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State adds USM volleyball project to effort to recoup misspent welfare funds



State adds USM volleyball project to effort to recoup misspent welfare funds

After months of national coverage about how former NFL quarterback Brett Favre solicited welfare money to build a volleyball stadium at his alma mater, the state of Mississippi has filed civil charges attempting to recoup the money.

The lawsuit alleges that Favre “understood that grant funds provided by MDHS could not be used for brick-and-mortar construction” — the first time Favre has officially this charge.

The new allegation comes just one week after Favre filed a punchy motion to dismiss the welfare department’s civil charges against him.


Mississippi Department of Human Services filed its initial civil suit, the agency’s response to a multi-million dollar fraud and embezzlement scandal, in May. The initial complaint targeted Favre for $1.1 million he received under a “vague, illusory promise that Favre make appearances or record PSAs” and $2.1 million the athlete helped secure for a pharmaceutical venture.

But the complaint did not initially include the of Southern Mississippi Athletic Foundation, which took $5 million in welfare money to build a volleyball stadium — billed as a “wellness center” — on its campus.

The amended complaint, filed Monday, adds the athletic foundation and sheds more light on the roles of Favre and other state officials in the scheme, including university officials who are not included as defendants. Former welfare director John Davis and nonprofit founder Nancy New have both pleaded guilty to several fraud and bribery charges in connection with the welfare scandal.

“Despite the Foundation’s expressing worries about ‘rais[ing] negative concerns’ and being ‘scared to death,’ Brett Favre urged Nancy New that it was necessary for the Foundation to ‘utilize you guys [John Davis and Nancy New] in every way,’” the filing reads.


While the new complaint increases Favre’s potential liability by $5 million, it the $1.1 million claim against Favre in the initial complaint because he repaid that amount to the state in 2020 and 2021.

The new filing also adds a lobbyist, two former MDHS attorneys and a virtual reality company as defendants in the lawsuit.

It does not mention former Gov. Phil Bryant or the discussions the governor had with Favre about finding funding for the volleyball stadium or Prevacus, the company purportedly developing a drug to treat concussions.

“Governor Bryant was both aware of and supported MCEC’s payments to Prevacus at issue in this lawsuit, as well as its $5 million payment to Southern Miss in connection with the construction of a wellness center,” Favre alleged in his most recent motion.


The lawsuit still names fitness trainer Paul Lacoste and his organization Victory Sports Foundation, which received $1.3 million under what former MDHS leader Davis described as “the Lt. Gov’s fitness issue,” referring to then-Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves. Now governor and in control of the suit, Reeves is also not mentioned in the amended complaint.

In the new complaint, MDHS added the new defendants:

  • USM Athletic Foundation.
  • N3 Holdings, the company that Nancy New and her sons Zach and Jess New owned and allegedly used to personally invest in Favre’s pharmaceutical start-up companies called Prevacus and PreSolMD.
  • Lobaki, Inc. and Lobaki Foundation, a virtual reality company that received welfare funding to prop up a VR academy.
  • JTS Enterprises, the company formed by Brian Jeff Smith, John Davis’ brother-in-, through which he received welfare funds.
  • William Longwitz, former lawmaker and lobbyist who received nearly $320,000 in welfare funds to lobby on behalf of New’s organization.
  • Inside Capitol, LLC, Will Longwitz’s lobbying firm.
  • Jacob Black, former MDHS attorney.
  • Garrig Shields, former MDHS attorney who left the agency to work for New’s nonprofit.
  • William, Weiss, Hester and Co., PLLC, the accounting firm that conducted regular audits of the New nonprofit.

The initial complaint sought to claw back a total of about $24 million. The new complaint asserts that the two nonprofits through which most of the money was misspent — Mississippi Community Education Center and Family Resource of North Mississippi — breached their agreements with MDHS and should have to return their entire awarded amounts, $39.3 million for MCEC and $38 million for FRC. Neither nonprofit has assets totaling anywhere near those amounts.

Former U.S. Attorney Brad Pigott, the private attorney MDHS first hired to bring the suit, planned to include the volleyball in the complaint, but Reeves’ office instructed him to it before filing. In July, after Pigott subpoenaed the athletic foundation for its communication with former Gov. Bryant, among other individuals, Reeves’ appointed welfare director Bob Anderson fired the attorney. At that time, Reeves said the agency was still considering more potential defendants to add to the suit, including the athletic foundation.

