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Sending taxpayer money to private schools advances in Mississippi House


on – Michael Goldberg – 2025-02-04 17:31:00

A House committee advanced a bill Tuesday that would send taxpayer money from public to private schools,

The move keeps alive a yearslong push from private school advocates and prompted concern among Democrats that the legislation could undermine public schools serving some of the state’s neediest students.

House Education Chairman Rob Roberson’s bill passed after an hour of debate. Roberson advanced the bill by voice vote and denied Democrats’ request for a roll call where each member’s vote could be recorded. Roberson acknowledged the bill faces a tough road ahead in the Legislature before it would have a chance of becoming law. But he said lawmakers needed to discuss solutions for students in disadvantaged areas who aren’t getting a quality education.

“The purpose of this is for us to continue having a conversation about how we help the poorest of the poor (students),” Roberon said. “I do realize that you all are getting a lot of pressure to push back on this, but we’ve got to keep talking about these things. Even if it makes you uncomfortable, even if you’re getting a million phone calls, these kids deserve to have us talking about this.”

Roberson’s bill would allow students who have been enrolled in a district rated D or F within the past five years to use the state portion of their base student cost — money that would normally go to their local public school — and use it to pay for private school tuition.

Students could only use the money at a private school if there is not an A- or B-rated district willing to accept them within 30 miles of their home. The legislation does not cover transportation costs for students, an omission that Democrats on the committee said would exacerbate the economic strain on poor families.

The money from each child’s base student cost would be placed in an education savings account, a provision designed to protect the legislation from a legal challenge.

The constitutionality of education savings accounts in Mississippi remains a subject of debate. Skeptics say ESAs are unconstitutional because they allow public money to be used to support private schools. Supporters say the accounts do not directly fund private schools, but instead allow families to make their own decisions about where to educate their children.

The legislation creates an initial appropriation of $5 million in public money. The Legislature would then need to appropriate funds for the program based on the state Department of Education’s estimation of students attending private schools that are currently receiving public money and the projected number of eligible students who opt to attend a private school.

Students in families that make less than 138% of the federal poverty level would have first access to the money. After that, funds would be disbursed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Students would need to obtain approval from the receiving district in order to transfer to another public school. The district could decline to accept the student if school officials say they don’t have enough room.

Proponents of such “school choice” measures argue that parents should have greater autonomy to customize their children’s education and that students shouldn’t be trapped in low-performing schools. Opponents argue these measures starve already under-resourced public schools of funds they would otherwise receive.

Rep. Cheikh Taylor, D-Starkville, said the bill and similar measures sending taxpayer funds to private schools would widen the “separation of school systems” between rich and poor areas. He also said the bill would be struck down by either a state or federal court if it became law.

“There will be an educational gap that will be furthered by this bill and the constitutionality has not been vetted,” Taylor said. “The intent has always been to divert money to charter schools and private schools. For years we’ve pushed back against it. Now we’re seeing again that this ugly head of the separation of education, those who are afforded more access and those who are not.”

Roberson said that divide already exists in Mississippi and that wealthy families find ways to send their children to the schools of their choosing, either public or private.

“Frankly it comes down to, the rich people can take kids can take their kids and go anywhere they want to. The poor kids, whether transportation is attached or not, end up going to what’s left over,” Roberson said. “If you’re a wealthy person, you have school choice.”

The school choice debate has been intertwined with debates over race and class in education. Those against school choice say the policies could effectively re-segregate schools. School choice supporters say some high-performing school districts fight school choice measures to avoid accepting students from poor and minority backgrounds.

Roberson said he did not believe the Legislature was ready to support “full-blown school choice.” Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann and senators with sway over education policy have not said they support sending public money to private schools. Senate Education Chairman Dennis DeBar, R-Leakesville, said this week that he is skeptical that even a measure to ease transfers between public schools could pass.

