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‘Every man’s home is their castle’: How Ocean Springs’ pursuit for growth cost it the trust of its residents



OCEAN SPRINGS – In many ways, Ocean Springs stands out from the rest of Mississippi.

Mississippi is 55% white and 36% Black; Ocean Springs is 79% white and 5% Black. Despite Mississippi’s underfunded and understaffed education system, Ocean Springs has received an “A” grade from the for 10 years running. Despite being in the poorest state in the nation, Ocean Springs has a poverty rate lower than the country’s. Compared to the state overall, homes in the city are valued roughly one and half times higher.

National media has lauded the city in recent years: A 2022 USA Today list ranked it the best small coastal town in the country, praising its “quaint cottage-like” downtown and “artistic flair.” Another piece in the Wall Street Journal celebrated Ocean Springs for its “distinct charm.”

“We’re known for the historical homes, the mom and pop stores, the majestic oak trees,” described Greg Gipson, a native and longtime resident of the city.

But recent moves by city officials, Gipson and others feel, have started to erode that identity.


Mayor Kenny Holloway, who took office in 2021, says he wants to keep the charm that the so-called City of Discovery is known for. He believes to do that, the city has to think bigger.

“If the city’s not growing and moving forwards, you’re going backwards,” Holloway said in a recent interview with SuperTalk radio.

Ocean Springs Mayor Kenny Holloway, second from left, listens as a resident expresses his concerns with the city’s proposed Urban Renewal Plan during a public hearing at the Ocean Springs Civic Center on Monday, Oct. 2, 2023. Credit: Eric Shelton/Mississippi Today

In the last couple of months, the mayor’s vision for growth has hit a wall: After word of a redevelopment plan spread through social media in August, the details of the plan drew a wave of dissent from residents, especially from those in a historic Black neighborhood called the Railroad District.

The Urban Renewal Plan lists over 100 properties in the city that officials, back in April, deemed to be “slum” or “blighted.” Those include vacant lots, small businesses, and old but still occupied homes.

The goal of the plan, as a city attorney told an audience at a recent public meeting, is to help the city qualify for federal development grants. Holloway, in an interview with Mississippi Today, explained that Ocean Springs wouldn’t normally qualify for certain grants, such as Community Development Block Grants, because the city’s median income is too high, which is why it had to single out specific areas as “blighted” to get for those properties.


When owners of those properties first saw the plan in August, their eyes clung to five words repeated throughout the document: “possible acquisition by the city.”

A screenshot from the Ocean Springs Urban Renewal Plan.

As it turns out, a Mississippi code allows cities to take someone’s property if the city designates it as “slum” or “blighted,” which is defined as places “detrimental to the public , safety, morals or welfare.” In Mississippi, there’s no requirement for the city to inform property owners of the designation when it happens, and there’s also a 10-day limit on how long a property owner has to contest the designation, a restriction that doesn’t exist in most states.

In fact, most states don’t have any time limit, explained Dana Berliner, an attorney with the Institute for Justice. Berliner is representing Ocean Springs landowners in a recently filed federal lawsuit against the city over the redevelopment, which argues that the Mississippi laws violate the 14th Amendment right to due .

The Ocean Springs Board of Alderman voted 5-2 to approve the designations at an April meeting, but the city neglected to notify any of the property owners beforehand. By the time property owners learned about the Urban Renewal Plan in August, the 10-day period had long passed.

After hearing from shocked and angered residents, Holloway said he was surprised by the pushback.

A home that could be affected by Ocean Springs’ proposed Urban Renewal Plan is seen in Ocean Springs, Miss., Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023. Credit: Eric Shelton/Mississippi Today

“We thought we were doing something that was very positive for every area and every citizen in Ocean Springs,” Holloway said. “If you had a house that needed sprucing up and (you wanted to use grant money), that’s what we were trying to present to that part of Ocean Springs.”

He admitted that the city could’ve done a better job communicating its intentions. As he repeatedly emphasized, the city has no interest in forcibly taking anyone’s property, and he added that he doesn’t believe anywhere in the city is actually a “slum.”

Still, he said, the city has followed the state law, explaining that “we’re not required to send out individual notices” when giving those designations.

Ocean Springs residents listen as other residents express their concerns with the city’s proposed Urban Renewal Plan during a public hearing at the Ocean Springs Civic Center on Monday, Oct. 2, 2023. Credit: Eric Shelton/Mississippi Today

“It is not anything that we tried to hide,” Holloway said, explaining that maps of the plan were on display in city hall weeks before the April vote. “You got to understand, we get the commotion part of it. Did we roll it out properly? There were some errors we made, obviously. But we did everything by statute.”