“Governor Tate Reeves tasked me with correcting the path of MDHS,” Anderson said in a statement Monday. “As part of that , MDHS has been working hard to restore trust and put in place numerous internal controls to ensure that misspending is not repeated in the future. The rest of the task involves recovering and returning to the taxpayers the millions of dollars in misspent funds which were intended to benefit Mississippi’s needy families. We continue that task with this motion to file an amended civil complaint.”


The amended complaint alleges that in April of 2017, Favre made a “handshake agreement” with USM, where his daughter played volleyball, to personally guarantee the funds to construct a new facility for the team. He then contributed $150,000 worth of autographed merchandise and began soliciting donations from various people and companies, including the Kohler family.

“Favre, however, was unable to convince his friends and connections to donate enough money to meet his obligation to fund the construction of the volleyball facility, and he did not want to pay the costs out of his own pocket,” the complaint reads.

Favre’s attorney Eric Herschmann rejected the assertion that the athlete personally committed funds to the project, pointing to emails from USM’s athletic director at the time, Jon Gilbert, that say Favre agreed to fundraise for the project.

In July of 2017, Gilbert introduced Favre to nonprofit founder Nancy New, Favre said in his recent filing.


New, who sat on the athletic foundation board alongside Favre, and another nonprofit operator Christi Webb had just become the recipients of a massive cash flow from the welfare department. At the time, New’s nonprofit Mississippi Community Education Center already had existing leases with USM, including for a large suite at the football stadium, where the nonprofit could invite guests to watch the games.

Shortly after connecting with New, Favre met at USM with her, Gilbert, Davis, MDHS attorney Garrig Shields and former WWE wrestler Teddy DiBiase to discuss using MDHS funds on the volleyball construction.

“John Davis discussed his plan to ‘do good things for USM’ and ‘give them 4 mil’ with Christi Webb and Nancy New, both of whom enthusiastically agreed. John Davis suggested that Nancy New tell Jon Gilbert that the facility should be named after Favre,” the complaint reads. “The Foundation told Brett Favre that they were ‘very leary [sic] of accepting such a large grant,’ and suggested ‘trying to find a way for John [Davis] to allocate money to an entity that could then give to us that would pay for brick and mortar.’ Brett Favre also told Nancy New he ‘passed [this] same info[rmation] to John [Davis] and of course he [John Davis] sent back we will find a way to make it work.’”

The lawsuit alleges attorneys Shields and Black were instrumental in crafting the sham lease agreement, as well as facilitating several other allegedly fraudulent purchases.


Black was one of the employees who gathered and brought information about Davis’ alleged fraud to Gov. Bryant in June of 2019.

Favre denies any wrongdoing in the volleyball project. Longwitz, Black, Shields and a spokesperson for USM did not return calls to Mississippi Today on Monday.

“While he had helped raise funds for the facility and thereby met Davis and New, Favre, as with the transfers complained of in the Complaint, did absolutely nothing wrong in connection with the Wellness Center,” Favre’s Nov. 28 motion reads. “During Favre’s fundraising efforts, in July 2017, the Southern Miss athletic director introduced Favre to New, a Southern Miss Athletic Foundation board member, as someone who could assist Favre with the fundraising. New was well connected with numerous Mississippi officials, including Davis and then-Governor Bryant, and close friends with Governor Bryant’s wife Deborah Bryant.”

Tom Duff, current president of the Institutions of Higher Learning Board of Trustees and one of the board members who signed off on the $5 million MDHS grant to build the volleyball stadium in 2017, told Mississippi Today last month that he believed USM should return the funds.


“MDHS’s proposed amended complaint, in which MDHS has dropped its original $1.1 million claim against Brett Favre, while adding new groundless allegations about him, is as frivolous as its original complaint,” Herschmann said in a statement Monday after the state’s latest filing. “Again, MDHS omits facts key to these new allegations—including that the signed off on the transfers of funds from MDHS to another state entity, the University of Southern Mississippi, all with the full knowledge and consent of the Governor and other State officials.  That a private citizen, like non-lawyer Brett Favre, could have any liability under these circumstances is baseless.  Accordingly, we will oppose, on Brett’s behalf, MDHS’s motion to amend the complaint to the extent it adds these new groundless allegations. “

Editor’s note: Mississippi Today Editor-in-Chief Adam Ganucheau’s mother signed off on the language of a lease agreement to construct a University of Southern Mississippi volleyball stadium. Read more about that here.

