SUMMARY: In this content, the debate between Mr. Hood and Mr. Reeves revolves around various issues. Mr. Hood accuses Mr. Reeves of using his power to...
SUMMARY: Henry Danton, a 100-year-old dancing instructor, is sharing his decades of experience with students at Belhaven University. Despite his age, Danton continues to actively teach,...
SUMMARY: six-year-old boy, Kingston Frazier, who was killed. The accused has pleaded guilty. Byron Brown from 12 News updates us from outside the Madison County Jail...
SUMMARY: temperatures, there is a chance for isolated showers and thunderstorms on Thursday and Friday. Overall, it will be a mix of sunny and warm weather...
SUMMARY: This content discusses the negative effects of social media on mental health. It highlights the addictive nature of social media platforms, the impact of constant...
SUMMARY: Continental Tire has opened its training center in Clinton, which will boost the local economy. The facility, a partnership with Hinds Community College, will primarily...
SUMMARY: A man in South Jackson fought back against two home invaders, killing one and injuring the other. The incident occurred on Rosemary Avenue, off Cooper...
SUMMARY: Quinndary Weatherspoon, a player from Velma Jackson in Mississippi, is considered one of the top three basketball players in the state for the class of...