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How to archive your photos in the digital age



theconversation.com – Wasim Ahmad, Assistant Teaching Professor of Journalism, Quinnipiac University – 2024-09-24 07:30:21

What’s the right choice for storing your photos?
Wasim Ahmad, CC BY

Wasim Ahmad, Quinnipiac University

Taking photographs used to be a careful, conscious act. Photos were selective, frozen moments in time carefully archived in albums and frames. Now, taking a photograph is almost as effortless and common as breathing โ€“ it’s something that people do all the time in the age of smartphone cameras with seemingly endless digital film.

But the downside to capturing every moment is that it creates a mountain of those moments to save for the future. Those photos can be easily lost if they’re not archived properly. All it can take is one accidental dip in the toilet for your phone, and all that data is lost forever.


So what’s a practical backup strategy for the average person? Here are a few ways to make sure memories are never lost:

Cloud storage

The simplest way to archive your photos is cloud storage. For Apple users, there’s iCloud, which starts at US$0.99 per month for 50 gigabytes all the way to $59.99 per month for 12 terabytes with various tiers in between. With an average iPhone photo clocking in at 3 megabytes, that’s a little over 16,000 photos for the cheap plan and 4 million or so for the largest plan. Google’s Google One cloud storage is most cost effective for yearly plans, with 2TB going for $99.99 per year and 5TB going for $249.99 per year.

The actual amount you can store in that space does vary greatly with how a file is shot. Video has larger file sizes than photos. HEIF files, a newer format on Apple phones, compresses files into smaller packages, but long-term compatibility is unknown since the format hasn’t been in use for as long as the standard JPG file, which has been around since 1992.

a screenshot showing a row of overlapping icons
Storing your photos in a cloud service like iCloud is probably the easiest method.
Chris Messina/Flickr, CC BY-NC

While cloud services from big providers generally the easiest way for most average folks to back up their photos, and operate with little to no intervention via apps that are already on the phone constantly uploading every photo taken, there are risks involved.

Big companies often change their policies about how photos are saved. For instance, depending on what phone and when it was bought, Google’s cloud storage may have saved photos in a โ€œstorage saverโ€ format that lowers the quality of images by sizing them down or compressing them differently. This affects your ability to make high-quality prints or view the photos on high-resolution screens down the road. Unless someone is astute enough to notice small text here and there that mentions it, most users won’t even realize it’s .


And what happens to cloud services when things go badly wrong? Users of photo backup service Digital Railroad found out the hard way. In 2008, the company abruptly shut down and gave its users 24 hours to download everything before the servers were shut down. Photographers rushed for the exits, to grab their photos on the way out, only to strain the servers to the point where few were able to recover anything at all. If this was the only way photos were backed up, it’s a lost cause.

So while the cloud is easy, costs can add up and terms of service can change at a moment’s notice. What are some ways for photographers to control their own fate?

Hard drives and network-attached storage

Manually taking photos off a phone may take some extra time, but the approach offers peace of mind that cloud services can’t necessarily match.

Almost all phones can plug into a computer’s USB port and use the built-in photos app on both Windows or MacOS to download photos to a computer. Apple users can use a method called AirDrop to send photos wirelessly to other Apple devices as well, laptop and desktop computers.


Now loading photos onto a local hard built into the machine can fill it up quickly, but there is a cost-effective way to get around that โ€“ namely, external hard drives. Theses are storage devices that you can plug into your computer as needed. They can be of the older and less expensive type with spinning platters or more modern solid- drives that can survive a drop and greater temperature changes than the older drives can.

These are different than flash drives, more commonly known as thumb drives because of their small size, that are designed as temporary storage to shuffle photos from one place to another.

It’s easy to buy more than one hard drive to have duplicate backups in case of failure or catastrophe, but the downside is that there’s no easy access from the internet to your photos, and backup is generally a that users must remember to do.

Network-attached storage is one way to solve the cloud storage problem while retaining the ability to access photos from the internet. These are essentially hard drives โ€“ sometimes multiple hard drives linked together for even greater or faster storage โ€“ that are connected to a router that allows for access to the internet through specialized software.


While not as easy as most third-party cloud storage services, once it’s set up, a network-attached storage unit is a flexible way to store your photos safely and accessibly. There are even companies that specialize in fireproof and waterproof units for extra insurance in case of disaster.

