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Mississippi’s new PSC energized by nuclear power, tepid over renewables



mississippitoday.org – Alex Rozier – 2024-10-24 15:57:00

“We’re open for business,” Northern District Public Service Commissioner Chris Brown said, a sentiment he repeated throughout the PSC’s “Nuclear Summit” on Tuesday.

Brown and his colleagues – Central District Public Service Commissioner De’Keither Stamps and Southern District Public Service Commissioner Wayne Carr – are in their first term after last year’s statewide elections saw a complete turnover in the PSC. The PSC oversees a broad range of public utility issues, such as electric generation, power bills, infrastructure, among many others. 

As the world looks towards alternative energy forms to balance an increased demand with the need to limit carbon emissions, the PSC is hoping to move Mississippi ahead of the curve. 

The Grand Nuclear Power Plant is pictured with the flooding Mississippi river in the background in Grand Gulf, Miss. on May 17, 2011. Credit: Dave Martin, AP

“We think nuclear’s our future,” Brown said during a Wednesday Senate hearing. 

The PSC’s “Nuclear Summit” hosted several speakers from the industry as well as representatives from utilities serving the state that are looking to expand nuclear generation. 

“Economic in the future is going to go to places where you have affordable and reliable power,” Stamps said during the summit. “And one of the most affordable and reliable power sources is nuclear.” 

One speaker, Kirk Sorenson of Flibe Energy, talked about the prospects of opening a new nuclear plant in Tishomingo County at the Yellow Creek site. The Tennessee Valley Authority started, and later abandoned, work on a nuclear plant there in the 1970s. Sorenson said Flibe has been leasing the site for the last five years and has spent a quarter of a billion dollars on improvements, although it’s unclear what the timeline for a Yellow Creek nuclear plant would be (getting approval from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission can take up to five years, although Congress recently passed a bill to speed up the review process). 

Mississippi Public Service Commission Northern District Commissioner Chris Brown, Thursday, Sept. 5, 2024 in Jackson. Credit: Vickie D. King/Mississippi Today

In 2023, 76% of Mississippi’s generated energy came from natural gas, much higher than the 43% for the country as a whole. The state’s two largest power producers are the Grand Gulf nuclear plant in Port Gibson, owned by Entergy, and the Victor J. Daniel plant in Moss Point, owned by Mississippi Power, which uses both coal and gas. 

Mississippi Power initially planned to close Plant Daniel’s coal units in 2027, a move clean-energy advocates celebrated, because the plant was producing excess power. However, the company is now delaying the closure to sell energy to Georgia. At Grand Gulf, Entergy upgraded the plant’s power in 2012 to make it the country’s largest single-unit nuclear power plant in the country. The plant is licensed to run until 2044. 

Earlier this month, state lawmakers advocated for bringing more nuclear power to the state during a Senate committee hearing, the Clarion Ledger reported. Industry representatives advised lawmakers tax incentives were one of the ways to attract more nuclear development in the state.

Nuclear power isn’t considered renewable because its required fuel, such as uranium, is a finite resource, but its generation doesn’t yield any carbon emissions. to renewable energy like wind and solar, nuclear plants can run more consistently and use up less . However, nuclear power comes with much higher upfront costs and more restrictions because of safety concerns. On top of that, the United States doesn’t have any permanent storage facilities for nuclear waste.

‘We’re not anti-solar’

During interviews with Mississippi Today, all three commissioners maintained that they weren’t against solar power, saying they believe in an “all of the above” approach to sourcing energy.

Mississippi Public Service Central District Commissioner De’Keither Stamps, discusses current agency operations across the state during an interview at district headquarters, Friday, Feb. 23, 2024, in Jackson. Credit: Vickie D. King/Mississippi Today

Brown, a former state lawmaker and the current PSC chairman, took exception to media and advocacy groups painting the commission as “anti-solar.” 

“We’ve approved every solar generation plant (that’s before the PSC),” he said. Electric generating facilities in the state have to get approval from the PSC. “Just because you ask questions doesn’t make you anti-anything. Our goal is just to ask questions our constituents are asking.”

Brown referenced a “Solar Summit” the PSC held in August, similar to other fact-finding sessions the agency has held around certain topics. The “Solar Summit,” though, didn’t include any speakers from the solar industry, as the outlet Floodlight reported. And unlike the “Nuclear Summit,” much of the session’s airtime was instead filled with skepticism around what the industry might mean for Mississippi.

