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Medical Examiner’s list paints grim picture of causes of Helene deaths • Asheville Watchdog



avlwatchdog.org – ANDREW R. JONES and VICTORIA A. IFATUSIN – 2024-10-16 15:48:00

A 4-year-old girl died in Catawba County in a 2-vehicle crash. An 82-year-old man was killed in Buncombe County by a landslide and floodwaters. A 51-year-old man died in Mitchell County when a tree limb struck him. 

These are just three of the 95 deaths chronicled in an Oct. 16 tally from the North Carolina Department of and Human Services obtained Wednesday by , representing the most comprehensive accounting of Helene’s death toll thus far.

According to the agency, Buncombe County suffered 42 deaths, the highest toll of the 21 counties listed. Yancey County had the next highest, with 11, followed by seven in Henderson County. The ages of the dead across the 21 counties ranged from 4 to 91.

“Each decedent is being tracked and cared for at one of two locations — Asheville and the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) in Raleigh,” NCDHHS spokesperson Haight Connor said.  “The more complex cases are being sent to Raleigh for additional examination and confirmation of identification.”

The NCDHHS list gave each victim’s age, the day they died and the circumstances of their death. It also broke down the official causes of deaths thus far:

  • Motor vehicle drownings: 4 
  • Motor vehicle crash (includes hydroplane cases): 3 
  • Wind/tree trauma: 6 
  • Drowning: 20 
  • Landslide: 11 
  • Blunt force injuries: 11 
  • Unknown circumstances: 34 
  • Other: 5 
  • Environmental exposure: 1 

“There are complex storm-related deaths in which the exact circumstances are not immediately known,” Connor said.  “These complex cases are initially classified as ‘Unknown’ and currently total 34. A team of trained forensic pathologists are working each case to determine the exact cause of death; when done, those deaths will be reclassified and added to the appropriate category.”

In the initial aftermath of the storm, Buncombe County Sheriff Quentin Miller provided updated death tolls for the county. His last count on Oct. 3 had reached 72. 

When asked about the difference between the Miller’s and the ‘s counts, sheriff’s office spokesperson Matthew Marshall said, “We are working on getting you information regarding this discrepancy,” and deferred to NCDHHS. 

“We do not have any information about how Buncombe County was determining fatality numbers for the death totals they were ,” said Connor. “We understand that Buncombe County decided to stop their independent reporting as of last and are relying on the state to storm-related deaths.”

She said medical examiners are relying on guidance from the federal Centers for Disease Control in attributing deaths as directly or indirectly caused by the storm.

“Cases are being thoroughly investigated to determine the cause and manner of death and if the storm-related death was a direct cause [or] indirect,“ Haight said. “These are the deaths we report .”

Asheville Watchdog is a nonprofit team producing stories that matter to Asheville and Buncombe County. Andrew R. Jones is a Watchdog investigative reporter. Email arjones@avlwatchdog.org. Investigative reporter Victoria A. Ifatusin joined us through a 12-month fellowship as part of the Scripps Fund’s Roy W. Howard Fellowship program. You can reach her via email at vifatusin@avlwatchdog.org. The Watchdog’s local reporting during this crisis is made possible by donations from the community. To show your support for this vital public service go to avlwatchdog.org/support-our-publication/.

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Helene took entire families, couples, children • Asheville Watchdog



avlwatchdog.org – SALLY KESTIN – 2024-10-19 06:00:00

They perished under the most harrowing circumstances: entire families swept away by raging floodwaters, couples tossed out of their homes or crushed as the land underneath gave way, people battling diseases unable to access the treatments that kept them alive.

The devastating, heartbreaking picture of the lives lost in Buncombe to Tropical Storm Helene, a calamity few could have imagined, is just beginning to emerge. 

In the initial days after the storm, Buncombe Sheriff Quentin Miller put the death toll at 72, but his office has since clarified that that number included all deaths, and some were not hurricane-related or from Buncombe. medical examiners are in charge of determining disaster-related fatalities, and their official count for Buncombe as of Friday was 42.

Asheville Watchdog is bringing you the stories behind the staggering loss of life, the , parents, grandparents, multiple generations of a single family, all gone in one of the worst natural disasters to hit the mountains of western North Carolina. This is the first installment.  

Judy and James Dockery

Judy and James Dockery lived atop a knoll in Swannanoa on land that had been in the family for decades. A small creek ran through, barely ankle deep.