Printing photos

If cloud storage and hard drives seem too complicated, there’s always the old-fashioned approach of printing. There’s still something magical about seeing a photo on a wall or in an album, and thankfully there are ways to print professional-quality archival prints without having to go to a drugstore.

a photograph of an airplane in the output tray of a small desktop printer
Desktop photo printers are a way to bring those digital photos into the physical world, ready for organizing in photo albums.

The easiest and most cost-efficient types of printers are dedicated 4×6 printers using a technology similar to professional labs called dye-sublimation. These yield high-quality, waterproof prints that cost about the same as what one would pay for drugstore developing. HP makes its popular Sprocket line of printers, though those require a phone and an app to print from, which makes plugging in a memory card from a professional camera out of the question. However, Canon’s Selphy lineup includes many models with screens and a card slot to make that possible.

The rabbit hole goes very deep, and there are many professional printers that can print even larger sizes. Canon and Epson dominate this space, marketing a range of pigment- and dye-based printers that can emphasize archival needs or color saturation, respectively.

Another option is ordering a photo book, which, as the name suggests, is a physical bound book of your photos. However, photo books are probably more appropriate for memorializing an event โ€“ , wedding, โ€“ than general archiving, given the typical costs and number of photos involved.


There’s little reason to not make some sort of backups of photos in 2024, whether that’s on printed , hard drives or in the cloud. The important thing is not which method to use, but to do it at all.The Conversation

Wasim Ahmad, Assistant Teaching Professor of Journalism, Quinnipiac University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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Hereโ€™s how to maintain healthy smartphone habits



theconversation.com – Shelia R. Cotten, Provost’s Distinuished Professor of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice and Communication, Clemson – 2024-09-23 07:34:06

Do you have a healthy relationship with your phone?

Morsa Images/DigitalVision via Getty Images

Shelia R. Cotten, Clemson University


What is the first thing you do in the morning after you awaken? Many people immediately check their phones for notifications of messages, alerts and social updates by their social ties.

Ninety-seven percent of U.S. adults owning a cellphone, with 90% that they own a smartphone.

While some researchers and media outlets portray phone use as detrimental, the reality is that the effects of technology use, phones, vary depending on multiple factors. These include the amount, type, timing and purpose of that use. What is best for one group may not be best for another when thinking about technology use.

As a researcher who studies technology use and quality of life, I can offer some advice to hopefully you thrive in a phone-saturated world. Some people may struggle with how to effectively use smartphones in their lives. And many people use their phones more than they think they do or more than they would like at times.


1. Monitor your use on a weekly basis

If the hours per day are increasing, think about why this is the case and whether this increased use is helping or hurting your everyday activities. An aspect of digital literacy is understanding your usage patterns.

2. Consider how you can use these devices to make your life easier

Using a smartphone can help people access online information, schedule appointments, obtain directions, communicate through a variety of mechanisms and potentially be in constant contact with their social ties.

This availability and access to information and social ties can be beneficial and help people juggle work and responsibilities. However, it may also be related to work intensification, information overload, decreased well-being and the blurring of work/nonwork boundaries.

Weighing the pros and cons of use may help you understand when your phone use is beneficial versus detrimental.


3. Silence nonessential notifications and alerts

Do you really need to know that an old friend from high school messaged you on Facebook at that particular moment?

4. Select particular times during the day for social media

Be deliberate about when you allow yourself to use your phone for social media and other activities. Knowing these times each day may help you concentrate as well as help you to use your phone in more useful and productive ways.

A person laying in bed looking at a phone

This is a good way to disrupt your sleep.

Sergey Mironov/Moment via Getty Images

5. Avoid phone use at bedtime

Don’t look at your phone last thing before going to sleep or first thing when you awaken. Have you ever checked email one last time before going to sleep, only to find a message that gets your mind racing and ends up impeding your rest?


6. Choose when not to use your phone

Set times and situations when you are not going to use your phone.

Some of my research has shown that using your phone when in the presence of others who are not using devices, particularly older adults, can be perceived as rude, deter communication and induce distress. My colleagues and I termed this situation the physical-digital divide.

