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6/25 – Trey Tonnessen's “Really? Type Heat” Tuesday Night Forecast



www.youtube.com – 25 – 2024-06-25 22:57:00

SUMMARY: The stifling heat has certainly stifled creativity and outdoor activities like fixing a shed, mending a fence, or building a birdhouse. Southern Mississippi experienced a heat advisory, which covered most of the . Although the advisory has expired for this evening, it might only be temporary. Further updates will follow.

6/25 – Trey Tonnessen's “Really? Type Heat” Tuesday Night



Local News Video

Tropical Storm Beryl: Trey and Charlie 9:00 PM 6/28



www.youtube.com – 25 – 2024-06-28 23:03:03

SUMMARY: Meteorologists are closely monitoring tropical developments in the Atlantic, noting the formation of a potential tropical storm. Initially appearing as a cluster of thunderstorms near the Equator, it has evolved into a more organized, circular system resembling a tropical storm or hurricane. The National Hurricane Center has issued a cone of uncertainty, indicating a high likelihood of it developing into a hurricane within the next two days. The cone starts narrow, reflecting higher certainty in the short-term , and widens over time due to increasing uncertainty. Continuous monitoring is essential as significant changes can occur before potential impacts on the Caribbean.

Tropical Storm Beryl: Trey and Charlie 9:00 PM 6/28.


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SHUCKERS BASEBALL: Blue Wahoos @ Oat Milkers (06/27/24, Game 3)



www.youtube.com – – 2024-06-28 13:14:27

SUMMARY: The assumed an alternative identity as the Malmo Oat Milkers for one , as all 120 minor league teams will do this season. Flamethrower Brett Witowski started strong, but a rain delay in the fourth inning brought TJ Shook to the mound, who a tying home to Paul Macintosh. In the bottom of the fourth, Xavier Warren's two-RBI double put the Oat Milkers ahead, 3-1. Later, Tanner Allen's run driven in by Jacob Barry brought Pensacola within one, but no more runs were scored. The Oat Milkers secured a 3-2 win, increasing their over the Blue Wahoos.

SHUCKERS : Blue Wahoos @ Oat Milkers (06/27/24, Game 3)

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Mississippi Gaming and Hospitality Association inducts four names into Gaming Hall of Fame



www.youtube.com – – 2024-06-28 13:14:27

SUMMARY: The Hospitality Association inducted four gaming industry into the Hall of Fame at the sixth annual dinner, recognizing their significant contributions to the industry. These inductees, ranging from pioneers to influencers and regulators, include Tim Hinley, credited with Mississippi's casino boom, and John Lucas, COO of Hard Rock International, who reopened IP Hotel and Casino after Hurricane . Father and son duo Bill and Gresham were also honored for their roles with the Mississippi Gaming Commission. The ceremony praised the honorees' determination and vision, ensuring their names will always be remembered in the gaming industry.

Four join the just 20 names listed for all of their contributions to the industry.

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