Whether or not the Urban Renewal Plan includes acquiring properties, the homes of families who’ve lived in Ocean Springs for generations are stuck with the “slum” and “blighted” labels because they missed the 10-day appeal period. That means that, at any point, the city could still decide in the future to acquire those properties, with or without the owners’ approval.

In the weeks after residents discovered the proposal, more controversy from city hall widened the division between officials and the public.


At a September meeting of the city’s Historic Preservation Commission, a committee member was caught on microphone saying old homes in Ocean Springs, including those targeted in the redevelopment plan, “need to be burnt down.” The member later told the Sun Herald he was being “sarcastic.”

On a Monday night in early October, the city held a public meeting at the Ocean Springs Civic Center to hear feedback from residents on the Urban Renewal Plan. Of the dozens who spoke, only one person, a woman from nearby Pascagoula, supported the plan. Almost everyone else was critical of the mayor and aldermen sitting on stage before them.

“That was so disrespectful for someone to say something like that,” said John Joiner about the “burnt down” comments. Joiner spoke on behalf of resident Joe Daley, a cancer patient who was sitting next to Joiner and has lived in the city since 1946. “It’s their home. Every man’s home is their castle.”

Cynthia Fisher spoke about the property her grandmother bought in 1920 in the Railroad District, just outside of downtown Ocean Springs. The Urban Renewal Plan shows a picture of the home there, where Fisher’s sister now lives, with text reading, “The elimination of blighting conditions on this property will increase the probability of redevelopment of the neighborhood.”

A screenshot from the Ocean Springs Urban Renewal Plan.

Fisher, who now lives around the corner from the house, told the officials that before bars started popping up nearby, “y’all didn’t even think about that part of town.”

“There’s a lot of history down there in that neighborhood,” she said. “For y’all to include that, that’s the only completely Black neighborhood in there.”

Rana Oliver, whose ‘s home was also listed in the plan, said she only found out that her property was included when a friend messaged her on Facebook.

“Your Urban Renewal Plan was disrespectful, it was disrespectful because there was no notification to the citizens,” Oliver told the officials. “We’re your fellow citizens. And I want to ask you as my fellow citizens, where was your humanity?”

Samuel Washington poses for a portrait in front of Macedonia Baptist Church after discussing his opposition to Ocean Springs’ proposed Urban Renewal Plan and how it would affect the church on Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023. Credit: Eric Shelton/Mississippi Today

Even before the Urban Renewal Plan, residents in and around Ocean Springs were skeptical of the city’s pursuit for more development.

Four years ago, a group of residents sued the city over plans to build a beachfront condominium called “The Sands.” They argued that the area was primarily used for single-family homes, and that the Ocean Springs Board of Aldermen were bending zoning codes to allow the project to move forward. In 2021, a circuit court judge sided against the city, calling the board’s actions, “unreasonable, arbitrary, and capricious.”


Another avenue of growth the city has worked on for years is trying to annex surrounding parts of Jackson County, but last year the county Board of Supervisors voted unanimously against it.

Anecdotally, residents say the identity of the city, especially downtown, has shifted to accommodate more entertainment.

“When I first got here in the late 1990s, Government Street (in downtown Ocean Springs) wasn’t like it is now. It was more quiet, quaint,” said Sam Washington, board chairman of Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church. The church has been a hub in the Railroad District for decades, and part of its parking lot is included in the redevelopment plan.

“Over the years, it has gone more towards the ‘entertainment district.’ People going clubbing, people drinking,” Washington said.


Washington referenced a “to-go cup” law the city passed in 2016, allowing patrons to walk outside with alcohol in parts of downtown, just next to the Railroad District. Some longtime residents say the recent trend has come at the cost of the city’s character.

“I’m not saying I’m against development, but we have to do it in a smart way where we keep the charm of Ocean Springs,” said Gipson, the Ocean Springs local. “But when you start adding additional bars, additional hotels, and all this other stuff, it just does not match up with what this city was built on.”

Ocean Springs Mayor Kenny Holloway, right, listens as residents express their concerns about the city’s proposed Urban Renewal Plan during a public hearing at the Ocean Springs Civic Center on Monday, Oct. 2, 2023. Credit: Eric Shelton/Mississippi Today

At the October public meeting, several residents raised concerns that the city was simply using the Urban Renewal Plan to transfer property over to private developers. Holloway, the mayor, is himself a developer; according to the bio on the city’s website, he’s a broker and owner of a real estate and development company.

According to a Mississippi Today analysis of campaign finance reports, Holloway received $32,550 – a third of his total itemized donations – from a plethora of businesses and employees in construction, civil engineering, urban planning, real estate and development. The mayor also received $2,000 from restaurants in downtown Ocean Springs, and another $2,000 from two companies proposing to fill wetlands along Ocean Springs in order to build multi-family housing.

