65 years of NASA – an astrophysicist reflects on the agency’s legacy NASA’s missions have inspired generations of young people to pursue the sciences. Patrick Semansky/AP Stephen...
Will I ever need math? A mathematician explains how math is everywhere – from soap bubbles to Pixar movies In addition to explaining natural phenomena, math can...
Is it really hotter now than any time in 100,000 years? Recent heat waves underscore Earth’s new climate state. Sean Gladwell via Getty Images Darrell Kaufman, Northern...
Gliding, not searching: Here’s how to reset your view of ChatGPT to steer it to better results Thinking of ChatGPT as a glider you pilot can help...
6 ways AI can make political campaigns more deceptive than ever There are real fears that AI will make politics more deceptive than it already is. Westend61/Getty...
Can you trust AI? Here’s why you shouldn’t AI chatbots are becoming more powerful, but how do you know if they’re working in your best interest? Carol...
When Greenland was green: Ancient soil from beneath a mile of ice offers warnings for the future Water and sediment pour off the melting margin of the...
Zooming across time and space simultaneously with superresolution to understand how cells divide This image of actin filaments in a cell was taken using a type of...
First contact with aliens could end in colonization and genocide if we don’t learn from history SETI has been listening for markers that may indicate alien life...
Eliminating bias in AI may be impossible – a computer scientist explains how to tame it instead Blindly eliminating biases from AI systems can have unintended consequences....