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On Friday, he graduates from college. On Monday, he stands trial for attempted murder.



A 24-year-old former student accused of stabbing a Tennessee man in the neck in 2019 will graduate from another school days before his attempted murder trial begins.

Despite being indicted, New Albany resident Lane Mitchell was admitted to the university and attended between 2019 and 2020 before withdrawing over accusations he assaulted two women on campus, according to court records.

Mitchell went on to enroll at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary in Cordova, Tennessee, which has undergraduate and associate degree programs. The school will hold its graduation Friday — three days before Mitchell's trial is set to begin May 8 in the Union County Circuit Court, according to court documents.

The 2019 victim, Russell Rogers, nearly bled out and required surgery to repair major blood vessels — the carotid artery, which supplies blood to the brain; the vertebral artery, which runs through the spine; and the jugular vein, which runs from the brain to the heart, according to court records.

As a result of the stabbing, he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and continues to experience symptoms.


“Although it has been more than three years since the near fatal stabbing, Russell has not fully recovered,” Rogers' conservator, his father Robert Rogers, wrote in a 2022 court filing.

Meanwhile, Mitchell is looking beyond graduation. Court records say he has applied to the West Point Military Academy and U.S. Air Force Academy, with letters of from Republican U.S. Rep. Trent and U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker.

A spokesperson for Mid-America Baptist Baptist Theological Seminary declined to comment Thursday about Mitchell and the case.

The 2019 stabbing and additional accusations of violence

On Feb. 9, 2019, Collierville resident Rogers went to New Albany's Tallahatchie Gourmet, a restaurant where he had been a regular customer, according to court records.


Rogers had been at the restaurant for several hours when then-18-year-old Mitchell arrived.

Within an hour of his arrival, Mitchell took a knife from the bar, held it behind his back and walked toward Rogers and a female waitress, according to descriptions and still images from the restaurant included in court records. Once the waitress left, Mitchell approached the unarmed Rogers from behind and stabbed him three times in the neck.

The two men had not met prior to the stabbing, court records say.

In March 2019, a grand jury indicted Mitchell of attempted murder – an escalation from the aggravated assault and battery charge he was initially arrested on.


Later that year, Mitchell applied to Ole Miss and was accepted into the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College. Several court filings by the prosecution say Mitchell was accused of assaulting two in 2020 and was charged with assault and battery, harassment and alcohol consumption.

He withdrew about two weeks later on Feb. 28, according to court documents.

A spokesperson from Ole Miss declined to comment Tuesday about Mitchell and the case, citing the federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

A copy of the university's undergraduate application shared with Mississippi Today and confirmed by a spokesperson includes the question: “Have you been convicted of a felony or do you currently have felony charges against you?”


A spokesperson did not respond to questions including whether failing to disclose a pending felony charge or conviction would disqualify a person from admission or if they could face consequences such as expulsion if the university learned after admission that the person did not disclose the information.

Similar questions were asked to a Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary spokesperson, who directed the reporter to the seminary's catalog, which includes its admissions policies. Applicants to all programs must authorize a criminal background check, according to the catalog.

The prosecution subpoenaed Mitchell's conduct and disciplinary records from his time at Ole Miss to use as evidence. His defense team is asking the judge to exclude that information from trial, according to court records.

Assault allegations from Ole Miss were the focus of the prosecution's request for the judge to revoke Mitchell's $50,000 bond or set more restrictions to ensure public safety in February 2022, according to court records.


In that 2022 filing, the prosecution detailed how Mitchell had been drinking and allegedly tried to grab two female students he knew at the honors college formal.

The prosecution laid out what happened next: Weeks after the incident had been reported to university staff, Mitchell emailed Tracy Murry, director of the Office of Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct, asking if he could withdraw from the university to avoid charges, according to court documents.

“I would appreciate it if you could ask the other party if it would suit them to leave the charges unresolved as long as I withdrew,” Mitchell wrote in an email that is directly quoted and attached as an exhibit in the prosecution's filing. “I am considering this option but I would like assurance that they would not press the issue if I withdrew.”