In a city where only five percent of residents are Black, much less than in Jackson County and the state overall, a vast majority of homes listed in the Urban Renewal Plan are in the predominantly Black Railroad District.


The neighborhood, bisected by train tracks going East and , was the main part of Ocean Springs that Black families felt welcome for decades, residents there say. Gipson, 56, said his father used his wages from working at the shipyard to build a home across the street from the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church. He remembers as a kid recognizing that the Black families mainly stayed in that part of the city.

“This was an all Black area, we knew that,” he said. “We knew it, going to Sunday school, going to church. When we got to a certain point, up the road, down the road, they would have people looking out for us, and they would call and tell our parents, ‘They just passed by.’”

Property owner Marie Cochran talks about her issues with the proposed Urban Renewal Plan in Ocean Springs, Miss., on Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023. Credit: Eric Shelton/Mississippi Today

Curley Clark, president of the Jackson County NAACP Chapter since 1980, said the fact the Railroad District is being targeted in the redevelopment plan is a result of the city’s segregated history.

“Because of historical discrimination and historical redlining, Black people were only to acquire property in certain areas,” Clark said. “The Black community remained where it was, and the white community expanded outwards. And since the central city remained in its present location, the Black neighborhoods end up being prime property.”

Holloway, as well as the aldermen, are all white. After hearing residents’ criticism, the mayor’s office spoke with both Clark as well as ACLU-MS.


Holloway told Mississippi Today about those conversations: “They don’t see anything wrong that we’ve done. They don’t see any racial issues attached to it.”

When Mississippi Today reached out to the groups, though, neither agreed with the mayor’s version of what was said.

Clark said that, while he agreed there weren’t any racist intentions in the plan, he told Holloway the city should’ve done more to include community members in the early stages of writing the plan.

“I take issue to that,” Clark said of the mayor’s account. “I looked him in the eyes and told him, ‘You didn’t develop the plan in the best manner, and you should’ve had more participation from the minority sector.’”


Ashley McLaughlin, director of Policy and Advocacy for ACLU-MS, said she never indicated she approved of the plan, and also told the mayor’s office the city could do more to build a relationship with community members.

With the recently filed lawsuit, the plan’s future is unclear. The city is giving property owners an option to sign an “opt out” form until the end of October to them out of the plan, but which would also prevent them from receiving the grants the city is looking for.

While the mayor said the city has “pumped the brakes” after hearing residents’ feedback, he also said he and the city aldermen will revisit the redevelopment proposal in the future.

“Our city attorney spoke with (Lynn) Fitch who will address the claims that the urban renewal plan statutes are unconstitutional,” Holloway said in response to the lawsuit, reiterating that the city still has yet to vote to approve the plan. “The city’s proposed Urban Renewal Plan has not violated anyone’s rights. It is unfortunate that our residents have chosen to file a lawsuit instead of a constructive discussion with the city.”

Rana Oliver talks about her home, the historical Carter-Calloway House, and how it could be affected by Ocean Springs’ proposed Urban Renewal Plan on Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023. Credit: Eric Shelton/Mississippi Today

None of the city’s aldermen responded to requests for comment from Mississippi Today.

Attorney Elizabeth Feder-Hosey, an Ocean Springs resident and native, is representing the residents and business owners and church in the lawsuit. She’s working on the complaint with the Institute of Justice, a Virginia-based nonprofit that specializes in eminent domain cases.

At the October public meeting, Feder-Hosey criticized the officials for their lack of transparency.

For example, she noted later in an interview, the agenda for the decisive April board meeting only stated the “Urban Renewal Plan,” and nothing about designating areas as “slums” or “blighted.

“And then you’ve got the complete lack of notice,” Feder-Hosey added. “There’s that whole, ‘We didn’t have to (tell people), so we didn’t do it.’ Which to me is not about serving your people. If you want the community to buy into your plan, you give them a seat at the table and you tell them what the plan is, all the steps of it, the benefits, the risks. The city’s kind of just piecemealed out these little morsels for people to hang on.


“At no step has the city done anything to earn the trust of its people.”

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Podcast: Ole Miss stays hot, hot, hot



mississippitoday.org – Rick Cleveland and Tyler Cleveland – 2024-09-25 10:00:00

Undefeated and fifth-ranked prepares for its SEC opener, as Mississippi and Southern Miss suffer increasingly frustrating losses. Plus, the Saints crash back to earth and the Braves head into the biggest of the season against those loathe some Mets.

Stream all episodes here.