One of the speakers, for instance, was state Agriculture and Commerce Commissioner Andy Gipson, who has no background in the energy field. Gipson spoke for about an hour and theorized over the threat that new solar facilities could pose to farmland.

“How much solar do we need as a state?” Gipson asked. 

As of 2023, solar power made up less than a percent of the state’s electric generation, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, compared to 4% nationally. Overall, when including sources like wind and hydropower, renewables made up 21% of the country’s energy mix, compared to under 3% for Mississippi. 

Solar panels on the central office building of the School District. Credit: Ocean Springs School District

A major point of disagreement between the PSC and solar advocates is that of incentives. The last PSC, led by former commissioners Brandon Presley and Brent Bailey, added incentives under the state’s net metering rule, which requires the two state-regulated energy companies – Entergy Mississippi and Mississippi Power – to reimburse customers for self-generated renewable energy. Gov. Tate Reeves criticized the move, calling on state lawmakers to reverse the rule. 

This spring, just over a year after the new rule went into effect, commissioners Brown and Carr voted to suspend incentives for low-income customers as well as for schools looking to put in solar panels.

The two commissioners argued that such incentives create a cost shift against people without solar panels, although it’s unclear whether that’s come close to happening in Mississippi, a state with relatively few net metering customers.

“No one has ever given me anything my entire adult ,” Carr told Mississippi Today, also panning recent federal programs pushing for more solar generation. “I don’t feel like that because ‘Big Brother,’ so to speak, says that we should be helping out an industry, I don’t agree with that… We’re not against solar. If you want to do it, pay for it.” 

Mississippi Public Service Commission Southern District Commissioner Wayne Carr, Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024 in Jackson. Credit: Vickie D. King/Mississippi Today

Renewable advocates like Monika Gerhart pushed back on that point. Gerhart, executive director of the Gulf States Renewable Energy Industries Association, argued that the state government gives out economic incentives to different industries all the time, including recently for Amazon as well as an electric car battery plant

“Mississippi has historically provided a pretty good economic incentive for industries that it was interested in,” she said. “I don’t see this as being that different, that you attract a developing industry because you know there will be dividends.” 

The PSC is also looking to create an “overarching state ” around approving solar facilities, Stamps said during the summit, to create a consistent process for every county to follow. During Wednesday’s Senate hearing, Brown said that the agency will be asking for new regulations dealing with solar plants, including around decommissioning facilities. 

“I think that solar is a useful tool, but it does need some guardrails,” he told the lawmakers. 

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

Mississippi Today

On this day in 1994



mississippitoday.org – Jerry Mitchell – 2024-10-24 07:00:00

Oct. 24, 1994

Dorothy Porter Wesley
Credit: Wikipedia

President Bill Clinton awarded Dorothy Porter Wesley the National Endowment for the Humanities’ Charles Frankel Award for her service as a Black librarian, bibliographer, researcher and curator. 

The first Black woman to complete her graduate studies at Columbia , she joined the University library staff in 1928. With no budget and almost no staff, she overcame sexism and other barriers to transform the Library of Negro and History, with a few thousand titles, into a world-class research center with more than 180,000 books, pamphlets, manuscripts and other materials, which scholars from around the globe came to visit. 

She recalled that work: “I went around the (Howard) library and pulled out every relevant book I could find – the history of , Black poets – for the collection. Over the years, the main thing I had to do was beg – from publishers, authors, families. Sometimes it meant being there just after the funeral director took out the bodies and saying, ‘You want all this junk in the basement?’” 

Before she died in 1995 at the age of 91, Howard named the reading room in its library after her, and historian Benjamin Quarles declared, “Without exaggeration, there hasn’t been a major black history book in the last 30 years in which the author hasn’t acknowledged Mrs. Porter’s .” 

A portrait of her hangs in the National Portrait Gallery.

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Mississippi Today

‘More than just a red state’: In the home of the Civil Rights Movement, a fight for a free Palestine



mississippitoday.org – Steph Quinn and Mukta Joshi – 2024-10-24 04:00:00

On a brisk day last December, Ray Nacanaynay and Lea Campbell stood at a busy intersection in Gulfport. 

Nacanaynay, an Air Force veteran and member of Veterans for Peace, invited Campbell, the founding president of Mississippi Rising Coalition, to join him at his first protest for the war on Gaza. 

“He said, ‘I’m going to take my Veterans for Peace flag and a ceasefire sign, and I’m going to go stand at the intersection of Highway 49 and in Gulfport, and I would love for you to stand with me,’” said Campbell. “And I did.” 