7. Find your own phone-use balance

Don’t compare yourself with others in terms of amount of use but be cognizant of when your use is beneficial versus perhaps leading you to feel stressed or distracted.

8. Moderate phone-as-distraction

Using your phone as a distraction is OK, but do it in moderation. If you find yourself constantly turning to your phone when you are bored or working on something that is hard, try to find ways to maintain your focus and overcome the challenges you are experiencing.


a man slouching in an office chair in front of a computer monitor looks at his phone

Using your phone as a distraction isn’t necessarily bad โ€“ if you don’t overdo it.

Aja Koska/E+ via Getty Images

9. Set boundaries

Let your immediate social ties know that you are not going to be checking your phone constantly. While people often expect immediate responses when they message others, the reality is that the majority of messages do not need an immediate response.

10. Be a savvy consumer of online information

This is not exclusive to phones, but it is relevant given the proportion of people who report using their mobile phones and other digital devices to access news and social media. In the era of mis- and disinformation, being critical of information found online is a necessity.

These suggestions can help you to be more cognizant of how much you are using your phone as well as the reasons you are using it. It’s important for your well-being to be a critical consumer of technology and the information you glean from using your devices, particularly your ever-present mobile phone.The Conversation

Shelia R. Cotten, Provost’s Distinuished Professor of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice and Communication, Clemson University


This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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Mixed emotions โ€“ neuroscience is exploring how your brain lets you experience two opposite feelings at once



theconversation.com – Anthony Gianni Vaccaro, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Psychology, USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences – 2024-09-23 07:36:09

Can you hold a positive emotion simultaneously with a negative one?

Dimitri Otis/Stone via Getty Images

Anthony Gianni Vaccaro, USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences


Countless across the country recently dropped their kids off at college for the first time. This transition can stir a whirlwind of feelings: the heartache of parting, sadness over a permanently changed dynamic, the uncertainty of what lies ahead โ€“ but also the pride of seeing your child move toward independence. Some might describe the goodbye as bittersweet, or say that they’re feeling mixed emotions.

In that scenario, what would you do if I asked you to rate how you felt on a scale from 1-9, with 1 being the most negative and 9 the most positive? This question seems silly given the circumstances โ€“ how should you rate this blend of bad and good? Yet, this scale is what psychology researchers often use to survey feelings in scientific studies, treating emotions as either positive or negative, but never both.

I’m a neuroscientist who studies how mixed emotions are represented in the brain. Do people ever truly feel both positive and negative at the same time? Or do we just switch quickly back and forth?

What emotions do for you

Scientists sometimes define emotions as states of the brain and body that motivate you toward or away from things. People typically experience them as either positive or negative.


If you’re walking in the woods and see a bear, your heart rate and breathing accelerate, giving you the urge to flee โ€“ likely helping you make a that keeps you alive. Many scientists would label that reaction as the emotion of โ€œfear.โ€

Similarly, warm feelings around loved ones make you want to stay around them and nurture those relationships, helping strengthen your social network and support system.

This approach-and-avoid view of emotions helps explain why emotions evolved and how they affect decision-making. Scientists have used it as a guiding principle when trying to figure out the biology behind emotions.

But mixed emotions do not fit into this framework. If opposite biological inhibit each other, and if emotions are biological, you can’t experience opposites in the same moment. This reasoning would mean it’s impossible to hold two opposite emotions at once; you must instead be flipping back and forth. Ever since scientists proposed the first theories on the biological foundations of emotion, this is how they’ve conceptualized mixed emotions.


woman with arms on younger man's shoulders by back of a packed car, both smiling

The pride, love and sadness that mingle when a parent drops off a child at college comprise a classic mixture of emotions.

fstop123/E+ via Getty Images

Untangling the biology of mixed emotions

Mainstream methods for measuring feelings still treat positive and negative as opposite sides of a spectrum. But researchers find that study participants commonly mixed emotions.

For instance, people across cultures experience some feelings, such as nostalgia and awe, as simultaneously positive and negative.

One research group found that volunteers’ physiological responses โ€“ such as heart rate and skin conductance โ€“ display unique patterns during experiences that are both disgusting and funny, compared with either category separately. This implies that disgusted and amused reactions are indeed occurring simultaneously to create something new.


