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Mississippi Today

MDOC prisoner vows hunger strike if his sexual assault complaint is not investigated



A prisoner at the Walnut Grove Correctional Facility, a prison once deemed among the worst for sexual misconduct in the nation, has pledged to go on another hunger strike if the Mississippi Department of Corrections fails to investigate his allegations that a guard inappropriately touched him during a pat down.

The status of Garnett Hughes' three-month-old complaint is unclear as he has received conflicting information from prison staff, and MDOC wouldn't comment on the case except to say “the agency is handling this matter in accordance with our policies and procedures.”

Garnett Hughes, who is incarcerated at Walnut Grove Correctional Facility, has pledged to go on a hunger strike if his PREA complaint is not investigated by Jan. 15. Credit: Courtesy Danielle Hughes

On Oct. 16, Hughes, 35, filed a grievance alleging that a earlier, three had awoken him in the middle of the night, ordered him out of bed and, while patting Hughes down, touched him “in the wrong area.” When Hughes said “don't touch me there,” one of the officers allegedly told Hughes to shut his mouth and follow orders before doing it again. 

This grievance should have triggered MDOC to conduct an investigation under the Prison Rape Elimination Act, a federal law that requires prisons to maintain “zero tolerance” toward sexual violence.

But Hughes said no one from MDOC ever spoke to him about what happened until early December when — in the midst of a hunger strike Hughes undertook to regain his canteen and phone privileges that he lost after attempting to flee — a nurse practitioner told him the case was closed due to a lack of visual evidence. It's not clear how the nurse practitioner learned of Hughes' complaint, which is supposed to be confidential, and he did not receive any formal notification as required under the PREA (pronounced pre-yuh) law.

A few days later, Hughes said another prison staff member told him his complaint was being investigated. Still, no one has contacted Hughes to ask him any questions, such as the name of the officer Hughes alleges violated him, which isn't noted in his grievance. And, those same officers continue to to Hughes's zone, he said.


Now Hughes is pledging to go on another hunger strike if he doesn't hear anything by Jan. 15 from the Corrections Investigation Division, the office within MDOC that is responsible for investigating complaints of prison rape. Hughes also has a Change.org petition seeking his release.

“I'm putting my trust that they are gonna do their jobs,” Hughes told , adding, “but I gave up on asking, and I'm like, whenever the 15th comes, I'm going to go back up on my hunger strike and deal with it that way.”

Hughes' stance toward MDOC isn't unusual; many incarcerated people distrust internal processes to resolve their complaints about sexual abuse, which often go unreported, according to the National PREA Resource Center.

In Mississippi, that's an instinct borne out by the troubled state of MDOC's facilities which face widespread understaffing, deteriorating infrastructure and a culture of violence. And Walnut Grove, where Hughes has been incarcerated since December 2022, had an especially notorious reputation for horror and violence when it was a private prison, with the Justice Department once finding that “the sexual misconduct we found was among the worst that we have seen in any facility anywhere in the nation.”


Walnut Grove closed in 2016 but it was reopened by Commissioner Burl Cain in 2021 to house alcohol and substance abuse programs and anyone deemed a gang member.

Data also backs up the lack of trust Hughes and other incarcerated people feel. Under PREA, any allegation of sexual violence toward an incarcerated person — whether in the form of a grievance filed by that person or a call from a third-party source — is supposed to trigger an investigation. But according to state and federal data, when cases are reported, what often happens is: nothing.

At the federal level, a 2022 congressional report found that of more than 5,000 allegations of sexual abuse by Bureau of Prison employees, 134 were substantiated.

In Mississippi, there were 194 allegations of sexual misconduct or harassment by prison staff on incarcerated people between 2012 and 2021, according to reports available on MDOC's website. Just eight were substantiated. The rate isn't much better for prisoners who allege they were assaulted by other prisoners: Of 602 allegations, 18 were substantiated.


These numbers don't include MDOC's reports from 2014 and 2016, which aren't available, and 2019 because it contains duplicative numbers from 2018. An MDOC spokesperson said the agency would update its website “to reflect our current PREA statistics.”

There are several reasons why so few allegations of prison rape are substantiated, said Julie Abbate, the national advocacy director at Just Detention International, an organization that aims to end sexual violence in detention facilities. Abbate was part of the working group that helped draft PREA standards.

One reason is that the correctional officers often charged with investigating PREA complaints apply a tougher burden of proof than they are supposed to.

“Because correctional staff have a law enforcement mentality, they often go to the burden of proof of ‘beyond a reasonable doubt,' which is quite high,” Abbate said. “For administrative investigations, they should only be using a ‘preponderance of the evidence' standard.”


Another reason is officers may feel like it's futile to punish an incarcerated person when they're already serving prison time. Put differently, every aspect of incarceration, from intake to the fact that guards have total authority over prisoners, can exacerbate conditions that to prison rape.

It's been illegal to rape people forever,” Abbate said. “If you could just criminalize your way out of this issue, it would be done, just like if you could criminalize your way out of the crime problem in the country, it would be done. It doesn't work on the streets, and it doesn't work in a correctional facility.”