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

Mississippi Today

Two Delta health centers awarded competitive federal grant for maternal care



mississippitoday.org – Sophia Paffenroth – 2024-10-04 13:54:56

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is mound-bayou-clinic-e1728067511858.png
Dr. H. Jack Geiger Medical Center in Mound Bayou, Miss. The clinic is part of Delta Health Center.

Two federally qualified health centers in the Delta will a total of $3.6 million over four years from the federal to expand and strengthen their maternal health services. 

Federally qualified health centers are nonprofits that health care to under-insured and uninsured patients and receive enhanced reimbursement from Medicare and . They offer a sliding fee scale for services for patients.

Delta Health Center, with 17 locations throughout the Delta, and G.A. Carmichael Family Health Center, with six locations across central Mississippi, beat out applicants from several southeastern and midwestern states.


Two organizations in Tennessee and one in Alabama were also awarded this year. 

The grant is focused on improving access to perinatal care in rural communities in the greater Delta region – which includes 252 counties and parishes within the eight states of Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, , Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee, according to the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).  

It’s the first of its kind in terms of goal and region, said HRSA Administrator Carole Johnson.

“We have not had a targeted maternal health initiative for the Delta before this program,” Johnson told Mississippi . “We’ve had a national competition for rural focused on maternal health, but what we were able to do here, in partnership with congressional leaders from the Delta region, was secure some resources that would go directly to the Delta region to be able to address this very important need.”


Johnson said Mississippi applicants stood out because of their ability to identify the most pressing issues facing mothers and babies. 

“What we saw from the applicants and awardees in Mississippi was a real commitment to prenatal care and early engagement in prenatal care, reducing preterm births, as well as expanding access to midwives and community-based doula services,” she said. “And all of those pieces together really resonate with the ways we’ve been looking at how to address maternal health services.”

At G.A. Carmichael Health Center, the funds will be directed mainly to expanding services in the three Delta counties in which the center has clinics – Humphreys, Yazoo and Leflore.

Yazoo and Humphreys counties are maternity care deserts – meaning they have no hospitals providing obstetric care, no OB-GYNs and no certified nurse midwives – and Greenwood Leflore Hospital closed its labor and delivery unit in 2022. While OB-GYNs still practice in Leflore County, mothers have to travel outside of it to deliver their babies.


Solving the transportation issue will be a top priority, according to the center’s CEO James L. Coleman Jr.

“We have situations where mothers have to travel 100 or so miles just for maternal health care,” Coleman said. “Especially in times of delivery, especially in times of emergency, that is unacceptable.”

Health care deserts pervade Mississippi, where 60% of counties have no OB-GYN and nearly half of rural hospitals are at risk of closing

Inadequate access to prenatal care has been linked to preterm births, in which Mississippi leads the nation. Preterm births can lead to chronic health problems and infant mortality – in which Mississippi also ranks highest. 


That’s why Delta Health Center is committed to using its funds to work together with affiliated organizations – Delta Health System; Northwest Mississippi Regional Medical Center; Aaron E. Henry Community Health Center; and Converge – to “move the dial” on maternal health indicators across the Delta region, said John Fairman, the center’s CEO. 

“We face many challenges including the recruitment and retention of OB-GYNs to the area,” Fairman said, “and will be exploring models of care that are being implemented in other areas of the country that can be adopted to provide greater access and efficiencies for perinatal health care – with the overall goal of significantly decreasing rates of low birthweight and preterm birth in the Delta.”

The United States currently has the highest rate of maternal deaths among high-income countries, and Johnson said this grant is part of a continued effort from the Biden administration to change that. 

“The president and the vice president have made maternal health a priority since day one and have really called on all of us across the Department of Health and Human Services to lean in and identify where we can put resources and policy,” Johnson said. “One death is one death too many.”


This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Mississippi Today

She was accused of murder after losing her pregnancy. South Carolina woman now tells her story.



mississippitoday.org – Lauren Sausser, KFF Health – 2024-10-04 10:48:40

Content warning: This story contains details of a pregnancy loss.

ORANGEBURG, S.C. — Amari Marsh had just finished her junior year at South Carolina State University in May 2023 when she received a text message from a law enforcement officer.

“Sorry it has taken this long for paperwork to back,” the officer wrote. “But I finally have the final , and wanted to see if you and your boyfriend could meet me Wednesday afternoon for a follow up?”


