On this day in 1929 by Jerry Mitchell, Mississippi Today February 23, 2023 FEBRUARY 23, 1929 Elston Howard, a nine-time All-Star, became the first African-American to...
House reverses course, names Baptist as state’s burn center by Kate Royals, Mississippi Today February 22, 2023 The House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to name...
Reddit AMA recap: 2023 Legislative session with Adam Ganucheau by Mississippi Today, Mississippi Today February 22, 2023 Mississippi Today’s Editor-in-Chief Adam Ganucheau answered your questions on...
Bills to bring Mississippi rape laws into 21st Century move to Senate by Geoff Pender, Mississippi Today February 22, 2023 Two measures aimed at helping rape...
U.S. Supreme Court leaves congressional redistricting to Mississippi Legislature by Bobby Harrison, Mississippi Today February 22, 2023 For the first time since the early 1990s, the...
‘Mississippi moms can’t wait.’ Doctors urge legislators to extend postpartum coverage by Devna Bose, Mississippi Today February 22, 2023 Flanked by residents and student physicians from...
Under a new program, rural hospitals could get more money — but they have to end inpatient care by Devna Bose, Mississippi Today February 22, 2023 Thanks...
2023-02-22 10:17:39, 1677082659 The state Senate, with a split partisan vote on Tuesday, sent a bill that bans gender-affirming procedures and drugs for Mississippians under 18...
Podcast: It happens every spring. by Rick Cleveland and Tyler Cleveland, Mississippi Today February 22, 2023 The 2023 college baseball season is officially underway, college basketball’s...
On this day in 1898 by Jerry Mitchell, Mississippi Today February 22, 2023 FEBRUARY 22, 1898 This South Carolina historical marker was erected on the site...