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Mississippi pension fund board votes to increase taxpayer contribution



www.thecentersquare.com – By Steve Wilson | – 2023-08-23 08:53:00

(The Center Square) — The governing board of the Public Employees’ Retirement System of Mississippi voted Tuesday to increase the taxpayers’ contribution to the ‘s pension fund and reduce the expected rate of return on the plan’s investments.

The increase from 17.4% to 22.4% of payroll will be phased in over three years. The vote by the 10-member governing board was unanimous, but lawmakers in the upcoming will have to appropriate the funds.

PERS is the defined benefit retirement plan for most state and local employees, so taxpayers will get hit three ways as municipalities, counties and school districts will also have to contribute more toward their employees’ retirement. In fiscal 2022, taxpayers contributed $1.21 to the plan, with $969 million in 2014, an increase of nearly 25%.


The employer contribution has been increased seven times in the last 20 years, with the most recent increase coming in 2020. The last time the employee contribution was increased was 2011, when the board approved an increase from 7.25% of payroll to 9%.

Hattiesburg Toby Barker, a former state representative, said the will need an extra $2.9 million to handle its share of its employees’ pension costs.

The board also voted to decrease the fund’s expected rate of return on its investments from 7.55% to 7%, with two board members casting nays on the proposal. The board originally voted in 2021 to decrease the expected rate of return, but the plan’s policy requires enough excess returns above expectations to decrease that figure.

This year, the plan has earned a return of 7.82% after returns were in the red to the tune of 8.54% last year. This came after PERS’ investments earned a near-record 32.71% in fiscal 2021.


With an increasing number of retirees and their beneficiaries being supported by an ever-decreasing pool of contributing employees, the plan’s funding ratio and unfunded liability have continued to decline. PERS has an unfunded liability of $20.6 billion while the ratio of active members to retirees declined from 1.81:1 in FY 2012 to 1.24:1 in FY 2022, or 31.49%.

The funding ratio has declined in the last 20 years, going from 79% to 61% this past fiscal year. The funding ratio defined as the share of future obligations covered by current assets and is a solid measure for determining the fiscal of a pension fund.

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News from the South - Texas News Feed

Report: Twice the number of ICE detainers issued under Trump than Biden | National



www.thecentersquare.com – By Bethany Blankley | contributor – 2024-09-15 09:50:00

SUMMARY: A recent analysis by the Transactional Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) reveals that the Trump administration issued twice as many detainers for criminal illegal foreign nationals to the Biden administration. Detainers, used by ICE to detain individuals wanted for crimes, have fluctuated, increasing under Biden since February 2023 after a Supreme Court ruling. The highlights that California and received the highest number of detainers, impacted by local sanctuary laws. Despite reduced ICE under Biden, detainers continue in major metropolitan . The data suggests a complex interaction between policies and federal enforcement efforts regarding illegal immigration.

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News from the South - Alabama News Feed

Alabama tax revenues dipped by 2.36% in August | Alabama



www.thecentersquare.com – By Steve Wilson | – 2024-09-12 08:40:00

SUMMARY: In August 2024, Alabama’s tax receipts fell 2.36% from the previous year, decreasing from $1.35 to $1.32 billion, driven by declines in sales and personal income tax collections. The sales tax revenue dropped nearly 5%, while personal income tax receipts fell from $694.8 million to $682.5 million and corporate tax revenues dropped significantly by over 54%. However, for the fiscal year so far, tax collections are up 2.28% from $15.1 billion to $15.4 billion. Notably, gas tax collections rose by 4.39%, and use tax collections grew by 11.73%. Alabama’s unemployment rate was recorded at 2.8% in July.

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News from the South - Texas News Feed

Survey: Majority of Jewish students don’t feel safe on US college campus | National



www.thecentersquare.com – By Bethany Blankley | contributor – 2024-09-12 16:16:00

SUMMARY: A recent survey by Alums for Campus Fairness reveals that 83% of Jewish believe antisemitism is a significant issue on college campuses, with reported incidents increasing by nearly 400% the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel. Many students feeling unsafe, with 80% avoiding certain campus and a significant number receiving threats or witnessing antisemitic remarks from faculty. The climate of fear has led students to conceal their Jewish identities. High-profile incidents, coupled with limited institutional responses, have intensified concerns about safety and expression for Jewish and pro-Israel students across U.S. universities.

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