Previous heavy rainfalls caused some , but the “would always go down the road and down the other side,” said their son, Bruce.

Judy, 64, and James, 63, did not think Helene would be different and remained in their trailer as the storm came through on Sept. 26-27, dumping 13 inches of rain near Swannanoa.

“There was an aquifer at the top of the mountain that blew,” Bruce Dockery said. A geyser of water roared down toward the Dockerys, unleashing a landslide that destroyed everything in its path.

Wes Barnett, who runs Satya Sanctuary, a meditation retreat next door to the Dockerys, saw his neighbors gathering out front just after the mud settled. They had discovered James Dockery on the ground, steps from where his trailer had stood. 

James and Judy Dockery with their son, Bruce, middle. // provided by Bruce Dockery

“He couldn’t communicate,” Barnett said. “You could tell he had been crushed somehow.”

The neighbors carefully lifted Dockery out, trudging through mud and fallen trees. They fashioned a stretcher out of two-by-fours, making their way to a truck, their only hope for finding medical attention with cell service out and no way to call 911, Barnett said.

Bruce Dockery, who lives in Black Mountain, desperately tried to reach his parents. “There was no way to get” there, he said. On U.S. 70, “there were houses in the road, literally, trailers and sheds sitting in the road,” he said.

He tried an alternate route, Davidson Road, but “all of those smaller bridges were gone,” he said. “I found some cops directing traffic, and I was able to get a hold of them, and they were able to use radios” to call for help.

The neighbors tending to James Dockery were also searching for his wife. One said “they didn’t think Judy made it,” Barnett said. “And that’s when I could tell [James] kind of started letting go.”

The remains of the Dockerys’ trailer are strewn across a wide area in Swannanoa. // Starr Sariego

The neighbors tried CPR but could no longer detect a pulse. “They held his hand until he passed,” Bruce Dockery said. 

One of the neighbors found Judy Dockery several hours later. “She was probably a quarter of a mile down, about three streets down, on a rock covered in mud,” her son said.

Dockery thought his mother was still alive and set out on foot for a 2-mile journey through woods to reach her. About halfway there around dusk, he received a call that she had died.

“I sat on a log and cried for a few minutes” and decided to turn around, Dockery said.

The neighbors “put a blanket over and stayed with her until help arrived” the next day, he said. They took turns, he said, making sure that animals did not disturb her body.

Judy drowned, and James died from landslide injuries, according to their death certificates.

Dockery said he believes his parents were attempting to flee their trailer. “My dad, he was old school. He did not go outside unless he was fully dressed, and when they found him, he had his pajamas on, but he had his wallet and keys and knife,” he said.

The torrent of water and debris left “SUV-sized rocks” in the Dockerys’ yard, their son said. “There is a complete bald spot, probably 20 feet wide, all the way up the mountain where that spring under that creek just blew.”

A truck that James and his son had been rebuilding and Judy’s car “are just completely unaccounted for,” Dockery said. “They’re nowhere to be found.”

The Dockerys’ trailer was sheared in two with half ending up in a road below their driveway and the other half three streets away, slamming into a house and knocking it off its foundation, Dockery said. That house, he said, settled into the garage of the house next door.

This photo of James and Judy Dockery appeared with their obituary. The was killed in a landslide in Swannanoa during Hurricane Helene. // Photo provided by Bruce Dockery

The Dockerys “deeply loved each other,” their obituary said.

James, a Buncombe native, played guitar and enjoyed making others laugh. He was a preacher at Victory Baptist Church in Black Mountain. A former arborist, he had been unable to work in recent years due to problems, his son said.

Judy was known as “Mama” or “Aunt Judy” and loved serving, cooking and caring for others, their obituary said. She had retired in February after working factory jobs and in nursing homes, her son said.

“My dad was a really avid outdoorsman, and my mom loved crafts, any kind of craft,” Bruce Dockery said.

The couple would have celebrated their 44th wedding anniversary Oct. 14.

James Harbison

James “Jimmy” Harbison of Swannanoa, a disabled U.S. Army veteran, loved to visit his cousins nearby. His sister, Norma, warned him to stay home as Helene approached.

“I said, ‘This is not just a rain. It’s a hurricane. Do not leave this house,’ ” she recalled. 

James “Jimmy” Harbison // Courtesy of Norma Harbison

Harbison dismissed her concern. On Sept. 27, as rivers and streams suddenly swelled with floodwater, Norma Harbison received a call from her cousin. 