This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Mississippi Today

National Press Club awards Mississippi Today with its highest press freedom award



mississippitoday.org – Mississippi – 2024-09-25 08:01:00

Editor’s note: This press release was drafted and released by the National Press Club and is republished with permission.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The National Press Club is honoring Mississippi Today — a nonprofit, non-partisan newsroom based in , Mississippi — with its highest honor for press freedom, the John Aubuchon Press Freedom Award

Mississippi Today is currently involved in a legal case to protect privileged documents used in producing a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigation and named in an ensuing defamation case brought by the state’s former governor. The case has wide-ranging implications for press freedom in the United States, journalist-source protections


“In a country that freedom of the press as one of its core rights, it is shocking that any court — let alone the highest one in a state — would require reporters to hand over their sources simply because the governor was upset to be caught red-handed misusing federal welfare funds,” said Emily Wilkins, president of the National Press Club. “Mississippi Today’s shined light on a critical issue impacting thousands of Americans, and we hope this award both honors their work and draws attention and support for their case.” 

Mississippi Today is an authoritative voice on and policy in the state of Mississippi and produces essential coverage on education, public , justice, environment, equity, and more. 

The outlet won a 2022 Pulitzer Prize for its investigation into a $77 million welfare scandal that revealed how the state’s former governor, Phil Bryant, used his office to benefit his friends and family. 

Bryant then sued Mississippi Today and its Mary Margaret White in July 2023, that the series defamed him. Editor-in-chief Adam Ganucheau and reporter Anna Wolfe were added as defendants in May 2024, according to an editor’s note on the outlet’s website.


On June 6, 2024, Mississippi Today appealed a county judge’s order to turn over privileged documents in relation to the defamation lawsuit. The Mississippi Supreme Court has not yet ruled on the newsroom’s appeal.

“Ours may be a Mississippi case, but the ramifications absolutely could impact every American journalist who has long been granted constitutional protections to dutifully hold powerful to account,” Ganucheau said. “But this fight is not just about protecting journalists and our sources. We’re also fighting to ensure every single American citizen never loses a fuller understanding of how leaders truly operate when their doors are closed and they think no one is watching. As we continue to stand up for press freedom everywhere, it’s truly humbling to be recognized by the National Press Club in this way.”

A team of attorneys is representing Mississippi Today in its case: Henry Laird at Wise Carter; and Ted Boutrous Jr., Lee Crain, Sasha Duddin, and Peter Jacobs at Gibson Dunn. The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press is also providing legal support.

The John Aubuchon Press Freedom Award is named for a former National Press Club president who fervently advocated for press freedom. By selecting Mississippi Today as the domestic honoree, the Club and the Institute are committing to monitor and support this precedent-setting case for the First Amendment protection of reporters’ privilege. 


The National Press Club will confer the 2024 Aubuchon awards, along with the Neil and Susan Sheehan Award for Investigative Journalism during its annual Fourth Estate Award Gala honoring Axios’ Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen on Nov. 21 in Washington, D.C.   

The gala dinner is a fundraiser for the Club’s nonprofit affiliate, the National Press Club Journalism Institute, which produces training to equip journalists with skills and standards to inform the public in ways that inspire civic engagement. Tickets and more information for the event can be found here.

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Mississippi Today

On this day in 1961



mississippitoday.org – Jerry Mitchell – 2024-09-25 07:00:00

Sept. 25, 1961

Herbert Lee and his wife, Prince Melson Lee, are pictured in this . A Mississippi historical marker now honors Lee. Credit: Used by permission. Zinn Education

Herbert Lee became the first local person killed because of his fight for rights with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. 

Before SNCC’s work began, only one Black Mississippian had been registered to vote in Amite County. Lee stood up to change that, working with SNCC leader Bob Moses to register Black voters. 

Days later, the dairy farmer and father of nine pulled up to a cotton gin with a truckload of cotton, and his neighbor and childhood friend, E. H. Hurst, a member of the white Citizens’ Council and a representative in the Mississippi , approached Lee with a gun in his hand. 


“I won’t to you unless you put that gun down,” Lee was quoted as saying before Hurst charged forward and shot him. 

Hurst’s father-in- happened to be Billy Ray Caston, a cousin of the local sheriff who had attacked Moses days earlier with the blunt end of a knife after Moses had taken two more Black Americans to the courthouse to register to vote. 

Hurst fatally shot Lee, that he was acting in self-defense after Lee brandished a tire iron. Hurst’s story sounded more than a little improbable — he claimed he hit Lee in the head with a .38-caliber pistol and that the gun accidentally discharged, killing Lee. 

Although there were Black witnesses to the shooting, the sheriff intimidated them into supporting Hurst’s story, and the local coroner’s jury refused to indict him. 


At Lee’s funeral, his wife came up to Moses and said, “You killed my husband!” Moses had no reply and said later, “It is one thing to get beaten, quite another to be responsible, even indirectly, for a .” 

Lee’s death was honored by Bertha Gober in the song, “We’ll Never Turn Back,” which became the SNCC anthem in Mississippi. He is among the 40 martyrs listed on the National Memorial.

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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