The bill has already drawn fierce opposition from public education groups, who said the measure could lay the groundwork for an unconstitutional voucher program impacting all public schools in the state

“Just because it is being passed through the parents’ hands before it goes to the private school, doesn’t make the action any less unconstitutional, in our opinion,” said Erica Jones, Executive Director of the Mississippi Association of Educators.

The proposal now awaits a vote on the House floor.

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

Mississippi Today

On this day in 1977


on – Jerry Mitchell – 2025-03-08 07:00:00

On this day in 1977

March 8, 1977

Henry Marsh
Henry L. Marsh III became the first Black mayor of the Confederacy’s capital.

Henry L. Marsh III became the first Black mayor of the former capital of the Confederacy, Richmond, Virginia. 

Growing up in Virginia, he attended a one-room school that had seven grades and one teacher. Afterward, he went to Richmond, where he became vice president of the senior class at Maggie L. Walker High School and president of the student NAACP branch. 

When Virginia lawmakers debated whether to adopt “massive resistance,” he testified against that plan and later won a scholarship for Howard University School of Law. He decided to become a lawyer to “help make positive change happen.” After graduating, he helped win thousands of workers their class-actions cases and helped others succeed in fighting segregation cases. 

“We were constantly fighting against race prejudice,” he recalled. “For instance, in the case of Franklin v. Giles County, a local official fired all of the black public school teachers. We sued and got the (that) decision overruled.” 

In 1966, he was elected to the Richmond City Council and later became the city’s first Black mayor for five years. He inherited a landlocked city that had lost 40% of its retail revenues in three years, comparing it to “taking a wounded man, tying his hands behind his back, planting his feet in concrete and throwing him in the water and saying, ‘OK, let’s see you survive.’” 

In the end, he led the city from “acute racial polarization towards a more civil society.” He served as president of the National Black Caucus of Elected Officials and as a member of the board of directors of the National League of Cities. 

As an education supporter, he formed the Support Committee for Excellence in the Public Schools. He also hosts the city’s Annual Juneteenth Celebration. The courthouse where he practiced now bears his name and so does an elementary school. 

Marsh also worked to bridge the city’s racial divide, creating what is now known as Venture Richmond. He was often quoted as saying, “It doesn’t impress me to say that something has never been done before, because everything that is done for the first time had never been done before.”

He died on Jan. 23, 2025, at the age of 91.

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Mississippi Today

Judge tosses evidence tampering against Tim Herrington


on – Molly Minta – 2025-03-07 15:08:00

A Lafayette County circuit judge ended an attempt to prosecute Sheldon Timothy Herrington Jr., the son of a prominent north Mississippi church family who is accused of killing a fellow University of Mississippi student named Jimmie “Jay” Lee, for evidence tampering.

In a March 7 order, Kelly Luther wrote that Herrington cannot be charged with evidence tampering because of the crime’s two-year statute of limitations. A grand jury indicted the University of Mississippi graduate last month on the charge for allegedly hiding Lee’s remains in a well-known dumping ground about 20 minutes from Herrington’s parent’s house in Grenada.

“The Court finds that prosecution for the charge of Tampering with Physical Evidence commenced outside the two-year statute of limitations and is therefore time-barred,” Luther wrote.

In order to stick, Luther essentially ruled that the prosecution should have brought the charges against Herrington sooner. In court last week, the prosecution argued that it could not have brought those charges to a grand jury without Lee’s remains, which provided the evidence that evidence tampering occurred.

READ MORE: ‘The pressure … has gotten worse:’ Facing new charge, Tim Herrington will remain in jail until trial, judge rules

The dismissal came after Herrington’s new counsel, Jackson-area criminal defense attorney Aafram Sellers, filed a motion to throw out the count. Sellers did not respond to a request for commend by press time.

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Mississippi Today

JXN Water is running out of operating money, set to raise rates again


on – Alex Rozier – 2025-03-07 11:33:00

JXN Water is losing money at a rate it can’t sustain, according to a financial outlook it released last week, as the federal dollars it received to run day-to-day operations are set to run out next month.