Marsh understood that the report was related to a pregnancy loss she’d experienced that March, she said. During her second trimester, Marsh said, she unexpectedly gave birth in the middle of the night while on a toilet in her off-campus apartment. She remembered screaming and panicking and said the bathroom was covered in blood.

“I couldn’t breathe,” said Marsh, now 23.

The next day, when Marsh woke up in the hospital, she said, a law enforcement officer asked her questions. Then, a few weeks later, she said, she received a call saying she could collect her daughter’s ashes.

At that point, she said, she didn’t know she was being criminally investigated. Yet three months after her loss, Marsh was charged with murder/homicide by child abuse, law enforcement records show. She spent 22 days at the Orangeburg-Calhoun Regional Detention Center, where she was initially held without bond, facing 20 years to life in prison.


This August, 13 months after she was released from jail to house arrest with an ankle monitor, Marsh was cleared by a grand jury. Her case will not proceed to trial.

Her story raises questions about the state of reproductive rights in this country, disparities in health care, and pregnancy criminalization, especially for Black women like Marsh. More than two years after the U.S. Supreme Court issued its Dobbs v. Women’s Health Organization , which states to outlaw abortion, the climate around these topics remains highly charged.

Marsh’s case also highlights what’s at stake in November. Sixty-one percent of voters want to pass a federal law restoring a nationwide right to abortion, according to a recent poll by KFF, the health policy research, polling, and news organization that includes KFF Health News. These issues could shape who wins the White House and controls Congress, and will come to a head for voters in the 10 states where ballot initiatives about abortion will be decided.

Current Mississippi law bans abortions “except in the case where necessary for the preservation of the mother’s life” or where the pregnancy was caused by rape and reported to law enforcement. Doctors who perform abortions outside of those parameters face up to 10 years in prison, in addition to the loss of their license. 


OB-GYNs in the state told the lack of clarity around the law worries them. Life-threatening conditions during pregnancy often occur on a spectrum and can develop over time – calling into question what does and does not constitute a threat to the life of the mother, one Jackson area physician told Mississippi Today after the Dobbs ruling in 2022.

The South Carolina case shows how pregnancy loss is being criminalized around the country, said U.S. Rep. James Clyburn, a Democrat whose congressional district includes Orangeburg, and an alumnus of the same university Marsh was attending.

“This is not a slogan when we talk about this being an ‘election about the restoration of our freedoms,’” Clyburn said.

‘I Was Scared’

When Marsh took an at-home pregnancy test in November 2022, the positive result scared her. “I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to let my parents down,” she said. “I was in a state of shock.”


She didn’t seek prenatal care, she said, because she kept having her period. She thought the pregnancy test might have been wrong.

An incident report filed by the Orangeburg County Sheriff’s Office on the day she lost the pregnancy stated that in January 2023 Marsh made an appointment at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Columbia to “take the Plan-C pill which would possibly cause an abortion to occur.” The report doesn’t specify whether she took — or even obtained — the drug.

During an interview at her parents’ house, Marsh denied going to Planned Parenthood or taking medicine to induce abortion.

“I’ve never been in trouble. I’ve never been pulled over. I’ve never been arrested,” Marsh said. “I never even got written up in school.”

Zipporah Sumpter, Amari Marsh, Herman Marsh, and Regina Marsh at the Marshes’ home in Orangeburg, South Carolina. Herman and Regina Marsh hired Sumpter, an attorney, the same day their daughter Amari was arrested in 2023. The college student was charged with murder/homicide by child abuse after losing a pregnancy. A grand jury cleared her in August. (Sam Wolfe for KFF Health News)

She played clarinet as section leader in the marching band and once performed at Carnegie Hall. In college, she was majoring in biology and planned to become a doctor.

South Carolina state Rep. Seth Rose, a Democrat in Columbia and one of Marsh’s attorneys, called it a “really tragic” case. “It’s our position that she lost a child through natural causes,” he said.

On Feb. 28, 2023, Marsh said, she experienced abdominal pain that was “way worse” than regular menstrual cramps. She went to the emergency room, investigation records show, but left after several hours without being treated. Back at home, she said, the pain grew worse. She returned to the hospital, this time by ambulance.

Hospital staffers crowded around her, she said, and none of them explained what was happening to her. Bright lights shone in her face. “I was scared,” she said.