And prison rape can be difficult to substantiate. In particular, Abbate said allegations like Hughes' of improper pat downs can be especially tough to prove since pat downs are, by nature, invasive.

Other aspects of Hughes' case are emblematic of the problems that persist in prisons despite PREA, Abbate said. Most alarming to her is the nurse practitioner who knew Hughes had a complaint and that it was closed.


“Allegations are supposed to be disclosed just on a need-to know basis to avoid any sort of retaliation or rumor-mongering,” she said.

Since PREA complaints are confidential, MDOC isn't required to share information about Hughes' case with anyone, the press. Confidentiality is crucial to protect incarcerated people, but Abbate noted it can backfire in some circumstances.

“It can certainly have unintended consequences when well-intended outsiders are looking at what's going on on the inside,” she said.

That was the case with Anthony Allen, a former correctional officer who now works as a bail bondsman in south Mississippi and makes YouTube about the conditions in MDOC's prisons. In mid-October, Allen was contacted by a prison-reform advocate who was concerned about Hughes' case. So, hoping to , he called Walnut Grove to make a third-party report.


Allen was transferred to CID.

“I'm to see if y'all will take the complaint and investigate it,” he told the staff member, according to a recording he made of the call.

“What's your name?” She asked. “And who do you work for?”

It wasn't until Allen explained he is still a certified correctional officer that the staff member told him, “I'm gonna get your number and get our investigator to give you a call.”


No one did.

“You could be someone sweeping the floor in the warden's office,” Allen said. “If you are given a complaint, that is failure to report and that is a big fine and that is something you do not do.”

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

Mississippi Today

Mississippi judge blocks Biden attempt to ensure LGBTQ+ medical treatment



mississippitoday.org – Bobby Harrison – 2024-07-03 17:02:37

A federal judge in Mississippi has blocked enactment of a Biden administration rule designed to prevent medical care from being denied to those seeking treatment related to gender identity or sexual orientation.

The lawsuit U.S. Southern District Judge Louis Guirola Jr. ruled on Wednesday was filed by 15 states, including Mississippi. But he said his injunction preventing the Biden administration from enforcing its rule would apply nationwide. His ruling is likely to be appealed.

On social , the Human Rights Campaign proclaimed, “This is not over. All LGBTQ+ people should the care we deserve and be able to make informed decisions about our own bodies.”


The Biden administration rule enacted earlier this year is designed to ensure those seeking medical care on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation are not subject to discrimination. The rule is supposed to cover entities receiving federal funds for the delivery of health care.

The states argued against being forced to gender-affirming care through programs or through health plans for employees. In addition, the states argued against private insurance companies being required to provide such care.

“Injecting gender identity into our state's medical system is a dangerous pursuit of a political agenda from the Biden Administration,” Mississippi Attorney Lynn Fitch said in a statement. “Medical professionals should not be forced to provide gender transition surgeries or against their judgment and hospitals should not be prohibited from providing women-only spaces for patients. I am proud to lead the multistate effort with Tennessee Jonathan Skrmetti to stop the Biden Administration and push back on this reckless rule.”

The lawsuit is one of many filed by attorneys general and others objecting to the Biden administration interpreting Title IX to apply to banning discrimination based on sexual orientation and sexual identity. Congress passed, and President Richard Nixon signed into law, Title IX in 1972 to ban sexual discrimination.


In response to one of the similar lawsuits ruled on earlier in , Kelley Robinson, president of the Human Rights Campaign, said, “Every student … deserves to be safe. Every young person deserves protection from bullying, misgendering and abuse.”

Robinson added, referring to the earlier court ruling, “This is MAGA theatrics with the dangerous goal of weaving discrimination into state law.”

Mississippi has passed a state law prohibiting minors from receiving gender-affirming care even if it is recommended by physicians.

On social media, Gov. Tate Reeves said, “The Biden Administration attempted to undermine Title IX by dramatically reinterpreting its meaning to now apply to gender identity. Thankfully, a federal court judge has sided with Mississippi and other states who chose to stand up for women and defend Title IX as it currently exists.”


The lawsuit filed by Fitch and other attorneys general argued that their states could be penalized by the loss of federal Medicaid funds, for example, if they did not adhere to the rule.

In blocking the rule. Guirola cited the Chevron case where the recently said that federal agencies should not be given deference in their rules-making.

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Mississippi Today

State GOP plans to endorse judicial candidates, while Democratic Party does not 



The of the Mississippi's two major political parties recently offered two opposing plans for how much they plan to interact with candidates competing for one the 's three contested races for the state Court of Appeals and the state Supreme Court.

Mississippi Republican Party Chairman Mike Hurst told Mississippi on the June 24 edition of 's “” podcast that the GOP will likely endorse certain candidates in the race, while Mississippi Democratic Party Chairman Cheikh Taylor said on the July 1 episode of the podcast that judicial endorsements are not on the party's radar. 

