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Op-Ed: Mississippi votes conservative, but state policy is often watered down | Opinion



www.thecentersquare.com – By Douglas Carswell | Mississippi Center for Public Policy – 2024-09-03 10:34:00

Waiting for my suitcase in the arrivals hall at airport the other evening, I realized that the luggage carrousel was a pretty good metaphor for Mississippi . Like suitcases on a carousel, many simply sit on the conveyor belt of politics, waiting their turn to get moved along to the next role.


Too often, leaders are carried along by time and process, rarely offering any vision as to what our state should do differently.

This explains why Mississippi conservatives have achieved less in 12 years than Arkansas, and Alabama have accomplished in the past 12 months. Louisiana did not even have a Republican governor this time last year, yet they’ve already passed universal school choice.

Things could be about to change if House Speaker Jason White has his way.

This week, White announced that he will be hosting a Tax Policy Summit on Sept. 24 to take a deep dive into the prospects for Tax Reform.


My friend, Grover Norquist, will be speaking, as will Gov Tate Reeves, as well leading conservative figures from the .

a conversation in public matters because in the past the leadership in our state Senate has done what it can to head off tax cuts. Bringing the facts of what can and cannot be done into the open makes it far harder for anyone to keep finding new excuses to oppose actual conservative policy.

Sunshine is the best disinfectant against the putrid politics of backroom deals. We have seen far too many backroom maneuvers used to kill off good conservative policy in this state.

Back in 2022, Mississippi passed a to cut the state income tax to a flat 4 percent. This $525 million tax cut, driven forward by Speaker Philip Gunn and Gov Reeves, benefited 1.2 million taxpayers and their families. But we must not forget how some in the Senate fought against it โ€“ not in the open, of course.


Weak Senate leadership has a history of opposing conservative proposals in our state. Seldom do they have the courage to come out and explicitly kill off conservative measures. Instead, they do it on the sly.

The Senate leadership maneuvered to stop anti-DEI legislation in 2024. I don’t recall anyone coming out and explaining why they opposed anti-DEI law. They just killed it in committee with a nudge and wink.

For three years in a row, the Senate leadership has killed off attempts to restore the ballot initiative. Again, those against resorting the ballot lack the courage to say they are against it. They killed that, too, on the sly.

Rep Rob Roberson’s excellent school reform bill, perhaps the only big strategic achievement of this year’s session, passed despite attempts to scupper it by some in the Senate. (Part of the backroom deal to get the bill passed was to change its name. It really was that petty.)


When the Senate leadership wants to oppose an authentically conservative policy, they follow a now familiar pattern.

A reason is cited as to why what is being proposed can’t be done. School choice, we were once told, would be unconstitutional. An anti-DEI law, it was implied, was unnecessary because there was no DEI on campus.

Once that excuse is shown to be nonsense (there is no constitutional bar to school choice, DEI is rampant on campus), another excuse is promptly conjured up. And on it goes.

Each time the Senate leadership opposes conservative policy this way, I wonder what their alternatives are. The answer is that most of the time there are none. It is pretty low grade to oppose ideas simply because they are not your own.


Eventually, of course, a suitcase that sits on the carousel for too long ends up in lost luggage.

As a direct consequence of the 2022 Reeves-Gunn tax cuts, Mississippi is now starting to see a flood of investment into the state.

Every time you hear about a new factory opening up in our state, remember who and what helped make it happen. I am very optimistic that this Tax Summit could see further progress to make our state more competitive.

Douglas Carswell is the President and of the Mississippi Center for Public Policy.


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News from the South - Louisiana News Feed

Louisiana Board of Optometry fails to document thousands in reimbursements | Louisiana



www.thecentersquare.com – By Jacob Mathews | – 2024-09-13 16:11:00

SUMMARY: The Board of Optometry Examiners improperly documented over $5,000 in travel reimbursements, according to an audit by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor’s Office. The audit, covering January 2022 to December 2023, revealed several issues, lack of supporting documentation for reimbursements, duplicate meal charges, and expenses outside official travel dates. This marks the third consecutive audit with exceptions related to travel reimbursements. While the board disagreed with some findings, the newly appointed president noted progress in addressing prior audit issues, with only one remaining concern to resolve.

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News from the South - Alabama News Feed

Alabama tax revenues dipped by 2.36% in August | Alabama



www.thecentersquare.com – By Steve Wilson | – 2024-09-12 08:40:00

SUMMARY: In August 2024, Alabama’s tax receipts fell 2.36% from the previous year, decreasing from $1.35 to $1.32 billion, driven by declines in sales and personal income tax collections. The sales tax revenue dropped nearly 5%, while personal income tax receipts fell from $694.8 million to $682.5 million and corporate tax revenues dropped significantly by over 54%. However, for the fiscal year so far, tax collections are up 2.28% from $15.1 billion to $15.4 billion. Notably, gas tax collections rose by 4.39%, and use tax collections grew by 11.73%. Alabama’s unemployment rate was recorded at 2.8% in July.

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News from the South - Florida News Feed

Floridaโ€™s freshwater supplies canโ€™t keep up with population growth | Florida



www.thecentersquare.com – By Andrew Powell | Contributor – 2024-09-13 15:35:00

SUMMARY: Florida may face a severe shortage as early as next year, according to a from the Florida Office of Economic and Demographic Research. To maintain current supply levels, nearly $1.7 is needed for projects through 2040. Expenditures are estimated at $1.58 billion for vital recovery and prevention strategies, with a share of $234.77 million. Florida’s population is expected to exceed 26 million by 2040, increasing water demand. Florida TaxWatch called for a five-year plan to improve and selection processes, highlighting the inconsistency in funding 281 water-related projects totaling over $410 million for fiscal year 2024-25.

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