Ted Henifin, who manages the third-party provider, told Mississippi Today on Thursday that the funding shortfall may extend repair times for line breaks, and that the utility will look to once again raise rates on customers’ water bills. Henifin explained that various factors — such as debt payments, higher-than-expected operating costs, and slower-than-expected collections gains — have left the water utility in a precarious position where it’s now losing $3 million a month.

“Gone from a water disaster to a bit of financial disaster or so,” Henifin described.

Workers with Gould Enterprises, LLC, JXN Water contractors, repair a water line at the t-section of Beacon Place and Queensroad Avenue in the Bel-Air subdivision in Jackson, Friday, Dec. 1, 2023.

The federal government set aside a historic $800 million for Jackson to fix its water and sewer systems in 2022, with $600 million of that tied specifically to the water system. That included $150 million of “flexible” funding, which JXN Water has used mostly for line repairs as well as on a contract with Jacobs to run the day-to-day operations of the system. The rest of the $600 million was intended for bigger, capital projects.

But the $150 million, Henifin said, is on track to run out in April. He said JXN Water will look for grants and low-interest loans to hold its operations together, as well as work with Congress to free up some of the $450 million — the amount intended for larger projects — for operations spending.

The water provider is also set to impose an almost 12% rate increase on customers’ water bills this spring — just under $9 per month for the average resident — the second rate hike in as many years (the utility a year ago raised rates on average $10 per month). While the 2022 federal order requires it to put rate increases before the Jackson City Council, JXN Water only needs the approval of overseeing U.S. District Judge Henry Wingate.

Ted Henifin, the City of Jackson’s water system third-party administrator, speaks about the company that will be running the city’s water treatment plant operations during a press conference at Hinds Community College in Jackson, Miss., Friday, February 24, 2023. Credit: Eric Shelton/Mississippi Today

In addition to higher-than-expected operating costs, such as fixing line breaks, Henifin said the utility was also unsuccessful in retiring some of the city’s debt due to federal constraints over how it spends the $450 million pot. As a result, JXN Water is paying $1.5 million a month, or half of its total losses, in debt services.

Meanwhile, the utility’s revenue collection rate of 70% is an improvement from a year ago, when it was under 60%, but it’s still far below the national average. Last year, Henifin told Mississippi Today in order to make the water system self-sustainable by the time federal funding runs out, the rate needs to reach 80% in 2025 and 90% in 2026. The financial report says there are 14,000 accounts that receive water but aren’t paying bills.

Henifin admitted on Thursday, though, that even if collection rates were at 100%, JXN Water would still be losing money.

“It’s really the running out of the federal funds and not having closed that gap on local revenues,” he said. “Error on our part maybe that we didn’t focus on this earlier, but we were really trying to get the water system working.”

Last week’s financial plan added that a decision from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals over whether to release SNAP recipient data is expected within the next two months. JXN Water last year introduced a first-of-its-kind discount for SNAP recipients, but both federal and state officials appealed an order from Wingate to release the names of those recipients, preventing the utility from automatically applying those discounts.

Rep. Chris Bell, D-Jackson Credit: Mississippi House

To help free up funding for the utility, Rep. Chris Bell, D-Jackson, wrote a bill which would allow JXN Water to become a water authority for the purpose of accessing tax-exempt bonds or loans. The bill now just needs to pass a floor vote in the Senate.

Henifin added that, after some initial uncertainty, JXN Water’s current funding won’t be impacted by the Trump administration’s recent freezing of federal grant funds.

He also said the funds they do have access to are being used to make major improvements, such as fixing the membrane trains, filters and sediment basins at the O.B. Curtis treatment plant.

“I think it’s a pretty bright future,” Henifin said. “If we can just get over this little cashflow hump we’re in good shape.”

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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