According to the sheriff’s department report, hospital staffers told Marsh that she was pregnant and that a fetal heartbeat could be detected. Freaked out and confused, she chose to leave the hospital a second time, she said, and her pain had subsided.


In the middle of the night, she said, the pain started again. She woke up, she recalled, feeling an intense urge to use the bathroom. “And when I did, the child came,” she said. “I screamed because I was scared, because I didn’t know what was going on.”

Her boyfriend at the time called 911. The emergency dispatcher “kept telling me to take the baby out” of the toilet, she recalled. “I couldn’t because I couldn’t even keep myself together.”

First medical responders detected signs of life and tried to perform lifesaving measures as they headed to Regional Medical Center in Orangeburg, the incident report said. But at the hospital, Marsh learned that her infant, a girl, had not survived.

“I kept asking to see the baby,” she said. “They wouldn’t let me.”


The following day, a sheriff’s deputy told Marsh in her hospital room that the incident was under investigation but said that Marsh “was currently not in any trouble,” according to the report. Marsh responded that “she did not feel as though she did anything wrong.”

More than 10 weeks later, nothing about the text messages she received from an officer in mid-May implied that the follow-up meeting about the final report was urgent.

“Oh it doesn’t have to be Wednesday, it can be next or another week,” the officer wrote in an exchange that Marsh shared with KFF Health News. “I just have to meet with y’all in person before I can close the case out. I am so sorry”

“No problem I understand,” Marsh wrote back.


She didn’t tell her parents or consider hiring a lawyer. “I didn’t think I needed one,” she said.

Marsh arranged to meet the officer on June 2, 2023. During that meeting, she was arrested. Her boyfriend was not charged.

Her father, Herman Marsh, the band director at a local public school in Orangeburg, thought it was a bad joke until reality set in. “I told my wife, I said, ‘We need to get an attorney now.’”

Herman and Regina Marsh at their home in Orangeburg, South Carolina. The Marshes’ daughter Amari experienced a pregnancy loss last year during her junior year in college and was later charged with murder/homicide by child abuse. While Amari was cleared of the charge in August, the Marsh family is still processing the ordeal. (Sam Wolfe for KFF Health News)

Pregnancy Criminalization

When Marsh lost her pregnancy on March 1, 2023, women in South Carolina could still obtain an abortion until 20 weeks beyond fertilization, or the gestational age of 22 weeks.

Later that spring, South Carolina’s Republican-controlled legislature passed a ban that prohibits providers from performing abortions after fetal cardiac activity can be detected, with some exceptions made for cases of rape, incest, or when the mother’s life is in jeopardy. That law does not allow criminal penalties for women who seek or obtain abortions.


Solicitor David Pascoe, a Democrat elected to South Carolina’s 1st Judicial Circuit whose office handled Marsh’s prosecution, said the issues of abortion and reproductive rights weren’t relevant to this case.

“It had nothing to do with that,” he told KFF Health News.

The arrest warrant alleges that not moving the infant from the toilet at the urging of the dispatcher was ultimately “a proximate cause of her daughter’s death.” The warrant also cites as the cause of death “respiratory complications” due to a premature delivery stemming from a maternal chlamydia infection. Marsh said she was unaware of the infection until after the pregnancy loss.

Pascoe said the question raised by investigators was whether Marsh failed to render aid to the infant before emergency responders arrived at the apartment, he said. Ultimately, the grand jury decided there wasn’t probable cause to proceed with a criminal trial, he said. “I respect the grand jury’s opinion.”


Marsh’s case is a “prime example of how pregnancy loss can become a criminal investigation very quickly,” said Dana Sussman, senior vice president of Pregnancy Justice, a nonprofit that tracks such cases. While similar cases predate the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, she said, they seem to be increasing.

“The Dobbs decision unleashed and empowered prosecutors to look at pregnant people as a suspect class and at pregnancy loss as a suspicious event,” she said.

Local and national anti-abortion groups seized on Marsh’s story when her name and mug shot were published online by The Times and Democrat of Orangeburg. Holly Gatling, executive director of South Carolina Citizens for Lifewrote a blog post about Marsh titled, in part, “Orangeburg Newborn Dies in Toilet” that was published by National Right to Life. Gatling and National Right to Life did not respond to interview requests.

Marsh said she made the mistake of googling herself when she was released from jail.


“It was heartbreaking to see all those things,” she said. “I cried so many times.”