A university spokesperson did not respond to questions about Mitchell being able to withdraw without going through the conduct process.


In a recent filing, the defense described the Ole Miss incident as “an alcohol-induced incident” with a friend that is “quite a common occurrence amongst young college students.”

Victor Fleitas, a member of Mitchell's defense team, said in an email he tends to avoid making comments out of court during a case and after.

But after receiving a request for comment from Mississippi Today last , he raised concerns about how reporting could affect his client's right to a fair trial and how the news organization accessed Mitchell's educational records from Ole Miss. The email was shared with Judge Kent Smith and attorneys for the defense, prosecution and an attorney for Rogers' conservator.

Mitchell's defense team argues that the public – including Mississippi Today – should have never had access to Mitchell's educational records, which are protected under FERPA, according to an April 28 motion for a protective order.


Those records, the defense argued, were meant to be filed under seal with the Union County Circuit Clerk's office, but they were included in the public file, including on the Mississippi Electronic Courts system.

On Tuesday, Smith approved a protective order which orders Mitchell's Ole Miss records to be sealed and attempts to prohibit anyone – including the media – who viewed the records from publishing the information or disclosing it. The judge's order appears to violate First Amendment protections, the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal reported on Thursday.

The judge also approved a gag order to prevent all parties, witnesses and attorneys from posting or commenting about the case on social media, traditional media or other forms of mass communication until the jury reaches a verdict.

“(I)t is apparent that someone is attempting to influence the outcome of this case by means of the presentation of admissible evidence at trial,” the defense wrote in its motion for a gag order. “This outside influence stands the real possibility of tainting the jury pool.”


Judge Smith has not issued orders for pending motions that would allow or dismiss the following:

  • Designation of a psychologist who treated Mitchell as an expert to testify for the defense about his psychological profile.
  • Exclusion of investigative records from Ole Miss and testimony from those involved.

He is set to rule on the remaining motions Friday at the Tippah County Circuit Court in Ripley.

Union County District Attorney Ben Creekmore declined to comment. His office handled Mitchell's case until 2021, which is when it recused itself over conflict of interest. Although the DA's office did not specify the conflict, Mitchell notes on his Facebook page that he was campaign for state Rep. Sam Creekmore IV, a Republican from New Albany, who is the district attorney's brother.

This led to the Attorney General's Office taking over the prosecution, and the current attorneys assigned to Mitchell's case are Special Assistant Attorney General Jessica Malone and Assistant Attorney General Bilbo Mitchell. A spokesperson from the Attorney General's Office said it does not comment on active cases.

Trial to feature video of stabbing and expert testimony

Video surveillance from the restaurant showing before, during and after the stabbing is expected to be used as evidence in trial. The defense tried to have the video excluded in favor of basing the timeline of events on witness statements, but the judge ruled the video was proper and admissible.


The prosecutors and defense have each secured experts to testify about different versions of what happened at Tallahatchie Gourmet in 2019, including what led to the stabbing and alleged attempted murder.

Defense expert Matthew Campbell, a retired FBI agent and an active shooter instructor, interviewed Mitchell, who said he stabbed Rogers because Mitchell believed the man had a gun and wanted to hurt Mitchell's father, the restaurant's bartender, and a female waitress. Campbell concluded that Rogers acted within reason and other rational people believed Rogers was going to commit a violent crime.

He provided a breakdown of “concerning behaviors” he observed Rogers exhibit in the video, which are based on a 2018 study by the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit about pre-attack behaviors of active shooters. These behaviors included aggressive body language and putting his hands in his pockets.

“Lane did not believe he was intervening in a fist fight, he believed he was intervening in a gun fight,” Campbell wrote in the report.


Investigators found that Rogers did not have a gun on him the night of the stabbing, according to court records.

Mitchell's fear was informed by growing up during an age of active shooters and drills practiced in school, Campbell wrote in his report.

Jennifer Coffindaffer, the prosecution's expert, also worked for the FBI and as a firearms instructor for enforcement and civilians.

Her expert testimony is meant to discuss the FBI study that is the foundation of the defense expert's analysis and why active shooter protocols are not applicable in the case, according to court documents.


