions for our state.”

Bryan said she hoped to see lawmakers pass legislation addressing consumption of kratom, an herbal substance that can be bought at gas stations and produces effects similar to opioids and stimulants and can be addictive.

Bryan and Edney both declined to publicly call for Medicaid expansion but said health insurance coverage and access to primary care physicians and routine screenings are essential to ensuring the health of Mississippians. Bryan said she hopes legislators will “get creative” and find a way to ensure more Mississippians have access to health coverage. 

Lawmakers came close but did not succeed in passing Medicaid expansion during last year’s session. The state remains one of 10 to not expand Medicaid. 

Edney said that the Department of Health will focus on school-aged health promotion, obesity, diabetes and a new obstetric system of care – a not-yet-implemented program that would designate hospitals’ level of obstetric care to serve patients with varying levels of risk – in the coming year. 

The Department of Health made a small request for increased appropriations from the state Legislature for the coming year, focusing on several new programs to train early-career doctors and help Mississippians enroll in health insurance coverage. 

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Mississippi Today

CEO: Hospitals need Medicaid expansion, but Mississippians need it even more


on – Lee McCall – 2025-01-28 08:31:00

Note: This essay is part of Mississippi Today Ideas, a new platform for thoughtful Mississippians to share fact-based ideas about our state’s past, present and future. You can read more about the section here.

Patients frequently show up in the emergency room at Neshoba General in Philadelphia without any health insurance.

Sometimes the issue is a bad cold, a cough or a fever — common illnesses that will go away over time, though treatment by a healthcare professional could ease symptoms. Many times, the diagnosis is much more complicated because of delayed care.

Almost all the time, the person who needs our help has a job (or two).

Last year, the Legislature filed a conference report which would have made Mississippi the 41st state to expand Medicaid, creating a payor source for patients like these. Though it did not pass, six influential lawmakers, including House Medicaid Chair Missy McGee and Senate Medicaid Chair Kevin Blackwell, signed off on the report.

Included in the language was a work requirement, with exceptions for full and part-time students, caregivers of non-school age children and others. In his first term, President Trump’s administration approved such requirements and is likely to approve them again. Under the bill, the state would not be saddled with additional financial obligations. Instead, managed care companies who stand to benefit from expansion would pay for it.

All in all, Mississippi got closer to a compromise on Medicaid expansion during the 2024 legislative session than we ever have before.

The state’s decision not to expand has been expensive for us. Federal law requires hospitals participating in Medicare and offering emergency services to screen and treat patients regardless of whether they can pay for services. Any other business forced to provide goods and services to customers who cannot pay would close.

It has also been expensive for the state. Mississippi’s labor force participation rate is usually the lowest, or next to the lowest, in the nation. When people are not healthy, they are not working. We all know the domino effect from there: less taxpaying citizens, less business growth, less economic viability, more government dependency. 

The biggest issue, though, is the personal impact not expanding Medicaid has on our friends and neighbors in Mississippi.

People who present in our emergency rooms without insurance are most always people we know in our community. They face tough decisions every day about how to use limited resources. Paying for childcare or groceries, for example, means forgoing preventative services or delaying life-saving treatment.

While the substantial increases in federal MHAP supplemental payments (funded by a tax on hospitals) have helped stabilize hospitals, the program is fragile and subject to annual renewal. More importantly, none of those funds go to help individuals under 138% of the federal poverty level (those earning about $21,600 annually) procure health insurance.

We are so thankful for the Legislature’s significant efforts and pray the conversation about Medicaid expansion continues this year. The state needs expansion to grow our work force and thrive. Hospitals, particularly in rural areas, need expansion to survive.

However, hard-working Mississippians holding down low-wage jobs that are crucial to our economy are the ones who need — and deserve — it the most.

Lee McCall is CEO of the Neshoba General Hospital in Philadelphia and chair of the Mississippi Hospital Association.

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Mississippi Today

On this day in 1963


on – Jerry Mitchell – 2025-01-28 07:00:00

Jan. 28, 1963

Harvey Gantt Credit: Harvey B. Gantt African American Center for Arts + Culture

Harvey Gantt became the first Black student at Clemson University in South Carolina, the last state to hold out against court-ordered desegregation. 

After graduating second in his class from Burke High School in Charleston in 1960, he studied architecture at Iowa State University and began to fight a legal battle to attend Clemson, which he won. Nine months later, Lucinda Brawley became the first Black woman to attend. A year later, they married. 

Gantt graduated with honors in 1965, receiving a bachelor’s degree in architecture and later a master’s in city planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He moved to Charlotte and co-founded an architectural firm with Jeff Huberman. Their firm developed some of the city’s most iconic landmarks, including the Johnson C. Smith University Science Center. He also broke down barriers, becoming the city’s first Black mayor in 1983. Three years later, he became a fellow in the American Institute of Architects, the highest honor given to an architect. 

Gantt continued to be active in civil rights, collaborating with activist Floyd B. McKissick to design Soul City, an experimental interracial community. In 1990, he ran against U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms and was leading in the polls against the politician who had backed racial segregation, filibustered against the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and once called the University of North Carolina the “University of Negroes and Communists.” 

“Every race I’ve been in,” Gantt said, “I calculated race into the equation. If you’re in America, you calculate it into the equation. It is a factor. I never make it an issue. I don’t run the campaign wearing it on my sleeve, but I don’t run away from it either.” 

Before the vote, Helms aired a commercial with a pair of white hands with the voiceover declaring, “You wanted this job, but because of a law they had to give it to a minority.” 

He won with 52.5 percent of the vote. 

Today, the African-American Center for Arts+Culture in Charlotte bears the name of Gantt, who continues to urge young people to “never give up on their dreams and vision to become somebody. We all possess the potential to become successful in life, and I challenge every student to settle for nothing less.”

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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