AIs could soon run businesses – it’s an opportunity to ensure these ‘artificial persons’ follow the law If AIs are going to play a role in society,...
How often do you lie? Deception researchers investigate how the recipient and the medium affect telling the truth Hunter Biden has been charged with making a false...
Being humble about what you know is just one part of what makes you a good thinker Good thinking is built from many ingredients. skynesher/E+ via Getty...
What are roundabouts? A transportation engineer explains the safety benefits of these circular intersections A large roundabout in China. Jiojio/Moment via Getty Images Deogratias Eustace, University...
Space rocks and asteroid dust are pricey, but these aren’t the most expensive materials used in science Meteorites can get pricey, but they’re not the most expensive...
Let the community work it out: Throwback to early internet days could fix social media’s crisis of legitimacy Content moderators like these workers make decisions about online...
Are ghosts real? A social psychologist examines the evidence Remember the old saying: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. David Wall/Moment via Getty Images Barry Markovsky, University of...
A layered lake is a little like Earth’s early oceans − and lets researchers explore how oxygen built up in our atmosphere billions of years ago Researchers...
Biological sex is far from binary − this college course examines the science of sex diversity in people, fungi and across the animal kingdom Biological sex comes in...
How much time do kids spend on devices – playing games, watching videos, texting and using the phone? Today, nearly all U.S. teens have a smartphone. MoMo...