The protest grew into a weekly vigil for Gaza in Gulfport’s Jones Park. The initial actions were small — just Nacanaynay and Campbell. But soon, other organizers and students began to join them. 

“It started to grow,” said Campbell. 

Nacanaynay and Campbell are just two of scores of Mississippians who have been protesting the war on Gaza over the past year. October marks one year since Palestinian militant group Hamas carried out a surprise attack on Israel in which they killed about 1,200 people and captured 251 hostages. Since then, Israel’s subsequent ground invasion and bombardment has killed over 41,000 Palestinians in Gaza, many of them children, and displaced 90% of Gaza’s population. 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the objective of this invasion is to eliminate Hamas. But a number of international human rights organizations have called Israel’s offensive a genocide, including a United Nations Special Rapporteur

As the crisis worsened, organizers across Mississippi began planning events to protest U.S. policies that support Israel’s attack on Gaza, to mourn the lives lost, and to educate the public about the history of struggle for the . Meanwhile, Mississippi lawmakers re-affirmed the state’s financial support for Israel. 

And Mississippians have struggled to find common ground, grappling with the different, at times conflicting meanings of the centuries-old conflict for the state’s citizens. 

Rabbi Eric Gurvis of ‘s Beth Israel Congregation cautioned that violence in the Middle East is “so complicated on so many levels.”

Gurvis, who believes there should be a Palestinian state, says that Israel is fighting a war against an enemy, Hamas, that rejects its right to exist. 

“When Israel says we’re going to defend our citizens and try to stop those who are seeking to perpetrate the end of our existence, that’s not genocide,” Gurvis said. “That’s self defense.”

“There has to be a partner who will say, yes, there has to be an Israel as well.”

Others say the conflict is not so complicated.

Emad Al-Turk, a Palestinian-American Mississippian, said that with the war in Gaza, “Israel intends to ethnically cleanse and get rid of the indigenous people of Palestine.”

He finds himself pushing through despite the challenges to keep fighting. “For their sake, for their liberation, I try to push myself to find whatever strength I have to make sure we continue this fight.” 

University of Mississippi senior Zynub Al-Sherri stands at the top of the Oxford, Miss. Hall steps, waiting to give a speech before a pro-Palestine March on Nov. 26, 2023, in Oxford, Miss. Al-Sherri is Palestinian-American. Approximately 120 members of the Oxford community attended the march to call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, an end to the genocide of Palestinians, and an end to U.S. aid to Israel. Credit: HG Biggs, Independent Photographer

Where does Mississippi stand?

In the state of Mississippi, where lawmakers have consistently been vocal about their support for Israel, organizers say they have faced an uphill battle engaging people on the consequences of U.S. economic and military aid to the Middle Eastern country — for both Mississippians and Palestinians.

On Oct. 13, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin issued a written ultimatum warning Netanyahu’s government to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Palestine within 30 days or face potential reductions in U.S. military support. The letter specified that Israel must allow at least 350 trucks to enter Gaza each day and institute pauses in fighting to enable the distribution of aid. 

But the very same day, the U.S. promised to send Israel a missile defense system and troops to operate it. Since October 2023, the U.S. has enacted legislation providing Israel with more than $12.5 billion in military aid. 

Nacanaynay’s organization, Veterans for Peace, wrote a letter to U.S. State Department officials in February saying the country’s military support of Israel violates U.S. , including the Leahy Law, which bars the provision of arms to foreign powers that have committed “gross violations of human rights.” 

In April, Mississippi lawmakers voted to extend the Israel Support Act, a 2019 law prohibiting the state from investing in businesses that boycott Israel. 

The law also authorized the Mississippi treasury to increase its initial $20 million investment in Israeli bonds up to $50 million. The state has earned over $2.2 million in interest from the bonds, according to the state treasury.

Spokespeople for House Speaker Jason White and Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann did not respond to requests for comment.

However, not all elected officials have lent unconditional support to Israel’s actions. Democratic 2nd District U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson, for instance, was one Mississippi congressman who signed an open letter in December 2023 along with 10 other members of Congress, urging for a bilateral ceasefire. 

“Too many innocent lives have been lost already. The bloodshed must end,” the letter said. 

And though the Israel Support Act passed both chambers of the Mississippi Legislature with a significant majority, it drew criticism from some lawmakers. 

During House debate on April 3, Rep. Jill Ford, R-Madison, cited the biblical verse in Genesis, saying, “God will bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel.”

But Rep. Daryl Porter, D-Summit, responded that Mississippi lawmakers have neglected other scriptural instructions.