Coffindaffer reviewed video footage of the stabbing and didn't see the same aggressive and threatening behaviors Campbell noted in his report that demonstrated that Rogers was an active shooter.

She also noted that Mitchell's decision to stab Rogers doesn't follow active shooter training responses taught to civilians, which generally advise people to run away and hide and to only take action against a shooter as a last resort.

Coffindaffer said there is no evidence of whether Mitchell attended active shooter training before the stabbing.

Mitchell avoided jail following his arrest

While individuals charged with a violent offense usually wind up in jail, Mitchell instead was allowed to go to Lakeside Behavioral in Tennessee shortly after his arrest in 2019.


Half of a psychologist's report in April looked at Mitchell's mental health and evaluated him for conditions such as depression and anxiety while the other half was about his social history, including work history and achievements.

The report lists how Mitchell worked as a page in the Mississippi Capitol for Rep. Mac Huddelston, R-Pontotoc, for a week in February 2019 and as a page for Wicker in the U.S. Senate during the summer of 2018, according to court documents.

There were also mentions of 4-H membership, a gold medal from the Congressional Award Foundation and Eagle ranking with the Boy Scouts.

There has also been an ongoing fight for medical records for Rogers' care after the stabbing and Mitchell's ordered stay at Lakeside Behavioral Health.


The defense has been asking for Rogers' post-care records from a 2018 federal civil lawsuit he filed against the restaurant and bartender Torrey Mitchell, Lane's father, that was settled in 2020.

An order in the civil case prevented the records from being disclosed, but Judge Smith approved the release of Rogers' medical records in February 2022, only to later vacate that order a few months later, according to court records.

The judge allowed the defense to subpoena some of Rogers' medical records but denied prosecutors access to Mitchell's records.

“The defendant wants to use privileged medical records of subsequent treatment of a condition he provoked as justification for stabbing [Rogers],” his conservator wrote in a June 2022 court filing opposing a subpoena.


In March, Judge Smith approved an order to protect information about any future treatment sought by Rogers, saying he understands how the ability to subpoena medical records could lead to a “chilling effect upon an individual seeking future treatment.”

At the same time, the defense has sought to keep out medical records for when Mitchell was ordered to be taken to Lakeside Behavioral Health.

Through a 2020 agreed order between the Union County District Attorney's office and the defense, one of the conditions of bond was that Mitchell be taken to Lakeside Behavioral Health for counseling and remain there until medical professionals determined he could be released, according to court records.

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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A new law to improve pregnancy outcomes took effect Monday. But how someone can receive timely prenatal care is still unclear.



Despite presumptive Medicaid eligibility for pregnant women going into effect Monday, it's still not clear how low-income pregnant women can get the timely prenatal care the is supposed to make possible.

House Bill 539, which was signed into law by the governor on March 12, allows eligible, low-income pregnant women to immediate care covered by Medicaid while they wait for their application to be officially approved by the Division of Medicaid. Applications are supposed to take no longer than 45 days to process, though recent data shows nearly a third of applications in Mississippi took longer than that, bringing pregnant women well into their first trimester – when about 80% of miscarriages occur

The policy, which Mississippi lawmakers hope will mitigate the 's poor maternal and infant health metrics – some of the worst in the country – exists in 29 other states and Washington D.C. 

Mississippi reached out to the Division of Medicaid in late May to request an interview over the next month with an agency official to discuss what the process of presumptive eligibility and timely care for pregnant women would look like once the law went into effect July 1. The reporter continued each to reach out to spokesperson Matt Westerfield, who on June 10 said the agency was “exploring some options” for the interview.

On June 28, Westerfield said implementation is “complex” and that the agency would only communicate through “written exchanges.”


The agency on Tuesday issued a general statement about its commitment to implementing the policy – with no details about any outreach, public education or provider to date.

“The Mississippi Division of Medicaid will continue to do the necessary due diligence to ensure providers interested in making presumptive eligibility determinations are qualified and trained,” Westerfield said in an email.

Not all providers who accept Medicaid will be automatically able to participate in presumptive eligibility, according to a brief explainer on Medicaid's website posted at the end of June. 