Jimmy Harbison, 71, was attempting to cross the creek to her house, a normally calm stream no more than knee deep. From a hilltop, Harbison’s cousin yelled, “Go back, go back, go back,” Norma Harbison recalled. “And she said he reached for the [bridge] railing, and the water like swept his feet right under him.”

She said her brother was a good swimmer. “In his head, he probably thought he could swim,” she said. “That water was running so hard…It washed the bridge completely out.”

Norma Harbison’s son and other relatives looked for Jimmy, but the creek had risen to more than 12 feet deep, she said.

Harbison’s body was discovered two days later. The cause of death was drowning.

A welder, Harbison loved to sketch cartoon characters and attended the River of Life International church in West Asheville, his sister said. He was a paratrooper in the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division and had been discharged for health reasons, she said.

“Jimmy was well known with the people in Swannanoa/Asheville,” Harbison said. He “spoke to everyone he came in contact with.”

Harbison lived with his sister for more than 30 years. “I was devastated and still am,” she said.  

Patrick McLean 

Patrick Andrew “Drew” McLean, 45, of Black Mountain was swept away by floodwaters.

Born in Charlotte, he excelled at school, winning an oratory contest and participating in theater productions and the debate team, according to his obituary.

Patrick McLean, shown in a photo from his obituary, enjoyed painting, writing, illustrating and photography.

He majored in filmmaking at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts and achieved his bucket list of watching 100 classic movies, the obituary said. 

He enjoyed painting, writing, illustrating and photography. “From pen and ink sketching to hand-painting gifts,” his vision and ideas were unique, according to the obituary. He was the youngest person to be honored as Southern Highland Craft Guild’s Volunteer of the Year.

“Drew gravitated towards people with whom Christ’s love could be shared,’ the obituary said. He “admired global peacekeepers and followed their teachings” and read historical biographies.

He mentored church youth in Beaufort, South Carolina, and at-risk youth in an outdoor therapeutic program in Tennessee.

McLean’s body was found Oct. 7 at the Grove Stone & Sand Company’s quarry in Black Mountain.

His mother said the family was too distraught for an interview.

His father, Ronald, wrote in his obituary: “If you feel grief over Drew’s passing, may it pass quickly. If you had a part of him in your heart, be warmed by his spirit as he embraced friends and strangers with the same humor and compassion. Celebrate the time he had with you in your own way. He loved everyone he shared time with while he was here. I will carry his memories with me and have comfort in them.” 

Patricia Radford

Patricia Radford, 84, died at her nursing home, Flesher’s Fairview Health & Retirement Center, on Sept. 29 of cardiovascular disease. “Utilities failure” and Hurricane Helene are listed as contributing conditions on her death certificate.

Her son, Chuck, said he lost cell service as the storm moved through and could not reach the nursing home. He received a message Sept. 30 to contact Flesher’s.

“I made my way up, went through the barricades, got up there, and they told me she had passed,” he said.

Radford said he had not been told what happened.

“Did they lose power? Did that have an effect?” he said. “Did they have short staff? Did that have an effect?”

Nursing home administrators did not respond to an email with questions from The Watchdog.

Radford said his mother had been “in declining health, but we did not as a family, and from the doctors, did not feel like this was imminent.”

A former bank , Patricia Radford was “a loving mother, and she was a very loving grandmother,” her son said.

“She took care of my kids, I have two, when they were growing up, her and my dad,” he said. “They were primary caretakers while my wife and I worked.”

Investigative reporter Victoria A. Ifatusin contributed to this .

Asheville Watchdog is a nonprofit news team producing stories that matter to Asheville and Buncombe County. Sally Kestin is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter. Email skestin@avlwatchdog.org. The Watchdog’s reporting is made possible by donations from the community. To show your for this vital public service go to avlwatchdog.org/support-our-publication/.

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With Asheville water nearly restored, workers focus on stabilizing leaks, breaks in system • Asheville Watchdog



avlwatchdog.org – ANDREW R. JONES – 2024-10-18 14:11:00

Asheville Resources has restored running water to almost all of the , but three weeks after Tropical Storm Helene, workers are still playing catch up with breaking or difficult-to-access , as well as water purity.