In a seemingly contradictory finding, research that used functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, to study brain responses to disgusting humor did not find a pattern of brain activity that was distinct from plain disgust. The brain states of people reporting being both disgusted and amused seemed to reflect only disgust โ€“ not a unique pattern for a new mixed emotion.

But fMRI studies generally rely on averaging brain activity across people and time. The heart of the question โ€“ experiencing truly mixed emotions versus fluctuating between positive and negative states โ€“ concerns what the brain is doing over time. It is possible that by looking at the average brain activity across time, scientists end up with a pattern that looks a lot like one emotion โ€“ in this case, disgust โ€“ but are missing important information about how activity changes or stays the same second-to-second.

Mixed emotions in the brain

To dig in to that possibility, I ran a study to see whether mixed emotions were related to a unique brain state that held steady over time.

While in the MRI machine, participants watched a bittersweet animated short film about a young girl’s lifelong pursuit, with her father’s support, to become an astronaut. Spoiler alert: Her dad dies. After scanning, those same subjects rewatched the and labeled the exact times they had felt positive, negative and mixed emotions.


cartoon man and child embrace on left, four stylized brains on right with various splotches of red and blue

Researchers looked for brain areas with above average (red) or below average (blue) activity during moments in Taiko Studio’s โ€˜One Small Step’ that elicited mixed emotions.

Taiko Studios and of Southern California Dornsife Office of Communications

My colleagues and I discovered that mixed emotions didn’t show unique, consistent patterns in deeper brain areas like the amygdala, which plays an important role in quick responses to emotionally important items. Strikingly, the insular cortex, a part of the brain that connects deeper brain regions with the cortex, had consistent and unique patterns for both positive and negative emotions, but not for mixed ones. We took this finding to mean that regions such as the amygdala and insular cortex were processing positive and negative emotions as mutually exclusive.

But we did see unique, consistent patterns in cortical regions such as the anterior cingulate, which plays an important role in processing conflict and uncertainty, and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which is important for self-regulation and complex thinking.

These brain regions in the cortex that carry out more advanced functions appear to represent much more complex states, allowing someone to truly feel a mixed emotion. Brain regions such as the anterior cingulate and ventromedial prefrontal cortex integrate many sources of information โ€“ essential for being able to form a mixed emotion.


Our findings also fit with what scientists know about brain and emotional . Interestingly, kids do not begin to understand or report mixed emotions until later in childhood. This timeline matches up with what researchers know about how development of these brain regions leads to more advanced emotional regulation and understanding.

What happens next

This study revealed something new about how complex feelings are formed in the brain, but there is much more to learn.

Mixed emotions are so interesting, in part, because of their potential role during important events. Sometimes, mixed emotions help you cope with big changes and turn into cherished memories. For example, you may experience both positive and negative feelings when your friends throw a big going away party before you move to another for your dream job.

Other times, mixed emotions are an ongoing source of distress. Even if you know you should break up with a romantic partner, that doesn’t mean all the positive feelings you have about them automatically go away, or that a split won’t bring some pain.


What leads to this difference in outcome? Might these differences have to do with how the brain represents these mixed emotional states over time? A better understanding of mixed emotions might help people make sure these kinds of strong feelings become cherished memories that help them grow, instead of a distressing goodbye they fail to get over.The Conversation

Anthony Gianni Vaccaro, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Psychology, USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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Why canโ€™t it always be summer? Itโ€™s all about the Earthโ€™s tilt



theconversation.com – Stephanie Spera, Assistant Professor of Geography and the , of Richmond – 2024-09-20 10:34:02

One hemisphere has summer, while the opposite has winter.

Prasit photo/Moment via Getty Images

Stephanie Spera, University of Richmond


Curious Kids is a for of all ages. If you have a question you’d like an expert to answer, send it to curiouskidsus@theconversation.com.

Why can’t it always be summer? โ€“ Amanda, age 5, Chile

With its long days just itching to be spent by doing nothing, summer really can be an enchanting season. As Jenny Han wrote in the young adult novel โ€œThe Summer I Turned Prettyโ€: โ€œEverything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August.โ€

But all good things must to an end, and summer cannot last forever. There’s both a simple reason and a more complicated one. The simple reason is that it can’t always be summer because the Earth is tilted. The more complicated answer requires some geometry.