Doctors and other qualifying providers must complete an application and undergo eligibility determination training, in addition to submitting a memorandum of understanding with the agency once approved. Then, a pregnant woman whose income falls below 194% of the federal poverty level – about $29,000 annually for an individual – can bring proof of income to the doctor and, if approved, receive prenatal care the same day.


Westerfield said in an emailed statement in May that the agency would communicate to the public which locations are participating in the program, but said that they were “still working on what that outreach will look like.”

As of Tuesday, it is still unclear which, if any, providers are participating and whether Medicaid has sent any communication about the steps they must take if they want to participate.

House Medicaid Committee Chairwoman Missy McGee, R-Hattiesburg, Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023, at the Mississippi Capitol in Jackson. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)

“Medicaid clearly knows that the intent of the is for pregnant women to get in to see their doctor as early as possible, and they are working to stand up this program that is now the law,” said House Medicaid Chair and the bill's author Missy McGee, a Republican from Hattiesburg. “As the author of this legislation, I will be closely monitoring the rollout of this new program and am optimistic that it will be done in a timely manner.”

The Legislature made the bill broad enough that the Division of Medicaid would have the freedom to implement it in whatever way it saw fit, McGee explained.

“ … The Legislature's job is to create the policy. Now that it is law, it is Medicaid's job to implement it.”


Mississippi Today reached out to University of Mississippi Medical Center – Mississippi's largest Medicaid provider – to determine what, if any, communication it has received about how presumptive eligibility will work.

“We are still checking into the process for this, but don't have any comment at this time,” a hospital spokesperson told Mississippi Today on Tuesday.

In March, the number of Mississippi Medicaid applications that took more than 45 days to be processed was 29%, according to data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, due to “unwinding.” State Medicaid divisions across the country began reviewing their rolls last year for the first time in three years after the end of restrictions that prevented them from unenrolling beneficiaries, and Mississippi at times had a significant application backlog.

Without presumptive eligibility, pregnant women are forced to pay out of pocket or go without care in this interim period. Early prenatal care has been proven to mitigate a number of pregnancy-related problems including hypertension – the leading cause of maternal mortality in Mississippi and across the country – and preterm births, in which Mississippi leads the nation.


The state received more than $2 million of federal funds and an additional $602,000 in state money to implement the program, according to the 2024 Medicaid appropriation bill

Advocates of the policy have said the program pays for itself when compared to how much it costs the state to care for one infant's prolonged stay in a neonatal intensive care unit, which can easily top $1 million, according to a study published in the American Medical Association Journal of Ethics. 

How to know if you qualify

Anyone who is pregnant and makes at or below 194% of the federal poverty level qualifies for Medicaid and for presumptive eligibility. These individuals can start receiving care a soon as they find out they're pregnant by showing proof of monthly income to a doctor at a qualifying location.

While it's not known which providers, if any, have chosen to participate so far, Mississippi Today will continue to monitor the Division of Medicaid's implementation of the policy and on qualifying providers as they sign up.


This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Dau Mabil’s brother goes back to court to get independent autopsy started



mississippitoday.org – Mina Corpuz – 2024-07-02 14:18:12

The brother of Dau Mabil, the man whose body was recovered from the Pearl three weeks after he disappeared, is asking a judge to enforce an order to allow an independent autopsy to proceed. 

The state's autopsy, released late last month, determined death by drowning by unknown cause. 

In a Monday court filing, Bul Mabil of Texas argues that his brother's widow, Karissa Bowley, is preventing the second autopsy by vetoing his choice of a qualified forensic pathologist, Dr. Matthias Okoye of Nebraska. 


“This Court did not authorize Karissa Bowley to select or veto the pathologist to conduct the independent autopsy of Dau Garang Mabil,” Lisa Ross, Bul Mabil's attorney, wrote in the order. 

The court set a requirement for the pathologist to be at least as qualified as pathologists who conduct autopsies for the State of Mississippi along with certain degrees or certifications. Ross argues that Okoye meets the requirements set in the court order. 