“We’ve gotten service to 90-ish percent of our system, probably pushing 95 by now,” Asheville Water Resources spokesperson Clay Chandler said at the Oct. 18 Buncombe County Helene recovery briefing. “We understand that there are still pockets that don’t have service. We understand that that’s frustrating for the . It’s frustrating for us, too.”

Those areas include the Bee Tree area, which has a line needing backfilling and stabilization before it can be pressurized; Reynold’s Mountain, which has a higher elevation and is therefore more difficult to restore; and parts of Candler.

“There’s going to be pockets that get water service after others, and that’s due to a couple of factors,” Chandler said. “The primary factor being elevation. I don’t think that applies to Candler, but, you know, we found some leaks and some breaks that we would find only once pipes were pressurized.” 

Officials have predicted these breaks since they started fixing the system and may see more in the coming days. 

“We’re working as quickly as we can to get those fixed,” Chandler said. “There’s a leak somewhere (in the Bee Tree area) that our staff is trying to find.”

The city’s latest map shows the status of water restoration. The entire system remains under a boil water notice. // Credit: City of Asheville

 There’s no exact timetable for restoration at Bee Tree, where 40 homes are waiting for water. There’s better news on Eastmoor Road, west of Asheville, where 75 homes are waiting for water.

Water should be there by Friday night, Chandler said.

As the city tries to stamp out smaller issues across the system, bigger ones regarding water purity remain.

A boil water notice remains in effect for everyone on the system. Getting rid of particles in the water after Helene whipped it up into a chocolate milk-like soup of sediments is key to removing the notice and making the water safe to drink again.

Up at the North Fork Reservoir, the city is treating the water with a mix of aluminum sulfate and caustic soda. Workers have used a boat to dump tote bags full of chemicals into the reservoir in an effort to purify the water.

Aluminum sulfate is a “salt-ish” mineral the department uses to regularly treat the reservoir, as it makes clay particles coagulate and sink, leading to clearer water for filtering and treatment. 

The water department also will treat the water with additional caustic soda – another chemical it regularly uses – which regulates the water’s pH level so the aluminum sulfate can work most effectively.

More rounds of treatment are on the way, and Chandler said he didn’t know how many would be needed. 

He said that the city is treating the lake with 10 parts aluminum sulfate and caustic soda per million.

“We generally treat between three and four parts per million,” Chandler said. “Now, I know that sounds like an astonishing increase, but for a little context, the reservoir in Mississippi, where I moved here from, routinely is treated with this same at 15 to 20 parts per million. Some drinking water reservoirs that are especially turbid can be treated between 50 and 60 parts per million.”

The city plans to install curtains to sift the water to particulates.

Asked about the timeline for installing these, Chandler said, “Unknown.”

A boil water notice, according to the city’s official guidance, means any water intended for consumption — drinking, cooking, brushing teeth — should be boiled for at least one minute beforehand. Water out of the tap is safe for handwashing (unless hands are being cleaned for food preparation), showering (be careful not to swallow water while showering) and laundry. The water is safe for washing dishes, as long as a dishwasher’s temperature reaches a minimum of 170 degrees, which typically happens when the “sanitize” setting is activated. 

“Our plan now is to lift the boil water notice when the entire system has potable water,” Chandler said.

is a nonprofit news team producing stories that matter to Asheville and Buncombe County. Andrew R. Jones is a Watchdog investigative reporter. Email arjones@avlwatchdog.org. The Watchdog’s local during this crisis is made possible by donations from the community. To show your for this vital public service go to avlwatchdog.org/support-our-publication/.

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The post With Asheville water nearly restored, workers focus on stabilizing leaks, breaks in system • Asheville Watchdog appeared first on avlwatchdog.org

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FAA investigating after American pilot makes emergency landing at RDU



www.youtube.com – ABC11 – 2024-10-18 12:04:38

SUMMARY: The FAA is investigating an incident involving American Airlines flight 1460, which had to turn back to RDU shortly after departing for Chicago O’Hare due to concerns over a possible open cargo door. The crew reported the issue around 9:30 AM, but an American Airlines spokesperson clarified that it was a faulty cockpit light indicating a loose door, which was not the case. The plane safely returned to RDU, where maintenance addressed the faulty light, and it subsequently continued its journey to Chicago.

An American Airlines pilot left RDU to Chicago and shortly after takeoff returned to RDU after a light indicated a door of the plane was open, the FAA says. An American Airlines spokesperson said it was a faulty light.

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