“Are you aware that the Bible also tells us to do a lot of stuff, like take care of the sick, feed the hungry, take care of the poor, and we fail to do that in this body?”

Candace Abdul-Tawwab, a Jackson-based organizer who protested against the law when it was first proposed in 2019, echoed that she objects to Mississippi’s ongoing financial support of Israel when there are so many needs closer to home.

“They’re sending our money to this country that’s committing these atrocities, when Mississippi is one of the poorest states in the nation.”

Finding common ground

Aala’a Matalgah, an Ole Miss student of Arab origin, grew up in Mississippi. She remembers seeing pictures and videos of Gaza even as a child. But she also remembers feeling frustrated when no one else at school knew what she was talking about when she would mention it. “It was shocking because I was like, how can something be so intense, and so many people don’t know about it?” 

Everything changed in October 2023. “Now,” Matalgah said, “every single person knows what Palestine is.” 

Gurvis described the war as “horrific.”

“I wish that every innocent Palestinian mother, father, child, grandparent that has died were not dead,” he said. “They’re human beings. They’re created in the image of God, just like us.”

With Palestine in the , organizers said they have had to challenge ingrained narratives and pervasive stereotypes about Muslims and people of Arab origin. 

“We’re really fighting against the prevailing anti-Muslim narrative,” said Campbell. “The prevailing narrative in the South is that Muslims are terrorists … we’re really having to unpack and deconstruct that narrative and lack of awareness, and that’s very challenging.” 

Muslim brothers pray Salat Al Asr, the afternoon prayer, in front of City Hall after a pro Palestine march on Nov. 26, 2023, in Oxford, Miss. Approximately 120 members of the Oxford community attended the march to call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, an end to the genocide of Palestinians, and an end to U.S. aid to Israel. Credit: HG Biggs, Independent Photographer

At one of Nacanaynay’s vigils, when he was holding a sign that said “Boycott, Divest, Sanction Israel,” a man drove up by the sidewalk and told him, “Go to effing Palestine.” 

Still, in a state protective of its veterans, Nacanaynay, who moved to Mississippi from Washington state in 2023, feels he is positioned to “do much more than a lot of other people” to organize for Palestine. 

“Maybe someone sees me holding a sign or shares a few words with me, and that’s what changes them,” he said. “That’s what turns them around.”

Mississippians gather for a vigil outside the International Museum of Muslim Cultures.
Credit: Mukta Joshi/Mississippi Today

During a pro-Palestine protest at Ole Miss in May, a white counter protester made monkey noises at a Black student participating in the protest. The counter protester’s fraternity, Phi Delta Theta, removed him from membership, while the university opened an investigation into his conduct.  

Kristin Hickman, assistant professor of anthropology and international studies at the University of Mississippi, said in her personal capacity that she was “incredibly impressed” by the students’ persistence in organizing around Palestine, despite the racist backlash they faced. 

Matalgah, a member of University of Mississippi for Palestine, expressed a sense of sadness at the counter protestors’ behavior. 

“They didn’t know anything about Palestine or Israel,” she said. “They were just there because they hated us.”

But she also recounted a moment where both sides realized they had something in common. 

“They were, at one point, chanting ‘Fuck Joe Biden!’ And we looked at them and we started chanting it back because obviously…fuck Joe Biden! And they were so confused — they all got quiet for a second.”

From Gaza to Mississippi, a shared story

Terron Weaver, who has been door-knocking and holding teach-ins in northern Mississippi and Jackson as a member of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, said his organizing boils down to an experience many Mississippians share: “Not getting a fair shake in .”

Weaver said he’s had considerable success “just bringing those conversations to people.”

“People are not necessarily conservative,” Weaver said. “I think that people here are just oppressed.”

He said that many Black Mississippians he’s spoken with identify with Palestinians’ experiences.

“Most Black people here know what it’s like to basically in a police state and that type of oppression,” Weaver said. “I don’t think I’ve met another Black person that I’ve had a conversation with on Palestine…that they don’t resonate with it in some way.”

Al-Turk, whose relatives from Gaza have been repeatedly displaced in the past year, described how Palestinians in the occupied territories must display different license plates than Israelis. They must take meandering, poorly maintained roads littered with checkpoints, separate from smoother, direct routes reserved for Israelis. Human rights organizations, including an Israeli group, B’Tselem, and an independent human rights expert of the United Nations, have termed the system made up of such differential rights for Israelis and Palestinians an apartheid

These experiences, Al-Turk said, have parallels in the liberation struggles of Black Americans and Black South Africans, and even the Irish movement for independence. 