Judicial elections tend to be low-interest races, but the elections this year will take place on the same ballot as the presidential and congressional elections. If a major political party endorses a candidate, it could give them more name recognition at the ballot box.

“I know it's a nonpartisan race, and I think there should be a clear dividing line between the campaigns for nonpartisan races and the partisan entities like the Republican Party,” Hurst said. “But at the same time, we all know that there are differences that judicial candidates hold in their opinions on how to interpret the constitution and how to interpret statutes.”

Candidates for the Mississippi Court of Appeals and the are required to as nonpartisan, meaning they do not run in a party primary. However, political parties can still endorse candidates running for those offices.


For a few years, state law banned parties from endorsing or donating money to nonpartisan judicial candidates. But the state GOP in 2002 filed a federal lawsuit challenging the ban. U.S. District Judge Henry T. Wingate struck down the ban as unconstitutional, saying it was a violation of the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment. 

Taylor, who just won election to a full term as Democratic Party chairman, said the party is still in a “rebuilding phase” and has to carefully decide which races it should get involved with. 

“There are so many races to get involved in and so many ways that is limited,” Taylor said. “We are structuring now to broaden our base to make sure that fundraising is not an issue moving forward.”

There are three contested judicial races this year: an open seat on the Mississippi Court of Appeals and two Mississippi Supreme Court races where incumbents face challengers.


In the Central District race for the Supreme Court, longtime incumbent Justice Jim Kitchens, a senior member of the Court, faces a from four candidates: Abby Robinson, Ceola James, Byron Carter and Jenifer Branning. In the Southern District race, incumbent Justice Dawn Beam faces a challenge from David Sullivan. 

Three people are competing for an open Court of Appeals seat: Jennifer Schloegel, Amy Lassiter St. Pe and Ian Baker.

All candidates will appear on the Nov. 5 general election ballot. If a candidate does not a majority of the votes cast, the two candidates who received the most votes will advance to a runoff election on Nov. 26.

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Mississippi Today

Federal judges order Mississippi Legislature to create more Black districts, may prompt 2024 elections



mississippitoday.org – Bobby Harrison and Taylor Vance – 2024-07-03 10:56:13

The Mississippi Legislature has been ordered to create more Black-majority House and Senate Districts by a federal three-judge panel.

“The court rightly held that the Mississippi Legislature used the redistricting process to dilute the power of Black voters. Those legislative districts denied Black an equal voice in ,” said Jarvis Dortch, executive director of the ACLU of Mississippi.

 The judges ruled in a filed on behalf of the Mississippi Conference of the NAACP and Black voters from across the state that the districts that were drawn in 2022 by the state Legislature diluted Black voting strength. Legislative redistricting occurs every 10 yeas after the federal census.


In the ruling, released late Tuesday, the federal panel said it would give the Legislature the to redraw the districts, but added, “It is the desire of this court to have new legislators elected before the 2025 legislative session convenes, but the parties can make whatever arguments about timing they conclude are valid.”

The state, which opposed the lawsuit, can argue for more time to redraw the districts. Or the state could appeal the ruling to the .

MaryAsa Lee, a spokesperson for Republican Lynn Fitch's office, said the agency is currently reviewing the court's opinion. She did not say whether Fitch wanted to appeal the order.

The federal panel did not accept all of the arguments of the NAACP and other plaintiffs. But the panel ruled that Black-majority Senate districts should be drawn at least in the DeSoto County area in north Mississippi and in the Hattiesburg area in . In addition, a new Black majority House district should be drawn in the Chickasaw County area in northeast Mississippi.


The state has a Black population of about 38%. Currently there are 42-Black majority districts in the 122-member House and 15 Black majority districts in the 52-seat Senate.

Multiple groups represented the NAACP and other plaintiffs in the case.

The three judges serving on the panel were all appointed by Republican President George W. Bush.

Charles Taylor, executive director of the Mississippi State Conference of the NAACP, said he was pleased with the decision “although we wish the court had gone further.”


The NAACP and others argued the totality of the 2022 redistricting by the Legislature diluted Black voting strength. Groups argued by “packing” a large percentage of Black voters in a concentrated number of districts it deprived them from an impact in other districts. The three judge panel did not accept the total argument of the plaintiffs.

But still, the people who brought the lawsuit maintained the decision of the federal panel was a victory for Black Mississippians.

“This ruling brings us much closer to the goal of ensuring that Mississippi has a fair number of majority-Black legislative districts to go along with the majority-white ones,” said Rob McDuff, an attorney with the .

READ MORE: Lawsuit claiming Mississippi Supreme Court districts are discriminatory is set for August


The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Mississippi, the law firm of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, Mississippi Center for Justice and civil rights attorney Carroll Rhodes all participated in the case.

“This ruling affirms that the voices of Black Mississippians matter and should be reflected in the state Legislature,” said Jennifer Nwachukwu, of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Voting Rights Project.

The next step will be for either the state to appeal or present arguments to the federal panel on why the new districts should not be drawn and filled via election before the 2025 legislative session.

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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