I’m a professor of geography and the environment who has studied seasonal changes on the landscape. Here’s what seasons have to do with our planet’s position as it moves through the solar system.


This animation shows why the Earth has seasons.

Closeness to the Sun doesn’t explain seasons

First, you need to know that the Earth is a sphere โ€“ technically, an oblate spheroid. That means Earth has a round shape a little wider than it is tall.

Every year, Earth travels in its orbit to make one revolution around the Sun. The Earth’s orbit is an ellipse, which is more like an oval than a circle. So there are times when Earth is closer to the Sun and times when it’s farther away.

A lot of people assume this distance is why we have seasons. But these people would be wrong. In the United States, the Earth is 3 million miles closer to the Sun during winter than in the summer.

An artistic diagram shows the Earth revolving around the Sun.

Our distance from the Sun is not why we have seasons.



Spinning like a top

Now picture an imaginary line across Earth, right in the middle, at 0ยฐ latitude. This line is called the equator. If you drew it on a globe, the equator would pass through countries Brazil, Kenya, Indonesia and Ecuador.

Everything north of the equator, including the United States, is considered the Northern Hemisphere, and everything south of the equator is the Southern Hemisphere.

Now think of the Earth’s axis as another imaginary line that runs vertically through the middle of the Earth, going from the North Pole to the South Pole.

As it orbits, or revolves, around the Sun, the Earth also rotates. That means it spins on its axis, like a top. The Earth takes one full year to revolve around the Sun and takes 24 hours, or one day, to do one full rotation on its axis.


This axis is why we have day and night; during the day, we’re facing the Sun, and at night, we’re facing away.

But the Earth’s axis does not go directly up and down. Instead, its axis is always tilted at 23.5 degrees in the exact same direction, toward the North Star.

The Earth’s axis is tilted due to a giant object โ€“ perhaps an ancient planet โ€“ smashing into it billions of years ago. And it’s this tilt that causes seasons.

A series of diagrams showing the Earth's equator, axis and tilt.

Because of the tilt of the Earth, we are able to experience the seasons.

Stephanie Spera


It’s all about the tilt

So that means in June, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun. That tilt means more sunlight, more solar energy, longer days โ€“ all the things that make summer, well, summer.

At the same time, the Southern Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun. So countries such as Australia, Chile and Argentina are experiencing winter then.

To say it another way: As the Earth moves around the Sun throughout the year, the parts of the Earth getting the most sunlight are always changing.

Fast-forward to December, and Earth is on the exact opposite side of its orbit as where it was in June. It’s the Southern Hemisphere’s turn to be tilted toward the Sun, which means its summer happens in December, January and February.


If Earth were not tilted at all, there would be no seasons. If it were tilted more than it is, there would be even more extreme seasons and drastic swings in temperature. Summers would be hotter and winters would be colder.

A diagram showing the Earth, its tilt and the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

The Earth’s axis is always tilted at 23.5 degrees.

Stephanie Spera

Defining summer

to a meteorologist, climate scientist or author Jenny Han, and they’ll tell you that for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, summer is June, July and August, the warmest months of the year.

But there’s another way to define summer. Talk to astronomers, and they’ll tell you the first day of summer is the summer solstice โ€“ the day of the year with the longest amount of daylight and shortest amount of darkness.


The summer solstice occurs every year sometime between June 20 and June 22. And every day after, until the winter solstice in December, the Northern Hemisphere receives a little less daylight.

Summer officially ends on the autumnal equinox, the fall day when everywhere on Earth has an equal amount of daylight and night. The autumnal equinox happens every year on either September 22 or 23.

But whether you view summer like Jenny Han or like an astronomer, one thing is certain: Either way, summer must come to an end. But the season and the magic it brings with it will be back before you know it.

Hello, curious kids! Do you have a question you’d like an expert to answer? Ask an adult to send your question to CuriousKidsUS@theconversation.com. Please tell us your name, age and the city where you .


And since curiosity has no age limit โ€“ adults, let us know what you’re wondering, too. We won’t be able to answer every question, but we will do our best.The Conversation

Stephanie Spera, Assistant Professor of Geography and the Environment, University of Richmond

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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