Survey: Majority of lawmakers support postpartum Medicaid extension by Geoff Pender, Bobby Harrison and Adam Ganucheau, Mississippi Today February 1, 2023 Though they haven’t been given...
Where each Mississippi lawmaker stands on postpartum Medicaid extension by Alex Rozier, Mississippi Today February 1, 2023 Mississippi Today is polling all 174 lawmakers on a...
Democrats: Ignore ‘blue slip’ custom to get federal vacancies filled in Republican states like Mississippi by Anna Wolfe, Mississippi Today February 1, 2023 U.S. Rep. Bennie...
2023-02-01 14:35:40, 1675283740 Mississippi has likely introduced the highest number of anti-LGBTQ+ bills introduced in any state legislature so far, say civil rights and LGBTQ+ advocates....
Every Medicaid expansion bill dies without debate or vote by Bobby Harrison, Mississippi Today February 1, 2023 More than 15 bills that would have expanded Medicaid...
Podcast: Madison-Ridgeland Academy’s Richard Duease talks about 48 years of coaching and how to keep winning big. by Rick Cleveland and Tyler Cleveland, Mississippi Today February...
Jerry Mitchell and MCIR to join Mississippi Today newsroom by Jerry Mitchell, Mississippi Today February 1, 2023 Mississippi Today is uniting forces with the Mississippi Center...
On this day in 1960 by Jerry Mitchell, Mississippi Today February 1, 2023 FEBRUARY 1, 1960 The Greensboro Four: (left to right) David Richmond, Franklin McCain,...
Senators keep watered-down ballot initiative bill alive, vow to improve it by Bobby Harrison, Mississippi Today January 31, 2023 Legislation to revive Mississippi’s ballot initiative process...
Sanderson golf championship donates $1 million to Children’s by Rick Cleveland, Mississippi Today January 31, 2023 Golf has been described as a good walk spoiled, but...