Amari Marsh tears up during an interview. She was jailed without bond for 22 days, then placed under house arrest for more than a year, before being cleared of a charge of murder/homicide by child abuse after losing a pregnancy at home in 2023. Marsh says she is still processing how the ordeal has changed her life. (Sam Wolfe for KFF Health News)

Some physicians are also afraid of being painted as criminals. The nonprofit Physicians for Human Rights published a report on Sept. 17 about Florida’s six-week abortion ban that included input from two dozen doctors, many of whom expressed fear about the criminal penalties imposed by the law.

“The health care are afraid,” said Michele Heisler, medical director for the nonprofit. “There’s all these gray areas. So everyone is just trying to be extra careful. Unfortunately, as a result, patients are suffering.”

Chelsea Daniels, a family medicine doctor who works for Planned Parenthood in Miami and performs abortions, said that in early September she saw a patient who had a miscarriage during the first trimester of her pregnancy. The patient had been to four hospitals and brought in the ultrasound scans performed at each facility.

“No one would touch her,” Daniels said. “Each ultrasound scan she brought in represents, on the other side, a really terrified doctor who is doing their best to interpret the really murky legal language around abortion care and miscarriage management, which are the same things, essentially.”


Florida is one of the 10 states with a ballot measure related to abortion in November, although it is the only Southern state with one. Others are Montana, Missouri, and Maryland.

‘I Found My Strength’

Zipporah Sumpter, one of Marsh’s lawyers, said the law enforcement system treated her client as a criminal instead of a grieving mother. “This is not a criminal matter,” Sumpter said.

It was not just the fraught climate around pregnancy that caused Marsh to suffer; “race definitely played a factor,” said Sumpter, who does not believe Marsh received compassionate care when she went to the hospital the first or second time.

Zipporah Sumpter, Amari Marsh’s attorney, says law enforcement treated her client as a criminal instead of a grieving mother. “This is not a criminal matter,” Sumpter says. (Sam Wolfe for KFF Health News)

The management of Regional Medical Center, where Marsh was treated, changed shortly after her hospitalization. The hospital is now managed by the Medical University of South Carolina, and its spokesperson declined to comment on Marsh’s case.

Historically, birth outcomes for Black women in Orangeburg County, where Marsh lost her pregnancy, have ranked among the worst in South Carolina. From 2020 through 2022, the average mortality rate for Black infants born in Orangeburg County was more than three times as high as the average rate for white infants statewide.


Today, Marsh is still trying to process all that happened. She moved back in with her parents and is seeing a therapist. She is taking classes at a local community college and hopes to reenroll at South Carolina State University to earn a four-year degree. She still wants to become a doctor. She keeps her daughter’s ashes on a bookshelf in her bedroom.

“Through all of this, I found my strength. I found my voice. I want to help other young women that are in my position now and will be in the future,” she said. “I always had faith that God was going to be on my side, but I didn’t know how it was going to go with the justice system we have today.”

KFF Health News Florida correspondent Daniel Chang contributed to this article. KFF Health News is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues and is one of the core operating programs at KFF—an independent source of health policy research, polling, and journalism. Learn more about KFF.

Mississippi Today’s Kate Royals contributed to this report.


This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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Mississippi Today

On this day in 1961



mississippitoday.org – Jerry Mitchell – 2024-10-04 07:00:00

Oct. 4, 1961

Brenda Travis Credit: Wikipedia

More than 100 walked out of Burglund High School in McComb, Mississippi, to protest the killing of Herbert Lee and the expulsion of student Brenda Travis, who was given a year behind bars for ordering a hamburger at an all-white lunch counter. 

They marched to hall, where they knelt in prayer. SNCC who accompanied them — Bob Moses, Chuck McDew and Bob Zellner — were beaten and for contributing to the delinquency of minors. 

Behind bars, Moses wrote, “This is Mississippi, the middle of the iceberg. … There is a tremor in the middle of the iceberg — from a stone that the builders rejected.” 


SNCC started its own high school for the students. Moses taught math, Dion Diamond handled science, and Chuck McDew informed students about history. 

“Nonviolent High” inspires the creation of “ Schools” during Freedom Summer. A half-century after the protest, district honored the protesting students and awarded Travis, a longtime veteran, an honorary degree. 

She told the Associated Press, “You know what the beauty of it is? They made a scapegoat of me, but the students continued to .”

This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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