“It’s all the same,” he said. “It’s seeking dignity and being recognized as an equal human being who has all the rights that others who live in that land are entitled to. That is not endowed by government, but it is endowed by our creator.”

Many also see parallels with the Holocaust. 

Sophia Williams, an Army veteran and a native Mississippian of German descent, found out two months ago that a distant relative had served as a Nazi guard in Dachau. As she connected the dots, she struggled with feelings of shock that slowly combined with horror. 

“I wondered, how could the Holocaust have happened?” Williams said. She felt like she was forced to grapple with this question twice: while processing her discovery about her family history and their role in the atrocities committed on Jews in Germany, while simultaneously watching the news over the past year. 

“Unfortunately, I’m getting the answer now,” Williams said. “The pattern that I’ve seen is one of dehumanization.”

Many Mississippians consider it even more important to organize for Palestine, given its history.

“This is the seat of the civil rights movement,” Abdul-Tawwab said. “This is in our spirit. This is in our soul. So why would we not join in the fight for Palestinians? This is part of our legacy here. We’re fighting for ourselves, and at the same time fighting for them.”

“To me, the most important point is this: neither apartheid nor segregation are acceptable anywhere, at any time, under any circumstances,” said Hickman. “Israel does not have the right to impose a system of apartheid on Palestinians. Southern readers should understand that better than anybody else.”

Many have fond memories from this past year of coming together in an attempt to build community. 

Maya Purohit, a student at Mississippi State University, remembers one moment in particular that took place at a vigil in October 2023, when the names of Palestinian victims were being read out. 

“Everyone in the room was just overcome with this wave of grief, and love as well, for strangers across the world that you don’t even know. Everyone was either in tears or bawling. It was crazy, yet beautiful,” Purohit said. 

“And that really gave me hope that, okay, there are people all the way across the world who care for this cause. Even in a place like Mississippi, where we’re not really known to be progressive or to be super empathetic to people who don’t look like the average cis white person, heterosexual person.”

Hickman emphasized that while many Mississippians might think of the violence in the Middle East as something that’s “far away,” there are university students, some of whom were raised in Mississippi, who are Palestinian. 

“This is not a ‘far away’ issue for them,” Hickman said. “Their family members are getting killed with the help of American tax dollars.”

Margaret Lawson, an archivist of queer history in Mississippi, highlighted the importance of recognizing the multitudes even within rigid political spaces. 

“If you look at an electoral map, you see a red state,” they said. “But our state is much more diverse than that. Mississippi is the Blackest state in the nation. Jackson is the Blackest city in the Blackest state in the nation.” 

Lawson expressed the need to honor the views not just of the privileged few, but also those whose demands are not being met by their governments.

“That is a part of Mississippi’s story, too,” Lawson said.

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Mississippi Today

Former Arkansas Gov. Hutchinson gives Mississippi lawmakers tips on streamlining government 



mississippitoday.org – Taylor Vance – 2024-10-23 16:50:00

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson on Wednesday shared with members of the Mississippi Senate’s Structure Committee that he was able to successfully streamline some of Arkansas’ government services without firing or laying off workers. 

Hutchinson, who served as governor of Arkansas from 2015 to 2023, said he wanted to make restructuring government a component of his legacy when he left office, and the reforms he made to the system have largely remained intact. 

The two-term GOP governor recalled a recent conversation he had with an Arkansas lawmaker about the restructuring. Hutchinson asked the senator what the reaction has been to the reforms, and the legislator replied that it’s largely flown “under the radar.” 

“And I said, ‘That’s the best answer I could ever have,’” Hutchinson said. “That means nobody’s to dismantle it. They’re accepting it as the way we do business in government and I’m hopeful that it’ll be a lasting impact.” 

When he began the effort to consolidate government functions, Hutchinson said he formed an advisory board to make recommendations. When he formed the board, he gave it three goals: promote efficiency and savings, increase managerial control and improve the delivery of services to taxpayers. 

When he adopted the board’s recommendations, Hutchinson said he was able to reduce the state government workforce by 5,000 employees by instituting a flexible hiring freeze and deciding not to replace the of certain positions once workers retired. 

Hutchinson also consolidated various state boards and commissions, which he believes reduced the amount of money taxpayers were spending on rent for government offices. 

Hutchinson mounted a brief, unsuccessful presidential bid earlier this year. He dropped out of the Republican primary in January. His testimony was part of a hearing the Senate Government Structure Committee conducted on restructuring Mississippi’s government.

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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