Okoye is director of the Nebraska Institute of Forensic Sciences, a nonprofit organization that operates the forensic pathologist division of the coroner's office for several counties in the state. 

He has investigated and certified over 15,000 deaths as a deputy and chief medical examiner and a coroner's pathologist and has performed over 12,000 autopsies, according to his curriculum vitae included in court


Spencer Bowley wrote in a Sunday email that his sister disagrees with Bul Mabil's choice of Okoye, who Bowley noted was previously sued for providing false information in an autopsy

“Dau deserves nothing less than to have all answerable questions answered regarding his death,” he wrote. “We will continue seeking to agree on a pathologist to pursue truth, rather than any individual person or organization's agenda.”

More than a decade ago, a daycare provider sued Okoye, who authored the report used to charge her with felony child abuse for the death of a 6-week-old. The charges were later dropped. 

Okoye ruled the infant died from homicide from blunt force trauma to the head and asphyxiation. Pathologists hired by the plaintiff found the infant's death was due to sudden infant death syndrome. 


In 2014, the Nebraska Supreme Court ruled in the woman's malicious prosecution lawsuit by reversing the lower court's order to grant Okoye and his organization summary judgment, finding “differing reasonable inferences (that) could be drawn as to whether Okoye knowingly provided false or misleading information in his autopsy report.” 

Another forensic pathologist offered by Bul Mabil is Dr. Frank Peretti of Arkansas, but Ross wrote in the filing that he declined to conduct the autopsy because of a potential conflict of interest. 

Bowley has offered the names of four forensic pathologists, according to a Friday email from her attorney John David Sanford included in court records. 

Okoye has also conducted an independent autopsy for at least one other Mississippi : Lee Demond Smith, who died in the Harrison County Jail, according to an affidavit contained in the court records. His ruling disagreed with the county pathologist's ruling. 


As of Tuesday afternoon, a court hearing had not been to consider the motion. 

The delay a week and a half after the Bowleys released the state's autopsy results. 

That day, Ross began asking the Department of Public Safety's attorney if Mabil's body was ready to be released. She received confirmation about a week later. 

As part of requirements for the autopsy, the court set a 30-day window for the autopsy to be conducted. 


Now that Capitol have finished its investigation, Ross is asking the court to act so the autopsy can be done within 30 days of June 27, which is when she received confirmation. 

In May, Bowley agreed to allow a second autopsy, and Chancery Judge Dewayne Thomas wrote that it would be paid for at Bul Mabil's “direction and expense.” 

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Mississippi Today

Federal judge blocks Mississippi online age verification law



mississippitoday.org – Geoff Pender – 2024-07-02 12:43:05

A federal judge has issued an injunction halting a Mississippi requiring online platforms to verify the ages of users.

Mississippi lawmakers, parroting measures passed by legislatures in several other states, passed House Bill 1126 this year, saying it would protect from explicit online content. The law was set to take effect Monday, but the tech industry group NetChoice sued the in June, it would unconstitutionally limit adults' speech and privacy.

U.S. District Judge Sul Ozerden granted NetChoice's request for a preliminary injunction halting the law while the case moves forward. He said the plaintiff's claim shows “a substantial likelihood of on the merits of its claim” of the unconstitutionality of the law.


NetChoice is fighting similar laws in other states and has secured several similar injunctions.

“An unconstitutional law will protect no one,”Chris Marchese, director of the NetChoice Litigation Center, said in a statement. “We're pleased the court sided with the First Amendment and stopped Mississippi's law from censoring online speech, limiting access to lawful information and undermining user privacy and security as our case proceeds. We look forward to seeing the law struck down permanently.

“If HB 1126 ultimately takes effect, mandating age and identity verification for digital services will undermine privacy and stifle the free exchange of ideas. Mississippi also  commandeers websites to censor broad categories of protected speech, blocking access to important educational resources.  have a First Amendment right to access lawful information online free from censorship.”

The Mississippi law, authored by Rep. Jill Ford, R-, is called the “Walker Montgomery Protecting Children Online Act,” named after a Mississippi teen who reportedly committed suicide after an overseas online predator threatened to blackmail him.


This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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